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Bill Number | Amend. Number | Filed By | Result Summary |
S.2306 |
Creem, Cynthia Stone |
Clarifying Section 17 relative to notaries public
in section 7 in by striking paragraph (e) as appearing in lines 305 thru 310 inclusive, and inserting in place the following:- (e ) A notary public who is not an attorney ... |
H.4700 |
Jones, Jr., Bradley H. |
No Cost Calls
moves to further amend the bill in section 17, in lines 277-278, by striking out the words ... to further amend the bill in section 17, by striking out lines 282-284, inclusive, and ... |
H.3600 |
Dempsey, Brian S. |
Tech amendment - Updated on 4/28/17
moves to amend the bill in section 2, in item 1790-0300, by inserting at the end thereof the following:- ; and provided further, that any unspent balance at the close of fiscal ... |
S.1790 |
Lovely, Joan B. |
Topsfield -- Wine license
out, in line 1, the words “11, 15, 15F, 17 and 19B” and inserting in place thereof the following words:- “11 and 17 |
S.1924 |
Speliotis, Theodore C. |
Floor Amendment
Said license shall be subject to said chapter 138 except said section 17 ... (c) Notwithstanding said section 17 of said chapter 138, the licensing authority in the ... |
H.4200 |
Rosa, Dennis A. |
Yes We Care/Torch Training Program for teens between the ages of 13 - 17
moves to amend the bill in section 2, in item 7061-9611, in line 4, by inserting after the word "programs" the following: "; provided further that not less than $20,000 shall be ... |
H.4502 |
Ferguson, Kimberly N. |
Sheriff Salaries
by adding the following sections:- “SECTION XX ... Section 17 of chapter 37 of the General Laws, as so appearing, is hereby amended by ... |
H.5150 |
Williams, Bud L. |
“Cost of Living Adjustment”
Section XX: Section 17 of Chapter 17 of the General Laws, as appearing in the 2016 ... |
H.3768 |
Carvalho, Evandro C. |
Felony & Misdemeanor Lookback Period
in the past 10 years”; in section 17, in line 1012, by striking out “other crimes” and ... in the past 5 years”; in section 17, in line 1014, by inserting after “prior acts” the ... |
H.4743 |
Cabral, Antonio F. D. |
Sober home rules
Section 18A of chapter 17 of the General Law, as appearing in the 2020 Official Edition ... as defined by section 18A of chapter 17 of the General Law, shall be certified with the ... |
H.4617 |
Ryan, Daniel J. |
Pharma Amendment
by any such company, shall be subject to the provisions of section 17 of chapter 12C ... Said section 17 of said chapter 12C, as so appearing, is hereby amended by striking out ... |
H.3822 |
Sánchez, Jeffrey |
by inserting after section 10 the following 2 sections:- “SECTION 10A ... and by striking out section 17 and inserting in place thereof the following section:- “SECTION 17 ... |
S.143 |
Speliotis, Theodore C. |
Floor Amendment
section: “SECTION 1. (a) Notwithstanding section 17 of chapter 138 of the General Laws ... The license shall be subject to all of said chapter 138 except said section 17 |
S.2477 |
Keenan, John F. |
Clean Peak Standard
the following new section:- SECTION X. Section 17 of chapter 25A of the General Laws, is ... by adding at the end of section 17(d) the following:- (e) Notwithstanding any general or ... |
S.2311 |
Creem, Cynthia Stone |
Municipal opt-in relative to special permit votes
by striking section 17 in its entirety and inserting in place thereof the following:- SECTION 17 ... The twelfth paragraph of said section 9 of said chapter 40A, as so appearing, is ... |
H.3375 |
Speliotis, Theodore C. |
Floor Amendment
138 of the General Laws except section 17 of said chapter 138 and, regardless of when it ... towards the number of licenses that may be issued in the town pursuant to said section 17 |
S.1948 |
Tarr, Bruce E. |
Ipswich Liquor License
the following paragraph:- Notwithstanding section 17 of chapter 138 of the General Laws ... The license shall be subject to all of said chapter 138, except said section 17 |
H.4743 |
Domb, Mindy |
Consumer Education
services established in section 18 of chapter 17” and inserting in place thereof the words ... services established in section 18 of chapter 17; and (viii) risks for unintended overdose ... |
H.4600 |
Murphy, James M. |
(b) The third subparagraph of paragraph (a) of section 17 of chapter 43 of the acts of 1934 ... subparagraph of paragraph (a) of said section 17 of said chapter 43, added by section 21 ... |
H.3711 |
Speliotis, Theodore C. |
Floor Amendment
following paragraph:- “Notwithstanding sections 11 and 17 of chapter 138 of the General ... The license shall be subject to all of said chapter 138 except said section 17 |
H.4958 |
Speliotis, Theodore C. |
Floor Amendment
thereof the following paragraph:- Notwithstanding section 17 of chapter 138 of the General ... The license shall be subject to all of said chapter 138, except said section 17 |
H.4580 |
Tyler, Chynah |
Retail Sales of Marijuana Establishments
Acts of 1950 and Section 2A of Chapter 17, or by an order of the commissioner of public ... to Section 2A of Chapter 17 shall prohibit retail marijuana establishments licensed ... |
S.2829 |
Tarr, Bruce E. |
Storage Capacity
by striking section 17 in its entirety |
S.2216 |
Fattman, Ryan C. |
Data collection
by striking out in its entirety section 17 |
H.3382 |
Lombardo, Marc T. |
Striking Gas tax increase
by striking section 17 in its entirety |