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Bill Number | Amend. Number | Filed By | Result Summary |
H.4517 |
McKenna, Joseph D. |
technical correction - '11' to '7'
12 line 60 by striking the number ‘11’ and including in place thereof the number ‘7 |
H.3983 |
Madden, Timothy R. |
Section 7, Chapter 151 amendment
by adding the following new section: Section XX ... The second paragraph of section 7 of said chapter 151, as so appearing, is hereby amended ... |
S.2545 |
Rausch, Rebecca L. |
Ensuring Election Day Registration in All Elections
and further moves to amend said section 7, in lines 87-88, by striking the words “after ... and further moves to amend said section 7, in line 89, by striking the words “on the day ... |
H.4517 |
McKenna, Joseph D. |
technical correction - changes ‘11’ to ‘7’
12 line 60 by striking the number ‘11’ and including in place thereof the number ‘7 |
H.4071 |
Dempsey, Brian S. |
Supp. Budget Further Amendment to #7
to amend the amendment in proposed section 7, in the first line, and also in proposed ... |
H.4071 |
Hill, Bradford |
Supp. Budget Amendment #7
by adding the following four sections: "SECTION 5. Subjection (l) of section 3 of chapter ... SECTION 7. Subsection (c) of section 222 of chapter 111 of the General Laws, as inserted ... |
H.4768 |
Santiago, Jon |
Technical Amendment
Sunday, August 16, 2020 and”; and in section 7(d)(2) by striking out, in line 151, “August 7, 2020 ... inserting in place thereof the following:- “August 1, 2020”; and in section 7(d ... |
H.3773 |
Walsh, Chris |
Amendment to Line Item 8000-0122, Section 7
in Section 7 by striking the following language in line 217-219: “shall have not fewer ... And inserting in place thereof the following language: “Shall be an architect registered ... |
H.4791 |
Kushmerek, Michael P. |
Streamlining Documentation Requirement
a public record as defined by clause Twenty-sixth of section 7 of chapter 4 and chapter 66 ... in section 7, in line 121, by striking out the words “conform to the requirements of this ... |
S.2953 |
Cyr, Julian |
Correcting Demographic Categories
in section 7, by striking out, in line 24, the first time it appears, the word “gender ... words:- “birth sex”; and In said section 7, by striking out, in line 148, the first time ... |
S.2953 |
Chang-Diaz, Sonia |
Disparities Data
and in said section 7, by striking out, in line 134, the words “to the extent feasible,”; and in said section 7, by striking out, in line 147, the words ... |
H.4638 |
Tarr, Bruce E. |
Handicap Accessibility
6921-2112 of said section 2I of said chapter 383, as amended by section 7 of chapter 25 of the acts of 2021, is ... |
H.4638 |
Tarr, Bruce E. |
Electric charging infrastructure
6921-2112 of said section 2I of said chapter 383, as amended by section 7 of chapter 25 of the acts of 2021, is ... |
S.2203 |
Barrett, Michael J. |
Encouraging the use of paraprofessionals in priority schools
, in section 7, by inserting, in line 209, after the figure “(x)”, the following words ... and further moves to amend it, in section 7, by striking out, in line 213, the figure ... |
S.2570 |
Brownsberger, William N. |
Side Guards
to the contrary, the fourth paragraph of section 7 of chapter 90 of the General Laws, as amended by sections 7 and 7A, shall not apply to a motor vehicle ... |
S.1981 |
Chandler, Harriett L. |
Removing the ban on Ibanez suits prior to January 7, 2011
was contained in an affidavit filed or recorded on or before January 7, 2011 |
S.1979 |
Dooley, Shawn |
Dooley Amendment 1
in place thereof the following figure:- 7; and, is hereby further amended by striking out, in line 40, the figure “7” and inserting in place thereof the following ... |
H.4879 |
Roy, Jeffrey N. |
Corrective change to sports betting licenses
in Section 7, section 12 (b) of Chapter 23N as inserted by said Section 7 by adding the words “category 2” after the ... |
S.1925 |
Pacheco, Marc R. |
Tipped Minimum Wage
And by striking out section 7 and inserting in place thereof the following new section:- “SECTION 7. Sections 2 and __ shall take effect on ... |
H.4617 |
Madaro, Adrian |
Supporting Community Health Centers
46, subsection (h) the following:- “and (7) to reduce the cost of emergency care by ... community health centers with a 24/7 emergency department licensed as a satellite ... |
H.4400 |
Pignatelli, Smitty |
Elizabeth Mumbet Freeman Highway to Freedom
The section of United States highway route 7 in the town of Sheffield beginning at the intersection of U.S. route 7 and Silver Street and ending at the former ... |
S.1925 |
Pacheco, Marc R. |
Tipped Minimum Wage
and by striking out section 7 and inserting in place thereof the following new section:- “SECTION 7. Sections 2 and __ shall take effect on ... |
S.3 |
Fargo, Susan C. |
Municipal Gas Tax Reimbursement
is hereby amended by striking out the text, “7 and 7 A ... line 3, and inserting in place thereof, the following text:- “7, 7 A and 7 B”. " And further, moved that the bill be ... |
H.4730 |
Naughton, Harold P. |
Equitable Education Funding
in section 7, in line 101, by inserting after the word “including” the word “(a)” and in section 7, in line 102, by inserting after the word ... |
S.2953 |
Tarr, Bruce E. |
Accounting for Information Technology needs in order to further assist the Department of Children and Family Services
in section 7, by inserting after the word “regions”, in line 103, the following words ... of the 5-year plan”; and in said section 7, by striking out, in line 103, the words ... |