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SD.2551 |
Dukes County Registry of Deeds |
Dukes County Registry of Deeds requests for Technology Fund Monies - 3/24/2016 and 4/26/2016
Registry of Deeds (under the provisions of Section 4 of Chapter 4 of the Acts of 2003 and section 2KKK of ... |
SD.2625 |
Dukes County Registry of Deeds |
Dukes County Registry of Deeds - June 24, 2016
Registry of Deeds (under the provisions of Section 4 of Chapter 4 of the Acts of 2003) submitting its plan ... (copies having been forwarded as required to the Senate Committees on Ways ... |
SD.2508 |
Dukes County Registry of Deeds |
Dukes County Registry of Deeds - July 24, 2019
Registry of Deeds (under the provisions of Section 4 of Chapter 4 of the Acts of 2003) submitting its plan ... |
S.2456 |
Knapik, Michael R.
Text of amendment (24) offered by Mr. Knapik to the pending Senate Ways and Means amendment (Senate, No. 4) to the House Bill making appropriations f...
to ensure fiscal stability established pursuant to section 4 of chapter 41 of the acts of ... SECTION 4. (a) There shall be in the city of Lawrence a finance control board, in this act ... |
H.2432 |
Ayers, Bruce J.
An Act relative to the definition of Group 4 of the state retirement system
previously served in a Group 3 or 4 designated position for no less than 24 consecutive months ... |
H.2747 |
Ayers, Bruce J.
An Act relative to the definition of Group 4 of the state retirement system
The definition of Group 4, as set forth in Chapter 32, Section 3, paragraph (2 ... previously served in a Group 3 or 4 designated position for no less than 24 consecutive months ... |
H.4528 |
Walsh, Thomas P.
An Act relative to voting precinct 3 of ward 4 in the city of Peabody
shall be known as precinct 3A of ward 4. The other polling location shall be designated by the city council under section 24 of chapter 54 of the General Laws to ... |
HD.4453 |
A communication from the Department of Public Health submitting a report of the joint policy working group established (see Section 21 of Chapter 24...
Focus Area 3: Screening 18 Focus Area 4: Tracking & Focus Area 5: Monitoring 20 Focus Area 6: Treatment 24 Summary of Strategies and Recommendations 25 ... |
H.3739 |
Ross, George T.
An Act to include substituted cathinones, also known as "bath salts," in class C substances
By Representatives Ross of Attleboro and Poirier of North Attleborough, a petition (subject to Joint Rule 12) of George Ross and others for legislation to categorize bath salts ... |
H.4331 |
Kafka, Louis L.
An Act relative to certain controlled substances
Text of a further amendment, offered by Messrs. Kafka of Stoughton and Ross of Attleboro, to the Senate amendment (striking out all after the enacting clause and inserting in ... |
H.4260 |
Murphy, Charles A.
Text of an amendment recommended by the committee on Ways and Means to the Senate Bill relative to sheriffs (Senate, No. 2121). September 24, 2009
SECTION 1. To provide for supplementing certain items in the general appropriation act and other appropriation acts for fiscal year 2010, the sums set forth in section 2 are ... |
H.4383 |
Judiciary (J) |
An Act to include substituted cathinones, also known as "bath salts," in class C substances
SECTION 1. Subsection (e) of Class C of Section 31 of Chapter 94C of the General Laws, as appearing in the 2010 Official Edition, is hereby amended by adding the following 2 ... |
H.1190 |
Balser, Ruth B.
An Act relative to mandatory blood tests for surviving drivers
SECTION 1. Section 24 of chapter 90 of the General Laws, as recently amended by sections ... SECTION 4. Section 24 of said chapter 90, as recently amended, is hereby further amended ... |
H.1334 |
Garry, Colleen M.
An Act requiring blood testing for surviving drivers
SECTION 1. Section 24 of chapter 90 of the General Laws, as recently amended by sections ... SECTION 4. Section 24 of said chapter 90, as recently amended, is hereby further amended ... |
H.3497 |
Garry, Colleen M.
An Act requiring blood testing for surviving drivers
SECTION 1. Section 24 of chapter 90 of the General Laws, as appearing in the 2014 Official ... SECTION 4. Said section 24 of said chapter 90, as so appearing, is hereby further amended ... |
H.1417 |
Garry, Colleen M.
An Act requiring blood testing for a surviving drivers
SECTION 1. Section 24 of chapter 90 of the General Laws, as appearing in the 2014 Official ... SECTION 4. Said section 24 of said chapter 90, as so appearing, is hereby further amended ... |
H.1596 |
Garry, Colleen M.
An Act requiring blood testing for a surviving drivers
SECTION 1. Section 24 of chapter 90 of the General Laws, as appearing in the 2014 Official ... SECTION 4. Said section 24 of said chapter 90, as so appearing, is hereby further amended ... |
H.1712 |
Garry, Colleen M.
An Act requiring blood testing for a surviving drivers
SECTION 1. Section 24 of chapter 90 of the General Laws, as appearing in the 2014 Official ... SECTION 4. Said section 24 of said chapter 90, as so appearing, is hereby further amended ... |
H.1507 |
Garry, Colleen M.
An Act requiring blood testing for a surviving drivers
SECTION 1. Section 24 of chapter 90 of the General Laws, as appearing in the 2014 Official ... SECTION 4. Said section 24 of said chapter 90, as so appearing, is hereby further amended ... |
H.2688 |
Orrall, Keiko M.
An Act to establish a meals tax holiday
62C of the General Laws, shall remain in effect for sales on the days of March 24-28, 2013 ... Section 4. The commissioner of revenue shall issue instructions or forms, or promulgate ... |
H.3927 |
Declaration of trust adopted by the Health Care Security Trust Board of Trustees pursuant to Chapter 29D, Section 4(a) of the Massachusetts General ...
is authorized and required by M.G.L. c.29D, §4(a) to act as Trustee with respect to the ... it may be amended; WHEREAS, M.G.L. c.32A, §24 has been amended to direct the HCST to ... |
H.3165 |
Berthiaume Jr., Donald R.
An Act regulating OUI penalties for marijuana
SECTION 1. Section 24 of chapter 90, as appearing in the 2014 official edition is hereby ... or 2 nanograms of marijuana,” SECTION 4. Section 24 of chapter 90, as appearing in the ... |
H.3513 |
Berthiaume, Jr., Donald R.
An Act regulating OUI penalties for marijuana
SECTION 1. Section 24 of chapter 90, as appearing in the 2014 official edition is hereby ... or 2 nanograms of marijuana,” SECTION 4. Section 24 of chapter 90, as appearing in the ... |
H.3536 |
McKenna, Joseph D.
An Act to allow hardship licenses and interlocking ignition devices on motorcycles
operation of motorcycles in accordance with sections 4 paragraph (C)(1) through (C)(3 3/4) of said section 24 ... |
H.3740 |
McKenna, Joseph D.
An Act to allow hardship licenses and interlocking ignition devices on motorcycles
operation of motorcycles in accordance with sections 4 paragraph (C)(1) through (C)(3 3/4) of said section 24 ... |