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February 12, 2025 Snow | 32°F
The 194th General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Bill H.2073 191st (2019 - 2020)

An Act to ensure pay parity for county sheriffs' correction officers and jail officers

By Mr. Hawkins of Attleboro, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 2073) of James K. Hawkins and others relative to benefits for county sheriffs' correction officers and jail officers. Public Safety and Homeland Security.

Bill Information

James K. Hawkins
Referred to House Committee on Ways and Means


Name District/Address
James K. Hawkins 2nd Bristol
James Arciero 2nd Middlesex
Brian M. Ashe 2nd Hampden
Bruce J. Ayers 1st Norfolk
F. Jay Barrows 1st Bristol
Jennifer E. Benson 37th Middlesex
Donald R. Berthiaume, Jr. 5th Worcester
David Biele 4th Suffolk
Nicholas A. Boldyga 3rd Hampden
Paul Brodeur 32nd Middlesex
Antonio F. D. Cabral 13th Bristol
Daniel Cahill 10th Essex
Peter Capano 11th Essex
Gerard J. Cassidy 9th Plymouth
Tackey Chan 2nd Norfolk
Edward F. Coppinger 10th Suffolk
William L. Crocker, Jr. 2nd Barnstable
Claire D. Cronin 11th Plymouth
Daniel R. Cullinane 12th Suffolk
Josh S. Cutler 6th Plymouth
Angelo L. D'Emilia 8th Plymouth
Michael S. Day 31st Middlesex
David F. DeCoste 5th Plymouth
Daniel M. Donahue 16th Worcester
Kimberly N. Ferguson 1st Worcester
Michael J. Finn 6th Hampden
Carole A. Fiola 6th Bristol
Paul K. Frost 7th Worcester
William C. Galvin 6th Norfolk
Colleen M. Garry 36th Middlesex
Tami L. Gouveia 14th Middlesex
Danielle W. Gregoire 4th Middlesex
Patricia A. Haddad 5th Bristol
Richard M. Haggerty 30th Middlesex
Christopher Hendricks 11th Bristol
Steven S. Howitt 4th Bristol
Daniel J. Hunt 13th Suffolk
Randy Hunt 5th Barnstable
Louis L. Kafka 8th Norfolk
Patrick Joseph Kearney 4th Plymouth
Kay Khan 11th Middlesex
Kathleen R. LaNatra 12th Plymouth
Jack Patrick Lewis 7th Middlesex
Marc T. Lombardo 22nd Middlesex
Adrian C. Madaro 1st Suffolk
John J. Mahoney 13th Worcester
Paul W. Mark 2nd Berkshire
Christopher M. Markey 9th Bristol
Joseph W. McGonagle, Jr. 28th Middlesex
Joseph D. McKenna 18th Worcester
Lenny Mirra 2nd Essex
Mathew J. Muratore 1st Plymouth
James M. Murphy 4th Norfolk
Brian W. Murray 10th Worcester
Harold P. Naughton, Jr. 12th Worcester
Tram T. Nguyen 18th Essex
Shaunna L. O'Connell 3rd Bristol
James J. O'Day 14th Worcester
Norman J. Orrall 12th Bristol
Jerald A. Parisella 6th Essex
Elizabeth A. Poirier 14th Bristol
Denise Provost 27th Middlesex
Angelo J. Puppolo, Jr. 12th Hampden
David M. Rogers 24th Middlesex
Paul A. Schmid, III 8th Bristol
Alan Silvia 7th Bristol
Thomas M. Stanley 9th Middlesex
Alyson M. Sullivan 7th Plymouth
José F. Tosado 9th Hampden
Paul F. Tucker 7th Essex
Steven Ultrino 33rd Middlesex
John C. Velis 4th Hampden
David T. Vieira 3rd Barnstable
RoseLee Vincent 16th Suffolk
Thomas P. Walsh 12th Essex
Timothy R. Whelan 1st Barnstable
Donald H. Wong 9th Essex
Michael D. Brady Second Plymouth and Bristol
Diana DiZoglio First Essex
Nick Collins First Suffolk
Ryan C. Fattman Worcester and Norfolk
Paul R. Feeney Bristol and Norfolk
Anne M. Gobi Worcester, Hampden, Hampshire and Middlesex
John F. Keenan Norfolk and Plymouth
Mark C. Montigny Second Bristol and Plymouth
Patrick M. O'Connor Plymouth and Norfolk
Rebecca L. Rausch Norfolk, Bristol and Middlesex
Michael J. Rodrigues First Bristol and Plymouth
Bruce E. Tarr First Essex and Middlesex
Walter F. Timilty Norfolk, Bristol and Plymouth
Dean A. Tran Worcester and Middlesex

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