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February 06, 2025 Mist | 30°F
The 194th General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Section 1: Definitions

Section 1. The following terms as used in this chapter shall have the following meanings:

''Chief justice'', the chief justice of the trial court.

''Commission'', the Massachusetts sentencing commission.

''Commissioner'', the commissioner of probation.

''Community corrections program'', any program that is operated by a state, local or private service agency, that has been deemed an appropriate intermediate sanctions program by the office of community corrections.

''Intermediate sanctions program'', any program that has been determined to impose an appropriate sanction upon an offender for whom imprisonment may not be necessary or appropriate, including but not limited to standard probation, intensive supervision probation, community service, home confinement, weekend jail sentences, day reporting, residential programming, substance abuse treatment, restitution, means-based fines, continuing education, including but not limited to the ''Changing Lives Through Literature'' program administered by the trial court and the University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth, vocational training, special education, and psychological counseling.

''Community corrections plan'', a written proposal submitted to the executive director of the office of community corrections for approval and funding as a community corrections program.

''Court administrator'', the court administrator of the trial court.

''Executive director'', the executive director of the office of community corrections.

''Pretrial services plan'', a written proposal submitted to the executive director for approval and funding as a pretrial services program.

''Pretrial services program'', any program that is operated by a state, local or private service agency that the office of community corrections has deemed appropriate for a person awaiting trial; provided, however, that pretrial service programs shall be a separate track of programming from community correction programs offered under section 3 of this chapter; provided further, that sanctions under said section 3 shall not be applicable to the pretrial service program track.