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Bill | SD.2292 |
An Act relative to child care cost transparency
by the department, including school-aged child care programs, child care centers, family child care homes and large family child care homes, with a standard rate of attendance and ... |
Bill | HD.4033 |
An Act relative to child care cost transparency
by the department, including school-aged child care programs, child care centers, family child care homes and large family child care homes, with a standard rate of attendance and ... |
Bill | SD.911 |
An Act establishing a child care tax credit in the Commonwealth
Said child care service must be a provider licensed by the Commonwealth in order to ... The child receiving child care services must be a dependent of the taxpayer ... |
Bill | HD.2355 |
An Act relative to the sustainability of the family child care sector
of subsection (y), paragraph (1), “Family child care provider” and "Family child care services” shall have the same meaning as under ... |
Bill | HD.3885 |
An Act providing tax credits to certain employers that provide affordable, on-site child-care for employees
shall not be treated as a qualified child care center with respect to a taxpayer unless: (i) enrollment in the child care center is open to all employees of the ... |
Bill | SD.1711 |
An Act establishing a bill of rights for children in foster care
in subsection (d) to the parent(s) of each child in its care, the foster parent(s) of each child in its care and each child in its care, or ... (vi) Each child has ... |
Bill | HD.3680 |
An Act establishing a bill of rights for children in foster care
in subsection (d) to the parent(s) of each child in its care, the foster parent(s) of each child in its care and each child in its care, or ... (vi) Each child has ... |
Bill | HD.912 |
An Act relative to educational support for children in foster care
policies relative to the education of children under the custody, care or responsibility of the department, including children placed under the care of ... |
Bill | SD.2002 |
An Act relative to health care quality for children and youth
enforcement of physical and mental health care contracts to improve medical care access and quality for children in the care and custody of the department |
Bill | HD.1805 |
An Act relative to health care quality for children and youth
of medical contracts to improve medical care access and quality for children in the care and custody of the department |
Bill | HD.1238 |
An Act relative to a child and dependent care tax credit
Bill | SD.1795 |
An Act providing retirement security to care workers
and procedures for enrollment of personal care attendants, as defined in section 70 of said chapter 118E and family child care providers, as defined in subsection (a) of ... |
Bill | HD.370 |
An Act to require restitution for a child whose parent is killed by a drunk driver
standard of living to which the child is ... legal custody arrangements; and the reasonable, work-related child care expenses of the surviving parent or guardian ... |
Bill | HD.1580 |
An Act to provide retirement security to care workers
and the Department of Early Education and Care shall be deemed the Employer of all Family Child Care Providers, as defined in section 17(a) of ... |
Bill | SD.2264 |
An Act protecting the privacy of social care information
employment, education access and quality, child care and family relationship needs, and environmental ... |
Bill | HD.1120 |
An Act transferring foster care review responsibilities to the Office of the Child Advocate
(a) The child advocate shall conduct foster care case reviews every 6 months of every child in foster care placement to make determinations and recommendations ... |
Bill | SD.859 |
An Act transferring foster care review responsibilities to the Office of the Child Advocate
(a) The child advocate shall conduct foster care case reviews every 6 months of every child in foster care placement to make determinations and recommendations ... |
Bill | HD.2843 |
An Act to promote equitable hair care for children in state custody
Bill | SD.1889 |
An Act relative to licensed care and financial resource information for new parents and guardians
between licensed providers and unlicensed care; (iii) information on the availability of child care financial ... |
Bill | HD.3628 |
An Act for the protection and privacy of social care information
employment, education access and quality, child care and family relationship needs, and environmental ... |
Bill | HD.4329 |
An Act to reform and bring transparency in Children Protective Services Agencies (DCF) and bring equal protection for children in the foster care sys...
improper take away of minority children’s especially African American and Hispanic children and ... rights by DCF, wrongful displacement of children from their parents especially in the ... |
Bill | HD.1535 |
An Act promoting patient safety and equitable access to care
with step-down or intermediate care patients, post-anesthesia care patients, operating room patients, maternal child care patients, pediatric patients, psychiatric patients ... |
Bill | SD.118 |
An Act promoting patient safety and equitable access to care
with step-down or intermediate care patients, post-anesthesia care patients, operating room patients, maternal child care patients, pediatric patients, psychiatric patients ... |
Bill | HD.185 |
An Act to ensure the health and safety of children
Private child care program shall not include: services provided as part of a private, organized educational system to children not of common parentage above 6 years ... |
Bill | HD.972 |
An Act relative to the uniform child custody jurisdiction and enforcement act
or a proceeding pertaining to the authorization of emergency medical care for a child ... EFFECT OF CHILD-CUSTODY DETERMINATION A child-custody determination made by a court of ... |