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March 12, 2025 Clouds | 42°F
The 194th General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Representative Carmine Lawrence Gentile Democrat - 13th Middlesex

Follow In My Legislature Bill Docket Bill Pinslip/Title
  HD.239 Resolve authorizing a study of starting times and schedules
  HD.240 An Act governing the use of pesticides containing the herbicide substance Glyphosate in the Commonwealth
  HD.241 An Act to eliminate the charitable immunity cap
  HD.242 An Act to modernize public liability
  HD.244 An Act relative to the establishment of a means tested senior citizen property tax exemption
  HD.245 An Act to reduce incidence and death from pancreatic cancer
  HD.246 An Act authorizing remote participation at town meetings in the town of Wayland
  HD.248 Resolutions for a United States constitutional amendment and a limited amendment proposing convention
  HD.249 Resolutions for an application to Congress for an amendment overturning Citizens United
  HD.250 An Act to provide retirement incentives in public higher education
  HD.251 An Act authorizing the town of Sudbury to establish a fee for checkout bags
  HD.252 An Act ensuring solar energy access
  HD.254 An Act clarifying the role of Governor’s Councillor on the ballot
  HD.409 An Act establishing a building permit fee surcharge for affordable housing in the town of Concord
  HD.410 An Act authorizing the town of Concord to establish a fee for checkout bags
  HD.411 An Act establishing a real estate transfer fee upon the transfer of property in the town of Concord
  HD.466 An Act to enhance cooperative purchasing opportunities for cities and towns
  HD.601 An Act relative to the practice of acupuncture
  HD.647 An Act prohibiting state and municipal contracts for the purchase and installation of artificial turf fields
  HD.649 An Act relative to improving pesticide protections for Massachusetts schoolchildren
  HD.650 An Act clarifying rate setting processes for home health and home care services
  HD.651 An Act to eliminate hydraulic fracturing in the Commonwealth
  HD.682 An Act creating documentation requirement standards to demonstrate a disability for a public institution of higher education in the commonwealth
  HD.683 Resolutions proclaiming that the Commonwealth of Massachusetts supports admitting Washington, D.C. into the Union as a state of the United States of America
  HD.684 Resolutions ratifying the proposed amendment to the Constitution of the United States for federal regulation of child labor
  HD.784 An Act in furtherance of the Citizens Commission concerning a Constitutional Amendment to secure government of the people
  HD.815 An Act to promote housing cooperatives
  HD.817 An Act relative to death benefits to surviving spouses of call and volunteer firefighters
  HD.856 An Act establishing same day registration of voters
  HD.988 An Act to allow cities and towns to increase the local tax rate on meals
  HD.1112 An Act enabling a local option for a real estate transfer fee to fund affordable housing
  HD.1473 An Act relative to debt-free public higher education
  HD.1660 An Act authorizing pharmacists to provide opioid use disorder treatment
  HD.1993 An Act authorizing remote participation at town meeting
  HD.2023 An Act to improve healthcare and reduce consumer costs
  HD.2202 An Act relative to watershed forest protection
  HD.2204 An Act relative to forest protection
  HD.2545 An Act establishing the public higher education contingent faculty reform pilot program
  HD.3726 An Act protecting survivors of rape and their children
  HD.3849 An Act empowering vulnerable municipalities to protect residents and the environment from harmful pesticides
  HD.3850 An Act relative to raising the minimum wage closer to a living wage in the commonwealth
  HD.4443 An Act establishing LGBTQIA+ parent advisory councils in the Commonwealth
* — Legislator is not a sponsor of this measure.