State House
24 Beacon St.
Room 43
Boston, MA, 02133
Room 43
Boston, MA, 02133
District Office
Bill | Docket | Bill Pinslip/Title | |
H.181 | HD.2058 | An Act relative to the licensure of applied behavior analysts. | |
H.182 | HD.2281 | An Act creating a special commission on behavior modification. | |
H.183 | HD.2294 | An Act relative to level IV treatment interventions. | |
H.184 | HD.3660 | An Act relative to out of state child support. | |
H.304 | HD.2169 | An Act relative to the maximum storage charges on motor vehicles involuntarily towed. | |
H.305 | HD.3914 | An Act relative to storage of towed vehicles. | |
H.398 | HD.2118 | An Act to require engine coolant and antifreeze to contain a bittering agent so as to render it unpalatable. | |
H.496 | HD.2159 | An Act establishing a bill of rights for children who are deaf or hard of hearing. | |
H.497 | HD.2161 | An Act to establish a school choice circuit breaker. | |
H.498 | HD.2166 | An Act to increase accountability in school choice reimbursement. | |
H.499 | HD.2187 | An Act relative to teacher certification in cardiopulmonary resuscitation. | |
H.829 | HD.2098 | An Act relative to snowmobile registration numbers. | |
H.830 | HD.2158 | An Act to establish a residential petroleum clean up fund. | |
H.1032 | HD.2070 | An Act to include fluoride varnish service in all health insurance coverage in the commonwealth. | |
H.1033 | HD.2123 | An Act providing for care and treatment of patients with mitochondrial disease. | |
H.1034 | HD.2356 | An Act relative to insurance coverage for craniofacial disorders. | |
H.1035 | HD.2384 | An Act relative to pre-authorization of medical and health care services. | |
H.1100 | HD.2060 | An Act relative to equitable dental reimbursement rates for services provided to publicly aided patients. | |
H.1101 | HD.2073 | An Act to include dental benefits in all commonwealth care plans. | |
H.1102 | HD.2095 | An Act relative to health care affordability. | |
H.1103 | HD.2155 | An Act requiring public notice prior to restricting Masshealth coverage. | |
H.1172 | HD.2107 | An Act relative to the John and Abigail Adams scholarship program. | |
H.1240 | HD.2426 | An Act relative to meetings of condominium or homeowners associations. | |
H.1241 | HD.2584 | An Act relative to the removal of a trustee of condominium or homeowner associations. | |
H.1724 | HD.2152 | An Act addressing controlled substances violations near school property. | |
H.1725 | HD.2192 | An Act relative to the Franklin and Hampshire counties juvenile court. | |
H.1726 | HD.2441 | An Act relative to resolution of disputes for condominium or homeowners associations. | |
H.1853 | HD.2111 | An Act relative to the competitive determination of workers' compensation insurance rates. | |
H.1854 | HD.2964 | An Act relative to state employment postings. | |
H.1855 | HD.3573 | An Act relative to the regulation of employment agencies. | |
H.1913 | HD.4445 | An Act to establish a department of public works in the town of Hadley. | |
H.2152 | HD.2114 | An Act relative to the safe dispensing of pain management medication. | |
H.2153 | HD.2132 | An Act to require health care entities to participate in the 340B prescription drug discount program. | |
H.2154 | HD.2138 | An Act providing for health care facilities and hospice programs to return certain unused pharmaceutical drugs. | |
H.2155 | HD.2139 | An Act providing for the establishment and operation of a drug repository program. | |
H.2156 | HD.2141 | An Act providing for the establishment and operation of a cancer drug repository program. | |
H.2157 | HD.2150 | An Act prohibiting the use of all latex gloves and products by persons who handle food. | |
H.2158 | HD.3401 | An Act concerning the authority of the department of public health to operate the public health hospitals. | |
H.2159 | HD.3899 | An Act relative to making technical corrections to chapter 530 of the 2008 session laws. | |
H.2906 | HD.2127 | An Act to provide a hearing aid tax credit. | |
H.3035 | HD.2078 | An Act to designate polish american congress day. | |
H.3036 | HD.2085 | An Act to designate shaken baby syndrome awareness week. | |
H.3037 | HD.2121 | An Act relative to the procurement of wastewater treatment and disposal services. | |
H.3038 | HD.2126 | An Act to ensure diversity in proposal review teams. | |
H.3039 | HD.2274 | An Act regulating open meetings of state, local, and regional public bodies. | |
H.3119 | HD.2973 | An Act relative to solicitation disclosures. | |
H.3598 | HD.2143 | An Act to provide coverage for hearing aids. | |
H.3621 | HD.2321 | An Act to establish delay penalties in highway construction projects. | |
H.3688 | HD.3330 | An Act relative to condominium or homeowners associations. | |
H.3923 | HD.4205 | An Act establishing the Alzheimer's State Plan Commission. | |
H.4716 | HD.5010 | An Act Establishing School Bus Driver Day. | |
H.4980 | HD.5159 | An Act relative to South Hadley town meeting members | |
H.5096 | HD.5242 | An Act Relative to South Hadley Town Meeting Members. |
* — Legislator is not a sponsor of this measure.