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Bill Number | Amend. Number | Filed By | Result Summary |
H.3400 |
Jones, Bradley H. |
Restoring Unrestricted Government Aid to FY11 Levels
growth factor; provided, that if a municipality's preliminary contribution as a percentage of foundation is more than 5 ... |
H.4773 |
Fiola, Carole A. |
Strengthening Patient Safety and Practice Standards
the pregnancy; (iii) the presence of a singleton fetus; (iv) a cephalic presentation; (v) a gestational age of the fetus greater than 37 0/7 weeks and less than 42 0/7 ... |
H.4790 |
Turco, Jeffrey Rosario |
Emergency repairs to the Beachmont Post No. 6712 Veterans of Foreign Wars, Inc., a/k/a Beachmont Veterans of Foreign Wars Post No. 6712, Inc.
provided further, that not less than $100,00 shall be expended for the design and ... |
H.4802 |
Barrows, F. Jay |
A Generator in the Norton Fire Department
SECTION X. Item 8324-0000 of section 2 of chapter 41 of the acts of 2019 is hereby amended ... be expended to the Fire Department in the Town of Norton for the purchase of a generator |
H.4400 |
Parisella, Jerald A. |
Establishing a Firefighter Grant Program
the bill in section 2, in item 8324-0000, in line 8, by inserting after the word “option ... further, the grants shall require at least a 100 per cent match in funding from the ... |
H.4000 |
Harrington, Sheila C. |
To Provide Townsend Ecumenical Outreach the Necessary Funding to Acquire and Maintain a Mobile Food Pantry Van
the bill in section 2, in item 0000-0000, by adding the following: To allocate not less ... |
H.3900 |
Ciccolo, Michelle L. |
A grant and loan program for low noise, low emissions landscape maintenance equipment
(e) Loans awarded pursuant to subsection (a) shall carry 0 percent interest ... and set up on the books of the commonwealth a separate fund to be known as the Low Noise ... |
H.3800 |
Wong, Donald H. |
Town of Saugus Cascade Air Filing System and a self-contained breathing apparatus
the bill in section 2, in item 8324-0000, by adding the following: “Not less than $60,000 ... for Cascade Air Filing System and a self-contained breathing apparatus for the Saugus Fire ... |
H.4000 |
Nguyen, Tram T. |
For the purchase of a safety vehicle for the North Andover Fire Department
the bill in section 2, in item 8324-0000, in line 46, by inserting after “program” the ... for the Town of North Andover to purchase a Ford F150 for the Fire Department”; and in ... |
H.4599 |
Vieira, David T. |
Salt Marsh Restoration Amendment
that $131,000 shall be expended for a feasibility study of a salt marsh restoration project at 0,69, 73, and 77 Mashnee Road and 88 88 Rocky ... |
H.3400 |
Brodeur, Paul |
Music Therapy
less than $50,000 shall be expended for a Sprouting Melodies early childhood music pilot ... support the social and emotional development and mental health of young children, ages 0-5 |
H.4773 |
Carey, Daniel R. |
Breast Pump Access
the cost of the rental and usage of a multi-user breast pump by the mother of a newborn infant who is receiving care at an ... iii) durable enough to be used by a mother ... |
H.4461 |
Jones, Jr., Bradley H. |
Enhanced penalties for operating while unlicensed or uninsured
correction for not more than one year for a first offense, and by a fine ... under the color of law shall be punished by a fine of not less than $1,000 nor more than $10,0000 or ... |
H.4789 |
Peisch, Alice Hanlon |
Updating the Massachusetts Uniform Commercial Code
new section:-- (5) “Hybrid transaction” means a single transaction involving a sale of goods and: (a) the provision of services; (b) a lease of other goods; or (c) a sale ... |
S.1979 |
Arciero, James |
Customer Billing
period, the customer shall be billed for 0 kilowatt-hour usage and the monthly net excess ... to those customers shall be in such a form as the distribution company shall reasonably ... |
S.1979 |
Jones, Bradley H. |
Ensuring Net Metering Credits are Equitable to All Technologies
A distribution company customer that uses electricity generated by a net metering facility that generates market ... |
H.3755 |
Whelan, Timothy R. |
Minimum Mandatory Inclusion
of this clause shall be for less than a mandatory minimum term of imprisonment of 8 years and a fine of not less than $10,0000 nor more than $100,000 may be imposed but not ... |
H.3340 |
Timilty, James E. |
Norton to use water supply and conservation land for public way purposes
acres, more or less, and acquired by the town by a final judgment in a tax foreclosure case recorded with the Bristol county ... |
H.3400 |
Peisch, Alice Hanlon |
Interest Rate Parity for Taxpayers
hereby amended by striking out subsection (a) and inserting in place thereof the following subsection:- (a) If any refund of any tax, interest or ... SECTION E. Section D shall be ... |
H.4377 |
Ehrlich, Lori A. |
An amendment relative to natural gas leaks
of chapter one hundred and sixty four A. "Synthetic natural gas" - a type of gas which is made by a facility which produces a gaseous fuel from the manufacture, conversion or ... |
S.2196 |
Eldridge, James B. |
Gas Leaks Consumer Protection
of chapter one hundred and sixty four A. "Synthetic natural gas", a type of gas which is made by a facility which produces a gaseous fuel from the manufacture, conversion or ... |
H.4200 |
Mark, Paul W. |
Mobile College Planning Centers
that the bill be amended in item 7066-0000, be inserting after “relations” the following:- “; Operation of a statewide traveling college planning center ... |
H.4600 |
Donato, Paul J. |
Portal to Hope Teens-At-Risk Amendment
xxxx-xxxx Appropriating $175,000 to Portal to Hope for a community based domestic violence program that includes a “Teens-At-Risk” project for the communities of ... |
H.4179 |
Kafka, Louis L. |
Stoughton Train Station
shown as 45 Wyman Street (Property ID 054 101 0 on the Town of Stoughton assessor's maps ... boundaries of which are to be determined by the Commissioner after completion of a survey ... |
H.4789 |
Ciccolo, Michelle L. |
Green Landscaping Investments
gas-powered landscape maintenance equipment for a one-for-one replacement with low-noise ... Loans awarded shall carry 0 percent interest ... |