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Bill Number | Amend. Number | Filed By | Result Summary |
H.4000 |
Scibak, John W. |
moves to amend the bill in section 2 by inserting after the item 4590-2001 the following item:- 4800-XXXX, provided further, that not less than $25,000 shall be expended for ... |
H.3600 |
Scibak, John W. |
moves to amend the bill in section 2, in line item 4800-0038, by adding the following:- “provided further, that not less than $50,000 shall be expended for the planned ... |
H.4167 |
Rogers, John H. |
R.I.C.K.Y, Inc
shall be expended to R.I.C.K.Y, Inc in Norwood for the delivery of substance use recovery ... |
H.4000 |
Santiago, Jon |
Fundacion Dominicana del Arte y La Cultura, Inc
move to amend the bill in section 2, line item 7008-1116, by inserting the following ... that not less than $25,000 be expended to Fundacion Dominicana del Arte y La Cultura, Inc |
H.4000 |
Santiago, Jon |
Fundacion Dominicana del Arte y La Cultura, Inc
moves to amend the bill in section 2, line item 7008-1116, by inserting the following ... that not less than $25,000 be expended to Fundacion Dominicana del Arte y La Cultura, Inc |
H.4789 |
Worrell, Christopher J. |
Helen Y. Davis Leadership Academy Charter Public School
by adding the following section: "SECTION XXXX ... $1,000,000 be allocated to the Helen Y. Davis Leadership Academy Charter Public School for ... |
H.4700 |
Rogers, John H. |
R.I.C.K.Y, Inc
moves to amend the bill in item 4512-0205, by inserting at the end thereof :- “provided further, that not less than $50,000 shall be expended to R.I.C.K.Y., Inc. in Norwood ... |
H.4600 |
Rogers, John H. |
R.I.C.K.Y, Inc
moves to amend the bill in section 2, in item 4512-0205, by adding the following: “Provided, that not less than $60,000 shall be expended for RICKY, Inc. in the town of Norwood ... |
H.4400 |
Scibak, John W. |
P.L.A.Y (Planned Learning Achievement for Youth)
moves to amend the bill in section 2, in line item 4800-0038, by adding the following:- “provided further, that not less than $50,000 shall be expended for the planned ... |
S.2829 |
Rausch, Rebecca L. |
Nature-based solutions
by adding the following sections:- SECTION X. Notwithstanding any state or local ... SECTION Y. Section X is hereby repealed ... SECTION Z. Section Y shall take effect on January 1, 2030 |
S.2973 |
Tarr, Bruce E. |
Dependent Care
by inserting after section _ the following sections:- "SECTION ... Subsection (y) of said section 6 of said chapter 62, as most recently amended by section ... |
H.4443 |
Tarr, Bruce E. |
Creditable Service
by inserting after section _ the following new sections: "SECTION X. Notwithstanding any special or general law to the ... SECTION Y. SECTION X shall go into effect on June 30, 2022 |
H.4400 |
O'Connell, Shaunna L. |
CORI background checks
move to amend the bill by adding the following 2 sections: “SECTION X. Section 7 of chapter 18B ... SECTION Y. Nothing in section X shall be construed to interfere with or impede any ... |
H.4400 |
Kulik, Stephen |
Further amendment to 227
further amend amendment 227 by inserting the following section:- SECTION XA ... the contrary, the provisions of sections X and Y shall not take effect until such time as ... |
S.2090 |
Lewis, Jason M. |
Commission on potency
section X the following section:- Section Y. The commissioner of the department of public ... As part of the investigation, the commissioner shall make a recommendation on whether ... |
H.4219 |
Decker, Marjorie C. |
MA Child Tax Credit
(y) A taxpayer who maintains a household that includes as a member at least 1 individual ... The changes described in this subsection (y) shall apply only with respect to the 2021 ... |
H.5007 |
Jones, Jr., Bradley H. |
No-Tax Status
by inserting after section 73, the following 2 sections:- “SECTION X. Paragraph (1) of ... SECTION Y. Said subsection (a) of said section 5 of said chapter 62, as so appearing, is ... |
H.4278 |
Balser, Ruth B. |
Ensuring adequate psychology services in schools
by adding at the end thereof: SECTION X. Section 118 of chapter 112 of the General Laws ... SECTION Y. Said section 118 of chapter 112 is hereby further amended by inserting after ... |
H.89 |
DuBois, Michelle M. |
Creation of an income tax credit in line with a special federal rule
by inserting after section 4 the following section:- SECTION 4A ... Said section 6 of said chapter ... (y) (1) As used in this subsection, “unemployment compensation”, shall have the same ... |
H.4000 |
DuBois, Michelle M. |
Creation of an income tax credit in line with a special federal rule
moves to amend the bill by inserting after section 50 the following section: SECTION 50A ... (y) (1) As used in this subsection, “unemployment compensation”, shall have the same ... |
H.4508 |
Rogers, David M. |
Corporate Tax Disclosure
SECTION X. Section 83 of chapter 62C of the General Laws, as appearing in the 2016 ... SECTION Y. Said Section 83, as so appearing, is further amended by striking the period at ... |
S.2177 |
Creem, Cynthia Stone |
Relative to rapid fire firearms
by inserting the following new sections:- SECTION X: Section 121 of Chapter 140 of the general ... SECTION Y. Section 121 of chapter 140 of the general laws as appearing in the 2016 ... |
H.4400 |
Diehl, Geoff |
An Amendment regarding sanctuary cities and towns
move to amend the bill by adding the following 2 sections: “SECTION X. Chapter 276 of the ... SECTION Y. Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, no city or town ... |
S.2801 |
Lewis, Jason M. |
Fair treatment of employees
amended by striking out subsection (e). SECTION Y. Chapter 94G of the General Laws is ... (a) An employer may not discriminate against a person in hiring, termination or imposing any ... |
S.1897 |
Andrews, Denise |
Expanding CORI Open Access to Include Domestic Violence Convictions
by adding the following 3 sections:- "Section X. Clause (4) of subsection (a) of section 172 ... SECTION Y. Subsection (b) of said section 172 of said chapter 6, as so appearing, is ... |