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February 12, 2025 Clouds | 28°F
The 194th General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Representative Bruce J. Ayers Democrat - 1st Norfolk

Follow In My Legislature Bill Docket Bill Pinslip/Title
  HD.1140 An Act directing the Massachusetts Department of Public Health to study the feasibility of incentivizing inpatient psychiatric hospitals to admit patients directly from community behavioral health centers
  HD.1142 An Act to form a special commission to conduct an audit on all abandoned state properties and determine the feasibility of repurposing them into drug addiction treatment facilities
  HD.1150 An Act establishing a special commission on public waterway transportation
  HD.1153 An Act establishing a tax credit for users of public waterway transportation
  HD.1154 An Act relative to customer reimbursement in instances of financial fraud
  HD.1166 An Act establishing tax credits for the adoption of cats and dogs
  HD.1171 An Act relative to pet insurance discrimination
  HD.1179 An Act relative to motor vehicle excise tax exemptions for a person with a disability
  HD.1191 An Act relative to ensuring access to neurological disorder screenings for firefighters
  HD.1193 An Act relative to banning the use of tinted license plate covers
  HD.1196 An Act relative to mold inspection standards
  HD.1197 An Act relative to a study to determine standards of mold levels in multi-unit dwellings
  HD.1198 An Act relative to the installation of illegal mufflers
  HD.2098 An Act relative to the definition of Group 4 of the state retirement system
  HD.2103 An Act assuring that polling places are accessible to elderly and physically challenged voters
  HD.2118 An Act relative to option (D) beneficiaries
  HD.2120 An Act further regulating junior operator licenses
  HD.2121 An Act relative to increasing the fines and penalties for texting and driving
  HD.2123 An Act to enact the pharmacy benefit manager compensation reform
  HD.2124 An Act providing safeguards for home healthcare workers
  HD.2127 Resolve to establish a special commission to perform an investigation and providing for a study relative to the potential implementation of a time limit for handicapped parking placard use in a metered spot
  HD.2128 An Act providing mortgage customers additional mandatory information regarding their accounts
  HD.2147 An Act relative to modernization of insurance laws
  HD.2150 An Act relative to puppy mills
  HD.2151 An Act to hold property owners accountable for recurring public nuisance
  HD.2152 An Act instructing the Massachusetts Department of Fish & Game to study the feasibility of repurposing the former Moon Island Sewage Treatment Plant for the purposes of fish and shellfish farms
  HD.2153 An Act providing for a donation check-off box on state tax returns for the Massachusetts Youth & Government program
  HD.2155 An Act designating the month of October as adopt a shelter dog month
  HD.2156 An Act relative to further increasing the fines for cruelty to animals, and establishing a fund dedicated to improvements for local animal shelters
  HD.2157 An Act establishing a homestead exemption for disabled veterans
  HD.2158 Resolutions urging the Congress of the United States to update the Drug Addiction Treatment Act of 2000 and remove excessive training requirements mandated for obtaining a waiver to prescribe buprenorphine
  HD.2159 An Act relative to increasing the fine for handicap parking violations for city/town implementation and compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act
  HD.2160 An Act increasing the penalties for unfair and deceptive actions perpetrated against persons with disabilities and senior citizens
  HD.2161 Resolve to establish a special commission to perform an investigation and providing for a study relative to the long term management, maintenance and future use of the Boston Harbor Long and Moon Islands
  HD.2162 An Act to expand the Massachusetts School Building Authority and create a new program to assist public school districts with 21st century technology upgrades
  HD.2163 An Act relative to the sale of dogs and cats in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts
  HD.2164 An Act relative to an investigation to review flood insurance rates
  HD.2166 An Act relative to community preservation funds for coastal infrastructure
  HD.2167 An Act providing for a study to be conducted on the cost feasibility of implementing a ferry service to Long Island in Boston Harbor
  HD.2169 An Act relative to the building or rebuilding of bridges on land that falls under the jurisdiction of more than one municipality
  HD.2171 An Act relative to the enhanced disposition of surplus motor vehicles owned by the commonwealth or authorities established by the state
  HD.2172 An Act establishing a mandatory sentence for destruction, defacement or damage to burial tombs and grave markers
  HD.2176 An Act authorizing insurance providers to extend motor vehicle liability insurance rebates to customers with safe driving records
  HD.2177 An Act establishing a revolving fund to supplement the funding of waterway projects and coastal protection initiatives
  HD.2179 An Act relative to the deduction of health insurance payments from gross income for self employed individuals
  HD.2180 An Act relative to the civilian certification of military medical personnel
  HD.2181 An Act protecting neighboring communities from deleterious construction
  HD.2182 An Act relative to air traffic safety
  HD.2184 An Act regulating body art
  HD.2185 An Act instructing the Massachusetts Department of Public Health to study the feasibility of absorbing oversight of all “memory care” assisted living facilities and units in the Commonwealth
  HD.2186 An Act providing an income tax credit for families caring for relatives at home who are elderly or victims of Alzheimer's disease
  HD.2187 Resolutions memorializing the Congress of the United States to declare the city of Quincy as the most patriotic city in America
  HD.2188 An Act allowing cities and towns the authority to issue temporary parking identification placards to the temporarily disabled
  HD.2189 An Act exempting certain fraternal organizations from the tax of sales of alcoholic beverages
  HD.2190 An Act relative to providing tax processing and filing assistance for certain disabled veterans
  HD.2191 An Act extending certain existing sales tax exemptions to veteran's organizations
  HD.2193 An Act relative to jet ski safety
  HD.2195 An Act dedicating one-percent of the recreational marijuana excise tax to youth substance use prevention
  HD.2198 An Act allowing businesses to sign up for the "Do Not Call" list
  HD.2199 An Act enabling trained school personnel to administer life saving epinephrine treatment
  HD.2207 An Act providing for property tax relief for small business owners
  HD.2208 An Act to regulate the training and supervision of snowmobiles
  HD.2210 An Act relative to selling tattooing, branding, body piercing kit or device to an unlicensed body art practitioner or minor
  HD.2211 An Act relative to exemptions for small charities for tax upon raffle proceeds
  HD.2212 An Act relative to civil liability for improper flood hazard determinations
  HD.2213 An Act establishing a special commission to study the use, disposal, and potential re-use of durable medical equipment in hospitals and care facilities under the jurisdiction of the Commonwealth
  HD.2214 An Act relative to Long and Moon Islands in Boston Harbor
  HD.2215 An Act regulating the flight of unmanned aircraft/drones in the airspace over all early, elementary and secondary education facilities in the Commonwealth
  HD.2474 An Act elevating the National Guard to a cabinet level position
  HD.2645 An Act relative to personal injury protection, benefits due and payable.
  HD.2648 An Act providing for regulation and reporting requirements for qualifying virtual currency kiosk operators
  HD.3725 An Act relative to require enhanced training for distracted driving offenders
* — Legislator is not a sponsor of this measure.