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February 11, 2025 Snow | 32°F
The 194th General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Representative Simon Cataldo Democrat - 14th Middlesex

Follow In My Legislature Bill Docket Bill Pinslip/Title
  HD.105 An Act relative to ranked choice voting in the town of Acton
  HD.106 An Act granting the town of Acton the authority to provide legal voting rights in municipal elections for town residents aged 16 and 17 years old
  HD.107 An Act authorizing the town of Acton to establish a minimum charge for a checkout bag
  HD.108 An Act authorizing the town of Acton to increase the residency limit for members of its police and fire departments
  HD.164 An Act creating a local option property tax cap for low-income seniors
  HD.165 An Act relative to tax relief for low-income seniors and veterans
  HD.253 An Act relative to licensed electricians employed at regional school districts
  HD.254 An Act clarifying the role of Governor’s Councillor on the ballot
  HD.255 An Act relative to retirement equity for parenting teachers
  HD.346 An Act to advance fairness, integrity, and excellence in higher education admissions
  HD.347 An Act relative to dark money in local government
  HD.393 An Act relative to tax exemptions for contributions to a 401(k) through a sole proprietorship
  HD.409 An Act establishing a building permit fee surcharge for affordable housing in the town of Concord
  HD.410 An Act authorizing the town of Concord to establish a fee for checkout bags
  HD.411 An Act establishing a real estate transfer fee upon the transfer of property in the town of Concord
  HD.644 An Act regarding district court jurisdiction of threats to use deadly weapons, explosives, chemical or biological agents, or other devices or substances capable of causing death, serious bodily injury or substantial property damage
  HD.665 An Act establishing an office of restorative justice
  HD.878 An Act providing for diaper changing stations in public buildings and accommodations
  HD.1920 An Act relative to funding water infrastructure and addressing economic target areas
  HD.1933 An Act protecting warehouse workers
  HD.2205 An Act establishing a diaper benefits pilot program
  HD.2329 An Act to promote high-quality early literacy instruction and improve student outcomes
  HD.2762 An Act updating terminology and investigative practices related to the protection of persons with disabilities
  HD.2800 An Act to improve outdoor lighting, conserve energy, and increase dark-sky visibility
  HD.2827 An Act relative to meeting human service demand by modernizing incentives for the direct care workforce
  HD.3426 An Act to adopt the uniform family law arbitration act
  HD.3936 Resolve providing for an investigation by a special commission relative to the feasibility of a diaper allowance
  HD.4127 An Act to establish the Massachusetts neural data privacy protection act
* — Legislator is not a sponsor of this measure.