Hearing |
Testimony can be submitted via Google Docs: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe33-dkMYe0K8W0Tq1SjBWl-OV2-BKfzxVrmIp1wdkq_G2MZQ/viewform
Thursday, May 21, 2020,
9:00 AM
Written Testimony Only
Hearing |
COVID-19 and Miscellaneous Bills
Written testimony will be accepted for the following bills from 9:00am, April 21 to 5:00pm, April 28. Please use the following google form to submit testimony: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd00bdhtFN0BYZw61ztiliXVU02iwSM9chcwm6ebY4eRt5RBg/viewform?usp=pp_url
Tuesday, April 21, 2020,
9:00 AM
Electronic Hearing
Hearing |
The virtual hearing will be livestreamed via the Facebook pages of House Chair Tackey Chan and Senate Chair Paul Feeney at the following URLs:
Written testimony may be e-mailed to Al Anzola in Chairman Chan's office and Matthew Amato in Chairman Feeney's office with subject line "CPPL HEARING TESTIMONY." Written testimony is preferred even in addition to oral testimony.
Oral testimony will be limited to those who sign up in advance using the following Google Form: https://forms.gle/eWX44nfKwVyCfTkf7. Those who wish to provide oral testimony must do so by Wednesday, December 9th at 5:00 PM.
If you have any questions or concerns pertaining to the virtual hearing or any other Committee matter, please do not hesitate to contact Al Anzola at alberto.anzola@mahouse.gov or Matthew Amato at matthew.amato@masenate.gov.
Thursday, December 10, 2020,
3:00 PM
Virtual Hearing
Hearing |
The virtual hearing will be livestreamed via the Facebook pages of House Chair Tackey Chan and Senate Chair Paul Feeney at the following URLs:
Written testimony may be e-mailed to Marissa Dakin in Chairman Chan's office and Matthew Amato in Chairman Feeney's office with subject line "CPPL HEARING TESTIMONY." Written testimony is preferred even in addition to oral testimony.
Oral testimony will be limited to those who sign up in advance using the following Google Form: https://forms.gle/xqPo5BtVxSPm4KbJ7. Those who wish to provide oral testimony must do so by Thursday, September 17th at 5:00 PM.
If you have any questions or concerns pertaining to the virtual hearing or any other Committee matter, please do not hesitate to contact Marissa Dakin at marissa.dakin@mahouse.gov or Matthew Amato at matthew.amato@masenate.gov.
Friday, September 18, 2020,
1:00 PM
Virtual Hearing
Hearing |
The virtual hearing will be livestreamed via the Facebook pages of House Chair Tackey Chan and Senate Chair Paul Feeney at the following URLs:
Written testimony may be e-mailed to Al Anzola in Chairman Chan's office and Matthew Amato in Chairman Feeney's office with subject line "CPPL HEARING TESTIMONY." Written testimony is preferred even in addition to oral testimony.
Oral testimony will be limited to those who sign up in advance using the following Google Form: https://forms.gle/AUKxwZYnSCDjo5fH7. Those who wish to provide oral testimony must do so by Thursday, October 29th at 5:00 PM.
If you have any questions or concerns pertaining to the virtual hearing or any other Committee matter, please do not hesitate to contact Al Anzola at alberto.anzola@mahouse.gov or Matthew Amato at matthew.amato@masenate.gov.
Friday, October 30, 2020,
1:00 PM
Virtual Hearing
Hearing |
The virtual hearing will be livestreamed via the Facebook pages of House Chair Tackey Chan and Senate Chair Paul Feeney at the following URLs:
Written testimony may be e-mailed to Al Anzola in Chairman Chan's office and Matthew Amato in Chairman Feeney's office with subject line "CPPL HEARING TESTIMONY." Written testimony is preferred even in addition to oral testimony.
Oral testimony will be limited to those who sign up in advance using the following Google Form: https://forms.gle/GJepbKbiURKq2Yeg7. Those who wish to provide oral testimony must do so by Thursday, November 19th at 5:00 PM.
If you have any questions or concerns pertaining to the virtual hearing or any other Committee matter, please do not hesitate to contact Al Anzola at alberto.anzola@mahouse.gov or Matthew Amato at matthew.amato@masenate.gov.
Friday, November 20, 2020,
1:00 PM
Virtual Hearing
Hearing |
The virtual hearing will be livestreamed via the Facebook pages of House Chair Tackey Chan and Senate Chair Paul Feeney at the following URLs:
Written testimony may be e-mailed to Al Anzola in Chairman Chan's office and Matthew Amato in Chairman Feeney's office with subject line "CPPL HEARING TESTIMONY." Written testimony is preferred even in addition to oral testimony.
Oral testimony will be limited to those who sign up in advance using the following Google Form: https://forms.gle/NnsbQWgniognCJRz5. Those who wish to provide oral testimony must do so by Friday, August 7th at 5:00 PM.
If you have any questions or concerns pertaining to the virtual hearing or any other Committee matter, please do not hesitate to contact Al Anzola at alberto.anzola@mahouse.gov or Matthew Amato at matthew.amato@masenate.gov.
Monday, August 10, 2020,
1:00 PM
Virtual Hearing
Hearing |
The virtual hearing will be livestreamed via the Facebook pages of House Chair Tackey Chan and Senate Chair Paul Feeney at the following URLs:
Written testimony may be e-mailed to Al Anzola in Chairman Chan's office and Matthew Amato in Chairman Feeney's office with subject line "CPPL HEARING TESTIMONY." Written testimony is preferred even in addition to oral testimony.
Oral testimony will be limited to those who sign up in advance using the following Google Form: https://forms.gle/xXJP1cyuf6iNfVVY6. Those who wish to provide oral testimony must do so by Tuesday, May 26th at 5:00 PM.
If you have any questions or concerns pertaining to the virtual hearing or any other Committee matter, please do not hesitate to contact Al Anzola in Chairman Chan's office at alberto.anzola@mahouse.gov or Matthew Amato in Chairman Feeney's office at matthew.amato@masenate.gov.
Wednesday, May 27, 2020,
11:00 AM
Virtual Hearing
Hearing |
For individuals looking to testify at the hearing beginning at 10 am, please fill out the following Google Form- https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd8XUbRjeBJr_Rp7l9MvTBx4guCuxMENDI09hQQeKaXFLU5yw/viewform. The Google Form shall remain open until 5 pm on Monday, October 19th. (To submit via google form you have to be logged into a google account.)
If you cannot sign up via Google Form, please email Jessica Avery at jessica.avery@mahouse.gov by 5 PM on October 19th. Please make sure to include Veterans and Federal Affairs Testimony Sign Up in the subject line. We also request that you provide us with your name, organization, phone number, and email that you will use to sign in to the hearing.
If you can’t attend the hearing, please send your testimony either as an attached PDF or in the body of an email to Jessica Avery at jessica.avery@mahouse.gov or Hannah Buntich at hannah.buntich@masenate.gov no later than 5:00 pm on Thursday, October 22nd. Please make sure to include Veterans and Federal Affairs Testimony in the subject line. We also request you provide the committee with your name, organization, and phone number.
Thursday, October 22, 2020,
10:00 AM
Virtual Hearing
Not followable in MyLegislature. |
Special Event |
PUBLIC HEARING NOTICES on the Holyoke Soldiers Home COVID-19 Outbreak from a Family and Healthcare Proxy Lens - First Hearing
Tuesday, October 20, 2020,
11:00 AM
Holyoke Community College
Not followable in MyLegislature. |
Special Event |
PUBLIC HEARING NOTICES on the Holyoke Soldiers Home COVID-19 Outbreak from a Family and Healthcare Proxy Lens - Second Hearing
Thursday, October 22, 2020,
12:00 PM
Virtual Hearing
Not followable in MyLegislature. |
Journal |
House Journal
Stanley C.
Creem, Cynthia Stone Spilka, Karen E.
Fargo, Susan C. Tarr, Bruce E.
Hart, John A., Jr. Timilty, James E.
Havern, Robert A. Tisei, Richard R.
Hedlund ...
Not followable in MyLegislature. |
Journal |
House Journal
and were called to order by the Honorable Robert E. Travaglini,
President of the Senate ... petition (subject to Joint Rule 12)
of Daniel E. Bosley that the Division of Capital Asset ...
Not followable in MyLegislature. |
Journal |
House Journal
to continue to build a society and com-
munities which are peaceful, civil and respectful ... same severally be referred to the com-
mittee on Financial Services;
Not followable in MyLegislature. |
Journal |
House Journal
as we
address the present and plan for the future of the people and Com-
monwealth ... further regulating the compensation of the com-
mission members of the Greater Lawrence ...
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Journal |
Joint Journal
Two persons of the same sex shall have the right to form a civil
union if they otherwise ... and were called to order by the Honorable Robert E. Travaglini,
President of the Senate ...
Not followable in MyLegislature. |
Journal |
House Journal
copies of the report were forwarded to the com-
mittees on Ways and Means and Post Audit ... to
continue the employment of Richard E. Dickinson as a call firefighter;
and the same was ...
Not followable in MyLegislature. |
Journal |
House Journal
copy of said report forwarded to the com-
mittee on Ways and Means, as required by law ... joint petition of Tom Sannicandro and
Karen E. Spilka for legislation to establish a sick ...
Not followable in MyLegislature. |
Journal |
House Journal
Tom Sannicandro, Jonathan Hecht and Bruce E. Tarr for legislation to
promote solar hot ... Jehlen to the Mystic River Water Quality Com-
mission (pursuant to Chapter 418 of the Acts ...
Not followable in MyLegislature. |
Journal |
House Journal
by bill, Senate, No. 2042) of Bruce E. Tarr
and Ann-Margaret Ferrante (by vote of the town ... for the committee on Rules and the com-
mittees on Rules of the two branches, acting ...
Not followable in MyLegislature. |
Journal |
Joint Journal
time for
reporting ... A message from His Excellency the Governor ... In addressing com-
plex and sensitive issues, we depend upon our gift of wisdom, which ...
Not followable in MyLegislature. |
Journal |
House Journal
Brewer, Edward M. Augustus, Jr., Christine E. Canavan, James E.
Timilty and other members of the General ...
Not followable in MyLegislature. |
Journal |
House Journal
accompanied by bill,
House, No. 2794) of Karyn E. Polito (by vote of the town) relative
to ... for the committee on Rules and the com-
mittees on Rules of the two branches, acting ...
Not followable in MyLegislature. |
Journal |
House Journal
draws to a
close, may we continue to be alert to the needs of people in our com-
munities ... Rule 12 be suspended on the petition of Daniel E. Bosley rela-
tive to the growth of the ...
Not followable in MyLegislature. |
Journal |
House Journal
to the flag, will represent the Com-
monwealth at the national finals competition in ... 57) of Bradley H.
Jones, Jr., and Bruce E. Tarr for legislation to authorize the Commis ...