State House
24 Beacon St.
Room 136
Boston, MA, 02133
Room 136
Boston, MA, 02133
District Office
(508) 473-3063
(508) 478-4420
Bill | Docket | Bill Pinslip/Title | |
H.44 | HD.379 | By Representative Fernandes of Milford and Senator Fattman, a joint petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 44) of John V. Fernandes and Ryan C. Fattman for legislation to establish a sick leave bank for Maryellen Dean, an employee of the Department of Developmental Services. Public Service. | |
H.285 | HD.807 | By Mr. Fernandes of Milford, a petition (accompanied by resolve, House, No. 285) of John V. Fernandes, Stephen L. DiNatale and Kevin J. Kuros for an investigation by a special commission (including members of the General Court) relative to the impact of undocumented aliens residing in the Commonwealth. Economic Development and Emerging Technologies. | |
H.362 | HD.817 | By Mr. Fernandes of Milford, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 362) of John V. Fernandes and others relative to mandating cardiopulmonary resuscitation training in public schools. Education. | |
H.363 | HD.875 | By Mr. Fernandes of Milford, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 363) of John V. Fernandes and others relative to an alternate MCAS completion plan for students with certain disabilities. Education. | |
H.364 | HD.878 | By Mr. Fernandes of Milford, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 364) of John V. Fernandes and others that the Department of Education be required to reimburse school districts for the cost of transporting "out-of-district" special education students. Education. | |
H.519 | HD.968 | By Mr. Fernandes of Milford, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 519) of John V. Fernandes and others relative to the calculation of income for spouses of nursing home residents. Elder Affairs. | |
H.668 | HD.1438 | By Mr. Fernandes of Milford, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 668) of John V. Fernandes and others relative to the costs imposed upon the municipal and district ratepayers due to public drinking water, wastewater and stormwater systems capital upgrades. Environment, Natural Resources and Agriculture. | |
H.844 | HD.2679 | By Mr. Fernandes of Milford, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 844) of John V. Fernandes relative to certain banking laws and regulations of the Division of Banks. Financial Services. | |
H.845 | HD.2681 | By Mr. Fernandes of Milford, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 845) of John V. Fernandes relative to the regulation of domestic and foreign money transmissions by the Division of Banks. Financial Services. | |
H.846 | HD.3203 | By Mr. Fernandes of Milford, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 846) of John V. Fernandes relative to mortgage review boards and a small business loan review board within the Division of Banks. Financial Services. | |
H.985 | HD.1089 | By Mr. Fernandes of Milford, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 985) of John V. Fernandes and others relative to transfers of assets by MassHealth members. Health Care Financing. | |
H.1097 | HD.808 | By Mr. Fernandes of Milford, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 1097) of John V. Fernandes and others for legislation to include certain single family housing units and condominium units under the definition of affordable housing. Housing. | |
H.1284 | HD.805 | By Mr. Fernandes of Milford, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 1284) of John V. Fernandes and Michael O. Moore relative to the statute of limitations in certain court actions involving zoning violations. The Judiciary. | |
H.1285 | HD.830 | By Representative Fernandes of Milford and Senator Brownsberger, a joint petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 1285) of John V. Fernandes and others relative to the disposition of court records. The Judiciary. | |
H.1286 | HD.883 | By Mr. Fernandes of Milford, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 1286) of John V. Fernandes, Stephen L. DiNatale and Kevin J. Kuros relative to the employment of unauthorized workers. The Judiciary. | |
H.1287 | HD.1591 | By Mr. Fernandes of Milford, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 1287) of John V. Fernandes and others relative to the procedures for access to email of decedents. The Judiciary. | |
H.1288 | HD.1649 | By Mr. Fernandes of Milford, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 1288) of John V. Fernandes and others for legislation to establish a parent-child testimonial privilege. The Judiciary. | |
H.1289 | HD.1663 | By Mr. Fernandes of Milford, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 1289) of John V. Fernandes and others relative to certain civil infractions. The Judiciary. | |
H.1290 | HD.1901 | By Representative Fernandes of Milford and Senator Brownsberger, a joint petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 1290) of John V. Fernandes, William N. Brownsberger and others relative to improving the accuracy of eyewitness identification procedures. The Judiciary. | |
H.1291 | HD.3052 | By Mr. Fernandes of Milford, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 1291) of John V. Fernandes and others relative to the adoption of children. The Judiciary. | |
H.2290 | HD.838 | By Mr. Fernandes of Milford, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 2290) of John V. Fernandes and others for legislation to prohibit mandatory polygraph testing for persons applying to become police officers. Public Service. | |
H.2496 | HD.732 | By Mr. Fernandes of Milford, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 2496) of John V. Fernandes relative to real property tax exemptions for recipients of social security disability and supplemental security income benefits. Revenue. | |
H.2497 | HD.787 | By Mr. Fernandes of Milford, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 2497) of John V. Fernandes and Chris Walsh relative to making corrective changes in certain laws regarding the taxation of forest, farm and recreation land. Revenue. | |
H.2498 | HD.793 | By Mr. Fernandes of Milford, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 2498) of John V. Fernandes and others for legislation to prohibit increases in real property tax payments by elderly homeowners. Revenue. | |
H.2499 | HD.803 | By Mr. Fernandes of Milford, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 2499) of John V. Fernandes relative to the excise tax on motor vehicles. Revenue. | |
H.2500 | HD.813 | By Mr. Fernandes of Milford, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 2500) of John V. Fernandes and others for legislation to provide tax exemptions for certain paraplegic veterans. Revenue. | |
H.2501 | HD.887 | By Mr. Fernandes of Milford, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 2501) of John V. Fernandes and others relative to benefits received by cities and towns prior to foreclosure of the rights of redemption under a tax title or taking. Revenue. | |
H.2502 | HD.984 | By Mr. Fernandes of Milford, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 2502) of John V. Fernandes, Angelo J. Puppolo, Jr., and Brian M. Ashe that applications pertaining to the taxation of certain open space lands be approved only upon the taxes on such property being paid in full. Revenue. | |
H.2988 | HD.733 | By Mr. Fernandes of Milford, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 2988) of John V. Fernandes and others for legislation to eliminate the annual fee for the issuance of distinctive license plates to veterans. Transportation. | |
H.2989 | HD.734 | By Mr. Fernandes of Milford, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 2989) of John V. Fernandes and Ryan C. Fattman for legislation to require proof of legal residence on applications for the registration of motor vehicles and trailers. Transportation. | |
H.2990 | HD.785 | By Mr. Fernandes of Milford, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 2990) of John V. Fernandes for legislation to require that certain information be included with applications for motor vehicle registrations. Transportation. | |
H.2991 | HD.877 | By Mr. Fernandes of Milford, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 2991) of John V. Fernandes and others that the Registrar of Motor Vehicles be authorized to issue distinctive registration plates indicating support for the Boy Scouts of America on the occasion of their centennial anniversary. Transportation. | |
H.3225 | HD.1493 | By Mr. Fernandes of Milford, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 3225) of John V. Fernandes and others for legislation to provide additional funding for school districts experiencing increases in English language learners. Education. | |
H.3302 | HD.963 | By Mr. Fernandes of Milford, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 3302) of John V. Fernandes and Jeffrey N. Roy that the State Purchasing Agent be directed to give preference to products or services manufactured or produced in the United States. State Administration and Regulatory Oversight. | |
H.3361 | HD.3817 | By Representative Fernandes of Milford and Senator Spilka, a joint petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 3361) of John V. Fernandes, Karen E. Spilka and Jeffrey N. Roy relative to the taking of property by eminent domain by the Medway Redevelopment Authority. Municipalities and Regional Government. [Local Approval Received.] | |
H.3438 | HD.1569 | By Mr. Fernandes of Milford, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 3438) of John V. Fernandes relative to assistant clerks of the third district court of Southern Worcester. The Judiciary. | |
H.3462 | HD.1457 | By Mr. Fernandes of Milford, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 3462) of John V. Fernandes and others relative to the direct deposit of municipal employees compensation. Municipalities and Regional Government. | |
H.3528 | HD.1486 | By Mr. Fernandes of Milford, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 3528) of John V. Fernandes and others relative to the process for increasing seasonal utility rates. Telecommunications, Utilities and Energy. | |
H.3622 | HD.3878 | By Mr. Fernandes of Milford, a petition (subject to Joint Rule 12) of John V. Fernandes and Frank A. Moran relative to discounts for prescription drugs. Elder Affairs. | |
H.3631 | HD.3959 | By Representative Fernandes of Milford and Senator Fattman, a joint petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 3631) of John V. Fernandes (by vote of the town) that the town of Milford be authorized to grant an additional license for the sale of wine and malt beverages not to be drunk on the premises. Consumer Protection and Professional Licensure. [Local Approval Received.] | |
H.3634 | HD.3958 | By Representative Fernandes of Milford and Senator Fattman, a joint petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 3634) of John V. Fernandes (by vote of the town) that the town of Milford be authorized to establish a municipal finance department for said town. Municipalities and Regional Government. [Local Approval Received.] | |
H.3755 | HD.4081 | By Mr. Fernandes of Milford, a petition (subject to Joint Rule 12) of John V. Fernandes, Maura Healey (Attorney General) and others relative to the trafficking of fentanyl. The Judiciary. | |
H.3985 | Filed by Mr. Fernandes of Milford. February 3, 2016. | ||
H.4034 | HD.4546 | By Mr. Fernandes of Milford, a petition (subject to Joint Rule 12) of John V. Fernandes relative to the payment of support to a recipient spouse who is economically dependent. The Judiciary. | |
H.4038 | HD.4522 | By Mr. Fernandes of Milford, a petition (subject to Joint Rule 12) of John V. Fernandes for legislation to designate January as peace officer history month. State Administration and Regulatory Oversight. | |
H.4078 | HD.4618 | By Mr. Fernandes of Milford, a petition (accompanied by order, House, No. 4078) of [PETITIONERS LIST] [BACKING TEXT]. Rules of the two branches, acting concurrently. | |
H.4218 | HD.4698 | By Mr. Fernandes of Milford, a petition (accompanied by order, House, No. 4218) of [PETITIONERS LIST] [BACKING TEXT]. Rules of the two branches, acting concurrently. | |
H.4252 | HD.4747 | By Mr. Fernandes of Milford, a petition (accompanied by order, House, No. 4252) of [PETITIONERS LIST] [BACKING TEXT]. Rules of the two branches, acting concurrently. | |
H.4427 | Substituted by the House, on motion of Mr. Fernandes of Milford, for a bill with the same title (House, No. 4110). June 22, 2016. | ||
H.4445 | HD.4855 | By Mr. Fernandes of Milford, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 4445) of John V. Fernandes (by vote of the town) that the town of Mendon be authorized to convey a certain parcel of land in said town to John D. Gannett, Jr., and Ute D. Gannett. Municipalities and Regional Government. [Local Approval Received.] | |
H.4544 | Substituted by the House, on motion of Mr. Fernandes of Milford, for a bill with the same title (House, No. 4107). July 23, 2016. | ||
H.4037 | HD.4523 | By Mr. Fernandes of Milford (by request), a petition (subject to Joint Rule 12) of Michael Barton for legislation to exempt residential security systems from the sales tax. Revenue. This bill is by request. * |
* — Legislator is not a sponsor of this measure.