State House
Bill | Docket | Bill Pinslip/Title | |
S.175 | SD.971 | An Act relative to licenses for the sale of alcoholic beverages. | |
S.176 | SD.983 | An Act Authorizing the Direct Shipment of Wine. | |
S.264 | SD.388 | An Act relative to high school graduation requirements. | |
S.265 | SD.533 | An Act Relative to Equitable School Reimbursement Funds. | |
S.266 | SD.584 | An Act Relative to Student Conduct. | |
S.267 | SD.1331 | An Act to Reform Educator Licensure in the Commonwealth. | |
S.322 | SD.548 | An Act Relative to a Silver Alert Program to Protect Those with Alzheimers. | |
S.422 | SD.979 | An Act relative to Farmers' Markets. | |
S.423 | SD.981 | An Act relative to mooring fee requirements. | |
S.424 | SD.986 | An Act providing fees to licensing authorities for deer tag processing. | |
S.425 | SD.988 | An Act to establish a paint thinner take back program. | |
S.426 | SD.1412 | An Act relative to the State Reclamation Board. | |
S.502 | SD.1934 | An Act Relative to Increasing Access to Homeowners Insurance . | |
S.572 | SD.331 | An Act Relative to Nursing Facility and Long Term Care Claims. | |
S.573 | SD.516 | An Act Providing for a Fair Judgment Interest Rate for Medical Malpractice Actions. | |
S.574 | SD.538 | An Act Relative to Malpractice Reform. | |
S.575 | SD.676 | An Act Relative to Increasing Access to Primary Care Physicians for MassHealth Patients. | |
S.576 | SD.1496 | An Act Relative to the Determination of Need for Independently Licensed/Commercial Laboratories . | |
S.577 | SD.1624 | An Act Requiring Ambulatory Surgicenters and Clinical Laboratories to Serve MassHealth Enrollees. | |
S.578 | SD.1638 | An Act Relative to Potential Anti-Competitive Behavior by Hospitals and Payers. | |
S.579 | SD.1798 | An Act To Create a Community Hospital Reserve Fund. | |
S.611 | SD.699 | An Act Relative to Funding Public Institutions of Higher Education . | |
S.612 | SD.777 | An Act Relative to College Readiness | |
S.656 | SD.2010 | An Act Relative to Strengthening the Cost Certification Process of 40B . | |
S.706 | SD.985 | An Act promoting fairness for workers requalifying for unemployment insurance. | |
S.747 | SD.967 | An Act Relative to Martha's Vineyard Hospital. | |
S.783 | SD.970 | An Act Relative to Community Planning. | |
S.881 | SD.984 | An Act relative to the pronouncement of death in a rest home. | |
S.882 | SD.987 | An Act studying the health effects of toxic mold. | |
S.883 | SD.1589 | An Act Relative to Encouraging HIV Testing | |
S.884 | SD.1608 | An Act Relative to Specialty Licensure. | |
S.885 | SD.1815 | An Act Intructing DPH to Conduct a Study of Community Health Trends . | |
S.886 | SD.1945 | An Act Relative to Health Care Providers and First Responders Education. | |
S.887 | SD.2006 | An Act relative to the practice of medicine. | |
S.974 | SD.975 | An Act relative to kayaks. | |
S.975 | SD.977 | An Act relative to remove pepper spray from firearms identification. | |
S.1172 | SD.637 | An Act Extending Creditable Service for Peace Corps Service | |
S.1316 | SD.628 | An Act establishing the Martha’s Vineyard housing bank. | |
S.1317 | SD.658 | An Act Relative to 529 College Savings Plans | |
S.1318 | SD.968 | An Act concerning tax exemptions for clean and alternative fuel vehicles. | |
S.1319 | SD.989 | An Act Relative to Biofuels. | |
S.1320 | SD.1461 | An Act Relative to Long Term Care Incentives. | |
S.1321 | SD.1953 | An Act Relative to Increasing Access to Primary Care Physicians in the Commonwealth | |
S.1442 | SD.982 | An Act providing appropriate public safety protections for security system user information. | |
S.1523 | SD.479 | An Act clarifying chapter 445 of the Acts of 2008. | |
S.1524 | SD.556 | An Act relative to expanding energy efficiency in the Commonwealth. | |
S.1525 | SD.807 | An Act Establishing The Clean Communities and Recycling Grant Program in the Commonwealth. | |
S.1526 | SD.820 | An Act relative to default service. | |
S.1527 | SD.1511 | An Act relative to the establishment of municipal lighting authorities. | |
S.1528 | SD.1602 | An act relative to expanding the advanced smart metering program. | |
S.1529 | SD.2038 | An Act relative to reliability on Cape Cod. | |
S.1779 | SD.522 | An Act relative to medical liability. | |
S.1780 | SD.560 | An Act relative to expert witnesses in actions for medical malpractice. | |
S.1781 | SD.620 | An Act Relative to Rendering Emergency Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation. | |
S.1782 | SD.966 | An Act Relative to Aggravated Drunk Driving. | |
S.1783 | SD.973 | An Act Providing for the Uniform Prudent Management of Institutional Funds. | |
S.1784 | SD.974 | An Act relative to the Barnstable County Probate Court. | |
S.1946 | SD.976 | An Act Relative to Inspections for New Automobiles. | |
S.1947 | SD.978 | An Act Designating a Certain Bridge in the Town of Harwich as the Representative Shirley Gomes Bridge. | |
S.2123 | SD.632 | An Act establishing the Nantucket Community Housing Bank. | |
S.2358 | SD.2510 | An Act to promote the safe operation of utility vaults | |
S.2388 | SD.2540 | Text of the Senate amendment (Senator O’Leary) to the House Bill amending the town of Yarmouth charter (House, No. 4175) | |
S.2603 | SD.2743 | An Act establishing a sewer construction fund for the town of Barnstable. | |
S.2613 | SD.2722 | An Act clarifying the application of Chapter 156B. | |
S.1945 | SD.710 | An Act relative to driver's education in public high schools. This bill is by request. * |
* — Legislator is not a sponsor of this measure.