Minority Leader
State House
24 Beacon St.
Room 124
Boston, MA, 02133
Room 124
Boston, MA, 02133
(617) 722-2100
District Office
Bill | Docket | Bill Pinslip/Title | |
H.147 | HD.1341 | An Act relative to nutrition awareness in schools. | |
H.198 | HD.1507 | An Act Relative to Item Pricing in Food Stores and Food Departments . | |
H.258 | HD.1146 | An Act establishing a Victims of Violent Crimes Lottery Fund. | |
H.259 | HD.1583 | An Act relative to the verification of consumers' identity prior to the issuance of a credit card. | |
H.260 | HD.3575 | An Act relative to the conduct of raffles and bazaars by certain organizations. | |
H.338 | HD.1597 | An Act relative to the student entrepreneurial development and economic investment fund. | |
H.432 | HD.775 | A Resolve Relative to Improving SAT Scores. | |
H.433 | HD.783 | An Act relative to charter school renewal. | |
H.434 | HD.792 | An Act Relative to School District Enhancement. | |
H.435 | HD.822 | An Act relative to classroom materials. | |
H.437 | HD.882 | An Act relative to parental notification and consent. | |
H.438 | HD.890 | An Act Relative to Chapter 70 Appropriations . | |
H.439 | HD.893 | An Act relative to school internet safety policies. | |
H.440 | HD.1132 | An Act relative to school bullying prevention. | |
H.441 | HD.1189 | An Act relative to student readmittance after exclusion. | |
H.442 | HD.1306 | An Act relative to school safety. | |
H.535 | HD.1302 | Proposal for a legislative amendment to the Constitution establishing an independent redistricting commission and criteria for redistricting for state house of representatives, senate, and councilor districts | |
H.585 | HD.788 | An Act relative to overseas absentee voting. | |
H.586 | HD.813 | An Act relative to the voting procedures for presidential electors. | |
H.587 | HD.884 | An Act requiring photo identification for voting. | |
H.588 | HD.1178 | Proposal for a legislative amendment to the Constitution authorizing the General Court to provide for absentee voting by any voter | |
H.589 | HD.1293 | An Act establishing an independent redistricting commission and criteria for redistricting for congressional districts. | |
H.590 | HD.1336 | An Act relative to campaign finance reports. | |
H.591 | HD.1405 | An Act relative to electioneering communications and independent expenditures. | |
H.592 | HD.1491 | An Act eliminating political action committee contributions. | |
H.593 | HD.1509 | An Act changing the campaign finance reporting cycle. | |
H.594 | HD.1512 | An Act establishing a cap on candidates' committees campaign funds. | |
H.602 | HD.4314 | An Act relative to reporting requirements for raffles and bazaars. | |
H.606 | HD.4310 | An Act relative to the Workforce Training Fund. | |
H.627 | HD.4311 | An Act relative to the expansion of the state DNA database. | |
H.645 | HD.1531 | An Act relative to joint fundraising. | |
H.646 | HD.3903 | An Act requiring the disclosure of expenditures by subvendors. | |
H.750 | HD.715 | An Act providing for more efficient wetlands protection by avoiding unnecessary duplication in local wetlands ordinances or bylaws . | |
H.752 | HD.886 | An Act relative to ice rinks owned by the Commonwealth. | |
H.753 | HD.888 | An Act relative to golf courses owned by the Commonwealth. | |
H.924 | HD.883 | An Act relative to the equitable assessment of bank fees. | |
H.925 | HD.885 | An Act relative to insurance surcharges. | |
H.926 | HD.967 | An Act relative to Public Transit Users | |
H.927 | HD.1693 | An Act relative to short term insurance . | |
H.1073 | HD.1575 | An Act Relative to a Temporary Suspension of the Minimum Creditable Coverage Requirements. | |
H.1074 | HD.1588 | An Act Relative to Establishing the Managed Care Study Commission. | |
H.1075 | HD.1622 | An Act establishing the state pharmacy council. | |
H.1147 | HD.4345 | An Act Relative to GPS Monitoring During Pretrial Probation. | |
H.1223 | HD.771 | An Act relative to rent escrow. | |
H.1224 | HD.795 | An Act relative to streamlining permitting for housing. | |
H.1225 | HD.815 | An Act relative to affordable housing and the preservation of a community's water resources. | |
H.1226 | HD.817 | An Act relative to zoning density. | |
H.1227 | HD.853 | An Act relative to authorize limited rate of growth controls and to promote housing production. | |
H.1228 | HD.887 | An Act relative to affordable housing. | |
H.1427 | HD.778 | An Act relative to the deliberate spread of contagious diseases. | |
H.1428 | HD.780 | An Act relative to profits from crime. | |
H.1429 | HD.781 | An Act expanding protections against incest. | |
H.1430 | HD.791 | An Act protecting children from domestic violence. | |
H.1431 | HD.797 | An Act relative to total return unitrusts. | |
H.1432 | HD.800 | An Act relative to crime restitution. | |
H.1433 | HD.803 | An Act relative to ensuring quality for teacher licensure applicants. | |
H.1434 | HD.806 | An Act enhancing public safety by establishing a criminal offender database. | |
H.1435 | HD.812 | An Act relative to level 2 sex offenders. | |
H.1436 | HD.816 | An Act relative to juvenile restitution. | |
H.1437 | HD.818 | An Act protecting victims and children from sex offenders. | |
H.1438 | HD.821 | An Act relative to repeat offenders. | |
H.1439 | HD.828 | An Act relative to the enticement of children online. | |
H.1440 | HD.830 | An Act relative to CORI reform. | |
H.1441 | HD.980 | An Act relative to increasing the jurisdictional amount in small claims cases. | |
H.1442 | HD.1026 | An Act relative to the alleviation of costs incurred while housing prisoners in the Commonwealth. . | |
H.1443 | HD.1173 | An Act relative to fetal homicide. | |
H.1444 | HD.1217 | An Act relative to juror service. | |
H.1445 | HD.1225 | An Act relative to improving the protection of children. | |
H.1446 | HD.1300 | An Act establishing mandatory post release supervision in the Commonwealth. | |
H.1447 | HD.1320 | An Act relative to the protection of public safety officers. | |
H.1448 | HD.1355 | An Act relative to persistent violent offenders. | |
H.1449 | HD.1403 | An Act increasing the liability for permitting an intoxicated arrestee to operate a motor vehicle. | |
H.1450 | HD.1469 | An Act relative to the defense of private property rights through the prevention of abusive eminent domain takings in the Commonwealth. | |
H.1451 | HD.1566 | An Act Relative to MBTA Tort Reform. | |
H.1452 | HD.1570 | An Act Relative to Medical Malpractice Claims. | |
H.1453 | HD.1584 | An Act protecting employers from frivolous litigation. | |
H.1454 | HD.1587 | An Act relative to preventing pretexting in the Commonwealth. | |
H.1455 | HD.1615 | Proposal for a legislative amendment to the Constitution prohibiting eminent domain takings for the purpose of economic development | |
H.1456 | HD.1636 | An Act relative to health care proxies. | |
H.1457 | HD.1704 | An Act relative to the penalty for interfering with certain medical personnel in the line of duty. | |
H.1458 | HD.2842 | An Act relative to increasing the penalties for ethics and lobbying violations. | |
H.1809 | HD.896 | An Act clarifying the definition of an employee. | |
H.1810 | HD.1595 | An Act relative to the workforce training fund. | |
H.1811 | HD.1598 | An Act relative to fairness in workers' compensation benefits. | |
H.1812 | HD.1599 | An Act to provide a safe workplace for employees of the Commonwealth and its political subdivisions. | |
H.1813 | HD.1605 | An Act relative to the workforce training fund. | |
H.1814 | HD.1650 | An Act relative to unemployment insurance reform. | |
H.1984 | HD.704 | An Act relative to municipal relief. | |
H.2066 | HD.1568 | An Act Relative to Optometrists. | |
H.2067 | HD.1572 | An Act Relative to Electronic Prescriptions. | |
H.2068 | HD.1593 | An Act Relative to Protecting Children from Hazardous Substances . | |
H.2069 | HD.1611 | An Act Relative to Nursing in the Commonwealth. | |
H.2070 | HD.1678 | An Act relative prescription drug waste. | |
H.2235 | HD.774 | An Act creating a task force to study the use of the internet by sex offenders. | |
H.2236 | HD.895 | An Act relative to establishing a commission to study the reorganization of municipal public safety agencies. | |
H.2237 | HD.1261 | An Act relative to non lethal self defense spray. | |
H.2238 | HD.1429 | An Act relative to a report of firearms statistics. | |
H.2471 | HD.782 | An Act relative to the transfer of department of highways employees from the capital budget to the operating budget. | |
H.2472 | HD.1513 | An Act Relative to Additional Payments for Police Officers and Firefighters. | |
H.2473 | HD.1567 | An Act Relative to Expediting the Transition of Cities and Towns to the General Insurance Commission. | |
H.2474 | HD.1569 | An Act to Protect the Massachusetts Pension Fund from the Risk of Investment in Iran. | |
H.2475 | HD.1582 | An Act relative to pension fund investments for cities and towns. | |
H.2476 | HD.1591 | An Act relative to pension equality. | |
H.2477 | HD.1601 | An Act Reforming State Pension. | |
H.2478 | HD.3913 | An Act Relative to Withholding Pensions from Government Consultants. | |
H.2781 | HD.779 | An Act relative to respecting the will of the voters. | |
H.2782 | HD.827 | An Act relative to helping seniors. | |
H.2783 | HD.839 | An Act relative to quarterly estimated taxes for corporations. | |
H.2784 | HD.841 | An Act relative to sales and excise tax exemptions for disabled veterans. | |
H.2785 | HD.844 | An Act relative to a biofuel production tax credit. | |
H.2786 | HD.889 | An Act relative to fair dealing in business. | |
H.2787 | HD.892 | An Act relative to biofuel feedstock tax incentives. | |
H.2788 | HD.1105 | An Act establishing a ENERGY STAR sales tax holiday. | |
H.2789 | HD.1571 | An Act Relative to Stimulating the Economy Through Job Creation. | |
H.2790 | HD.1574 | An Act Relative to Incentivizing High Wages for New Employees. | |
H.2791 | HD.1654 | An Act Relative to Lowering the Rate of Unemployed Veterans. | |
H.2792 | HD.3306 | An Act relative to applying the income tax to bribes and monies gained from illegal activities. | |
H.2952 | HD.1612 | Proposal for a legislative amendment to the Constitution repealing automatic increases in compensation for members of the General Court | |
H.2997 | HD.772 | An Act relative to the use of credit cards for payment to the Commonwealth. | |
H.2998 | HD.814 | An Act relative to the simplification of paperwork for citizens. | |
H.3085 | HD.1698 | An Act Relative to Studying Electricity Reliability . | |
H.3246 | HD.755 | An Act relative to motorcycle noise reduction. | |
H.3247 | HD.777 | An Act merging the Massachusetts turnpike authority with the department of highways. | |
H.3248 | HD.1641 | An Act relative to reforming the finances of the massachusetts turnpike authority. | |
H.3406 | HD.1487 | Proposal for a legislative amendment to the Constitution providing for a two year budget process for the Commonwealth | |
H.3407 | HD.1537 | Proposal for a legislative amendment to the Constitution limiting expenditure growth | |
H.3408 | HD.1602 | An Act relative to the stabilization fund. | |
H.3500 | HD.1379 | An Act relative to the disqualification of convicted felons. | |
H.3501 | HD.1494 | An Act relative to the cooling off period for former state employees. | |
H.3502 | HD.1503 | An Act clarifying disclosure requirements for lobbyists. | |
H.3503 | HD.1534 | An Act relative to ethics training for lobbyists. | |
H.3520 | HD.826 | An Act relative to civil liability for protecting one's home. | |
H.3579 | HD.1457 | An Act Relative to Eliminating the Medical Securities Trust. | |
H.3593 | HD.1576 | An Act prohibiting the possession of tobacco by minors. | |
H.3594 | HD.1578 | An Act Relative to Eliminating A Clinically Ineffective Health Care Mandate. | |
H.3609 | HD.1730 | An Act Relative to the Taxpayer's Bill of Rights. | |
H.3617 | HD.1488 | An Act relative to a public website displaying a searchable database of state expenditures. | |
H.3628 | HD.1609 | An Act relative to sex offender classification. | |
H.3629 | HD.1644 | An Act Relative to Establishing a Commission to Study Medical Malpractice Courts. | |
H.3630 | HD.2254 | An Act relative to enhancing Melanie's law. | |
H.4081 | HD.2215 | An Act Relative to Gaming. | |
H.4528 | HD.4873 | An Act to Prohibit the Electronic Transmission of Harmful Material to Minors. | |
H.4802 | HD.94802 | An Act relative to disclosure of employment information. | |
H.5068 | HD.5363 | An Act authorizing the Town of Reading to Grant One Additional License for the Sale of All Alcoholic Beverages Not to be drunk on the Premise in the Downtown Smart Growth District. | |
H.5070 | HD.5359 | An Act changing the date of the annual town meeting in the town of North Reading. | |
H.584 | HD.752 | An Act relative to the community preservation act. This bill is by request. * | |
H.751 | HD.747 | An Act relative to Title V approval. This bill is by request. * | |
H.2469 | HD.750 | An Act to a retirement allowance for George Hooper. This bill is by request. * | |
H.2470 | HD.751 | An Act relative to retirement buy back in to the Massachusetts teachers' retirement system. This bill is by request. * | |
H.2996 | HD.753 | An Act Relative to Open Meetings of Governmental Bodies Without the Presence of a Quorum. This bill is by request. * |
* — Legislator is not a sponsor of this measure.