State House
24 Beacon St.
Room 124
Boston, MA, 02133
Room 124
Boston, MA, 02133
Bill | Docket | Bill Pinslip/Title | |
H.235 | HD.341 | An Act relating to commercial law deceptive trade practices. | |
H.375 | HD.1737 | An Act Relative to Financial Literacy Curriculum. | |
H.376 | HD.1781 | An Act Relative to Protecting the Religious Freedom of Students. | |
H.569 | HD.348 | An Act establishing voter identification procedures. | |
H.625 | HD.4312 | An Act relative to mandatory sentences for those committing an assault on a law enforcement officer. | |
H.886 | HD.347 | An Act realtive to rental vehicle and replacement vehicle transactions and services. | |
H.1335 | HD.340 | An Act Relative to the Third District Court of Plymouth. | |
H.1336 | HD.344 | An Act relative to Controlled Substances. | |
H.1337 | HD.1775 | An Act Relative to Protecting Children from Harm in Schools. | |
H.2037 | HD.1739 | An Act Relative to Controlled Substances. | |
H.2038 | HD.1758 | An Act Relative to Oxycontin and other Schedule II Controlled Substances. | |
H.2207 | HD.346 | An Act relative to life saving devices on boats. | |
H.2347 | HD.342 | An Act relative to the retirement rights of forest and park supervisors. | |
H.2348 | HD.1766 | An Act Relative to the Reclassification of Public Works Employees at Plymouth Airport. | |
H.2349 | HD.3184 | An Act Relative to Health Insurance for Surviving Spouses. | |
H.2350 | HD.3207 | An Act Further Regulating Group Insurance Commission Benefits for State Employees and Retired State Employees. | |
H.2351 | HD.3247 | An Act Regulating Appeals under the Group Insurance Commission. | |
H.2352 | HD.3279 | An Act Relative to the Conversion of Certain Disability Retirements. | |
H.2720 | HD.345 | An Act authorizing tax free contributions to a trust for the care of incapacitated persons. | |
H.3194 | HD.343 | An Act relative to the use of headlights. | |
H.3195 | HD.1723 | An Act Relative to Active Duty Junior Operators. | |
H.3616 | HD.1744 | An Act Relative to Plimouth Plantation. | |
H.4264 | HD.4443 | An Act Relative to Land in the Town of Plymouth. | |
H.4332 | HD.4635 | An Act Relative to the Plymouth Nuclear Power Plant. This bill is by request. * |
* — Legislator is not a sponsor of this measure.