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February 11, 2025 Snow | 32°F
The 194th General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Representative Danillo A. Sena Democrat - 37th Middlesex

Follow In My Legislature Bill Docket Bill Pinslip/Title
  HD.105 An Act relative to ranked choice voting in the town of Acton
  HD.106 An Act granting the town of Acton the authority to provide legal voting rights in municipal elections for town residents aged 16 and 17 years old
  HD.107 An Act authorizing the town of Acton to establish a minimum charge for a checkout bag
  HD.108 An Act authorizing the town of Acton to increase the residency limit for members of its police and fire departments
  HD.121 An Act relative to public safety around hospitals with air emergency helipads
  HD.325 An Act relative to the commonwealth's fire departments
  HD.338 An Act establishing free broadband internet access in public housing
  HD.339 An Act to strengthen suicide prevention in schools
  HD.340 An Act ensuring access to specialty medications
  HD.723 An Act establishing a fetal alcohol spectrum disorders program
  HD.739 An Act to provide universal school meals to commonwealth virtual schools
  HD.772 An Act relative to preventing immigration reporting and ensuring the right to legal counsel
  HD.783 An Act requiring nonlead ammunition when taking wildlife
  HD.786 An Act relative to the licensing of limited registration dentists
  HD.1477 An Act relative to increased protection of wildlife management areas
  HD.1489 An Act relative to the military family advocacy program, domestic violence and child abuse and neglect
  HD.1503 An Act promoting drinking water quality for all
  HD.2002 An Act establishing a language education grant program
  HD.2008 An Act establishing an elementary and secondary school robotics grant program
  HD.2329 An Act to promote high-quality early literacy instruction and improve student outcomes
  HD.2461 An Act to modernize financial aid access
  HD.2872 An Act providing for universal pre-k for 3- to 5-year-olds
  HD.3218 An Act relative to civil asset forfeiture transparency and data reporting
  HD.3219 An Act increasing the Commonwealth's share of the education foundation budget
  HD.4172 Resolutions urging Congress to pass legislation establishing a National Infrastructure Bank
* — Legislator is not a sponsor of this measure.