State House
24 Beacon St.
Room 513
Boston, MA, 02133
Room 513
Boston, MA, 02133
(617) 722-1415
Bill | Docket | Bill Pinslip/Title | |
SD.3413 | By Mr. Velis, a petition (accompanied by bill) (subject to Joint Rule 12) of John C. Velis for legislation to establish a sick leave bank for Jerome Malcovsky, an employee of the department of transportation. Public Service. | ||
S.62 | SD.780 | By Mr. Velis, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 62) of John C. Velis for legislation relative to data transparency in the cannabis industry. Cannabis Policy. | |
S.129 | SD.1391 | By Mr. Velis, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 129) of John C. Velis for legislation relative to medication-assisted treatment. Children, Families and Persons with Disabilities. | |
S.138 | SD.767 | By Mr. Velis, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 138) of John C. Velis and Kelly W. Pease for legislation to authorize municipalities to use funds for flood control infrastructure and floodplain preservation. Community Development and Small Businesses. | |
S.139 | SD.1178 | By Mr. Velis, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 139) of John C. Velis for legislation to establish the MassMade Program. Community Development and Small Businesses. | |
S.220 | SD.742 | By Mr. Velis, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 220) of John C. Velis for legislation relative to vehicle recalls. Consumer Protection and Professional Licensure. | |
S.221 | SD.926 | By Mr. Velis, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 221) of John C. Velis for legislation to promote economic recovery for restaurants and bars. Consumer Protection and Professional Licensure. | |
S.222 | SD.2315 | By Mr. Velis, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 222) of John C. Velis for legislation relative to the collection of debt. Consumer Protection and Professional Licensure. | |
S.359 | SD.764 | By Mr. Velis, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 359) of John C. Velis for legislation relative to school districts in receivership and the Massachusetts School Building Authority. Education. | |
S.360 | SD.1182 | By Mr. Velis, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 360) of John C. Velis, Danillo A. Sena and Ryan C. Fattman for legislation to establish an elementary and secondary school robotics grant program. Education. | |
S.361 | SD.2272 | By Mr. Velis, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 361) of John C. Velis for legislation to expand high school student access to earn industry recognized credentials. Education. | |
S.362 | SD.2301 | By Mr. Velis, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 362) of John C. Velis and Kelly W. Pease for legislation to expand dual enrollment for high school students in Gateway Cities. Education. | |
S.363 | SD.2412 | By Mr. Velis, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 363) of John C. Velis for legislation to support communities and immigrants. Education. | |
S.588 | SD.894 | By Mr. Velis, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 588) of John C. Velis and Kelly W. Pease for legislation to study the effect of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in commercial products. Environment and Natural Resources. | |
S.589 | SD.950 | By Mr. Velis, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 589) of John C. Velis and Angelo J. Puppolo, Jr. for legislation relative to the costs imposed upon the municipal and district ratepayers due to public drinking water, wastewater and stormwater systems capital upgrades. Environment and Natural Resources. | |
S.590 | SD.2266 | By Mr. Velis, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 590) of John C. Velis, Jack Patrick Lewis, Vanna Howard, Steven George Xiarhos and other members of the General Court for legislation to prohibit the sale of fur products. Environment and Natural Resources. | |
H.632 | HD.191 | By Representative Kane of Shrewsbury and Senator Velis, a joint petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 632) of Hannah Kane, John C. Velis and others for an investigation by a special commission (including members of the General Court) relative to the financial abuse of elders. Elder Affairs. | |
S.719 | SD.749 | By Mr. Velis, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 719) of John C. Velis for legislation relative to continuing insurance education. Financial Services. | |
S.720 | SD.886 | By Mr. Velis, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 720) of John C. Velis for legislation to strengthen the state credit union charter. Financial Services. | |
S.721 | SD.890 | By Mr. Velis, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 721) of John C. Velis for legislation relative to unilateral contract changes. Financial Services. | |
S.722 | SD.961 | By Mr. Velis, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 722) of John C. Velis for legislation relative to the practice of acupuncture. Financial Services. | |
S.811 | SD.224 | By Mr. Velis, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 811) of John C. Velis for legislation to address the financial sustainability of the Health Safety Net. Health Care Financing. | |
S.849 | SD.777 | By Mr. Velis, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 849) of John C. Velis for legislation relative to opioid overdose prevention in college housing. Higher Education. | |
S.1133 | SD.73 | By Mr. Velis, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1133) of John C. Velis for legislation to establish the Massachusetts judicial security act. The Judiciary. | |
S.1134 | SD.208 | By Mr. Velis, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1134) of John C. Velis, Joanne M. Comerford and James B. Eldridge for legislation to clarify insurance liability for foster care providers. The Judiciary. | |
S.1135 | SD.871 | By Mr. Velis, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1135) of John C. Velis for legislation to establish penalties for the filing of false reports against police officers. The Judiciary. | |
S.1136 | SD.917 | By Mr. Velis, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1136) of John C. Velis and Steven George Xiarhos for legislation relative to domestic violence reports and confidentiality. The Judiciary. | |
S.1137 | SD.953 | By Mr. Velis, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1137) of John C. Velis and James B. Eldridge for legislation relative to legal advertisements in online-only newspapers. The Judiciary. | |
S.1138 | SD.1202 | By Mr. Velis, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1138) of John C. Velis for legislation to improve the administration of justice in probate and family court. The Judiciary. | |
S.1139 | SD.1266 | By Mr. Velis, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1139) of John C. Velis for legislation relative to transmitting indecent visual depictions by teens and the unlawful distribution of explicit images. The Judiciary. | |
S.1140 | SD.1422 | By Mr. Velis, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1140) of John C. Velis for legislation relative to dangerousness hearings. The Judiciary. | |
S.1141 | SD.1911 | By Mr. Velis, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1141) of John C. Velis for legislation relative to the length of wiretap warrants. The Judiciary. | |
S.1142 | SD.2295 | By Mr. Velis, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1142) of John C. Velis, Patrick M. O'Connor, Jack Patrick Lewis, Steven George Xiarhos and other members of the General Court for legislation relative to the humane protection of animals. The Judiciary. | |
S.1143 | SD.2319 | By Mr. Velis, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1143) of John C. Velis, Angelo J. Puppolo, Jr. and Kelly W. Pease for legislation relative to wagering on recreational games at senior centers. The Judiciary. | |
S.1231 | SD.1333 | By Mr. Velis, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1231) of John C. Velis for legislation relative to employee leave of absence to appear in probate and family court. Labor and Workforce Development. | |
S.1232 | SD.2234 | By Mr. Velis, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1232) of John C. Velis and Adam Scanlon for legislation to expand the community college training incentive program. Labor and Workforce Development. | |
S.1233 | SD.2283 | By Mr. Velis, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1233) of John C. Velis for legislation relative to community college tuition. Labor and Workforce Development. | |
S.1273 | SD.762 | By Mr. Velis, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1273) of John C. Velis, Mark C. Montigny, James K. Hawkins, Patrick M. O'Connor and other members of the General Court for legislation relative to the mental health of children in schools. Mental Health, Substance Use and Recovery. | |
S.1274 | SD.885 | By Mr. Velis, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1274) of John C. Velis for legislation relative to Narcan availability in schools. Mental Health, Substance Use and Recovery. | |
S.1275 | SD.895 | By Mr. Velis, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1275) of John C. Velis for legislation establishing a commission to study the availability of a continuum of care for persons with substance use disorder. Mental Health, Substance Use and Recovery. | |
S.1276 | SD.2309 | By Mr. Velis, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1276) of John C. Velis for legislation to address mental health and substance use needs. Mental Health, Substance Use and Recovery. | |
S.1473 | SD.210 | By Mr. Velis, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1473) of John C. Velis for legislation relative to licensure demographics. Public Health. | |
S.1474 | SD.827 | By Mr. Velis, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1474) of John C. Velis, Patrick M. O'Connor, Anne M. Gobi, Bruce E. Tarr and other members of the Senate for legislation relative to sudden cardiac arrest awareness. Public Health. | |
S.1475 | SD.1828 | By Mr. Velis, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1475) of John C. Velis for legislation to establish the Lead Poisoning Prevention Trust Fund. Public Health. | |
S.1603 | SD.213 | By Mr. Velis, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1603) of John C. Velis for legislation relative to paper warrants and persons on probation. Public Safety and Homeland Security. | |
S.1604 | SD.215 | By Mr. Velis, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1604) of John C. Velis for legislation relative to the health of correctional employees. Public Safety and Homeland Security. | |
S.1605 | SD.869 | By Mr. Velis, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1605) of John C. Velis for legislation related to public safety and police evidence review. Public Safety and Homeland Security. | |
S.1606 | SD.1314 | By Mr. Velis, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1606) of John C. Velis, Michael O. Moore and Brian M. Ashe for legislation to protect our waterways. Public Safety and Homeland Security. | |
S.1607 | SD.1680 | By Mr. Velis, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1607) of John C. Velis and Brian M. Ashe for legislation relative to increasing public safety. Public Safety and Homeland Security. | |
S.1608 | SD.2095 | By Mr. Velis, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1608) of John C. Velis and Michael D. Brady for legislation relative to the equality of wage and recruitment of the Massachusetts State Police. Public Safety and Homeland Security. | |
S.1746 | SD.200 | By Mr. Velis, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1746) of John C. Velis, John J. Cronin, John F. Keenan, James K. Hawkins and other members of the General Court for legislation to correct inequities regarding the retirement of state-employed and special authority-employed police officers. Public Service. | |
S.1747 | SD.201 | By Mr. Velis, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1747) of John C. Velis for legislation to regard retirement of public authority law enforcement employee groups. Public Service. | |
S.1748 | SD.205 | By Mr. Velis, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1748) of John C. Velis for legislation to provide fair and equitable line of duty death benefits for public employees. Public Service. | |
S.1749 | SD.207 | By Mr. Velis, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1749) of John C. Velis for legislation relative to accidental disability retirement for police officers and firefighters. Public Service. | |
S.1750 | SD.746 | By Mr. Velis, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1750) of John C. Velis, Steven George Xiarhos, Sal N. DiDomenico and Ryan C. Fattman for legislation relative to veterans' buyback. Public Service. | |
S.1751 | SD.760 | By Mr. Velis, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1751) of John C. Velis for legislation to regulate education administrator retirement. Public Service. | |
S.1752 | SD.841 | By Mr. Velis, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1752) of John C. Velis for legislation relative to the definition of Veteran for public retirees. Public Service. | |
S.1753 | SD.851 | By Mr. Velis, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1753) of John C. Velis for legislation relative to the veteran allowance for public retirees. Public Service. | |
S.1754 | SD.866 | By Mr. Velis, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1754) of John C. Velis for legislation to protect veterans’ preference in hiring practices. Public Service. | |
S.1755 | SD.977 | By Mr. Velis, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1755) of John C. Velis and Ryan C. Fattman for legislation to clarify call firefighters rights. Public Service. | |
S.1957 | SD.197 | By Mr. Velis, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1957) of John C. Velis for legislation to establish a vendors’ collection allowance. Revenue. | |
S.1958 | SD.1199 | By Mr. Velis, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1958) of John C. Velis and Kelly W. Pease for legislation relative to qualified data centers in the Commonwealth. Revenue. | |
S.1959 | SD.1368 | By Mr. Velis, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1959) of John C. Velis for legislation relative to provide tax relief. Revenue. | |
S.1960 | SD.1536 | By Mr. Velis, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1960) of John C. Velis for legislation relative to uniformity among veteran tax exemptions. Revenue. | |
S.1961 | SD.1537 | By Mr. Velis, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1961) of John C. Velis for legislation relative to effective dates of property taxes. Revenue. | |
S.1962 | SD.1855 | By Mr. Velis, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1962) of John C. Velis, Steven George Xiarhos and Kelly W. Pease for legislation to increase veterans' property tax exemptions. Revenue. | |
S.2077 | SD.1179 | By Mr. Velis, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 2077) of John C. Velis and Kelly W. Pease for legislation to establish 413 Day. State Administration and Regulatory Oversight. | |
S.2185 | SD.741 | By Mr. Velis, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 2185) of John C. Velis for legislation relative to the maximum storage charges on motor vehicles involuntarily towed. Telecommunications, Utilities and Energy. | |
S.2306 | SD.196 | By Mr. Velis, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 2306) of John C. Velis for legislation relative to Purple Heart registration plates. Transportation. | |
S.2307 | SD.1184 | By Mr. Velis, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 2307) of John C. Velis for legislation relative to Chapter 90B vehicle registration. Transportation. | |
S.2308 | SD.2304 | By Mr. Velis, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 2308) of John C. Velis for legislation relative to unmanned aerial vehicles in the Commonwealth. Transportation. | |
S.2356 | SD.164 | By Mr. Velis, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 2356) of John C. Velis, John F. Keenan, Daniel J. Hunt, Anne M. Gobi and other members of the General Court for legislation to increase annuity for disabled Veterans and Gold Star families. Veterans and Federal Affairs. | |
S.2357 | SD.183 | By Mr. Velis, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 2357) of John C. Velis, Hannah Kane and Steven George Xiarhos for legislation relative to recognition of the "Honor and Remember" flag in the Commonwealth. Veterans and Federal Affairs. | |
S.2358 | SD.209 | By Mr. Velis, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 2358) of John C. Velis, Deborah B. Goldberg, Treasurer and Receiver General and Jack Patrick Lewis for legislation to promote equality in veterans' bonus eligibility. Veterans and Federal Affairs. | |
S.2359 | SD.1193 | By Mr. Velis, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 2359) of John C. Velis, Adam Scanlon and Steven George Xiarhos for legislation relative to EMT certification of veterans and military medics. Veterans and Federal Affairs. | |
S.2360 | SD.1207 | By Mr. Velis, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 2360) of John C. Velis for legislation to establish the women's veterans network. Veterans and Federal Affairs. | |
S.2361 | SD.1402 | By Mr. Velis, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 2361) of John C. Velis for legislation relative to military childcare, innovation, learning and development. Veterans and Federal Affairs. | |
S.2362 | SD.2001 | By Mr. Velis, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 2362) of John C. Velis for legislation to clarify the duties of the adjutant general. Veterans and Federal Affairs. | |
S.2363 | SD.2016 | By Mr. Velis, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 2363) of John C. Velis for legislation to improve health and safety standards at state-operated veterans' homes. Veterans and Federal Affairs. | |
S.2364 | SD.2072 | By Mr. Velis, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 2364) of John C. Velis, Jacob R. Oliveira, Steven George Xiarhos and Steven S. Howitt for legislation relative to soldiers' home eligibility for certain national guard members. Veterans and Federal Affairs. | |
S.2369 | SD.2481 | By Mr. Velis, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 2369) of John C. Velis (with approval of the mayor and city council) for legislation relative to the retirement of Greg Heath, a former firefighter of the city of Westfield. Public Service. [Local approval received] | |
S.2393 | SD.2540 | By Mr. Velis, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 2393) (subject to Joint Rule 12) of John C. Velis for legislation to authorize the commissioner of capital asset management and maintenance to convey certain parcels of land to the city of Westfield. State Administration and Regulatory Oversight. | |
S.2423 | SD.2693 | By Mr. Velis, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 2423) of John C. Velis and Kelly W. Pease (with approval of the mayor and city council) for legislation to amend the charter of the city of Westfield. Municipalities and Regional Government. [Local approval received] | |
S.2442 | SD.2454 | By Mr. Velis, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 2442) (subject to Joint Rule 12) of John C. Velis, Daniel R. Carey and Jacob R. Oliveira for legislation to ensure transparent ticket pricing. Consumer Protection and Professional Licensure. | |
S.2547 | Senate, January 8, 2024 -- Substituted as a new draft (Senator Velis) for the Senate Bill amending the charter of the city of Westfield (Senate, No. 2423). | ||
S.2696 | Senate, March 7, 2024 -- Text of the Senate amendment (Senator Velis) to the House Bill amending the charter of the city of Easthampton (House, No. 3959). | ||
S.2704 | SD.3116 | Filed by Mr. Velis-- Order relative to granting the committee on Veterans and Federal Affairs until April 30, 2024 within which time to make its final report on current Senate document relative to Senate document relative to veterans and federal affair |
* — Legislator is not a sponsor of this measure.