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HD.5056 |
Special Commission on Auto Body Labor Rates |
A report of the Special Commission on Auto Body Labor rates (established under Section 130 of Chapter 24 of the Acts of 2021, as amended by Section 6... | |
S.2430 |
Rosenberg, Stanley C.
An Act creating a domestic violence task force in the town of Greenfield
SECTION 1. Article 6 of the charter of the town of Greenfield, which is on file in the ... the following new section:- SECTION 6-24: MAYOR’S TASK FORCE AGAINST DOMESTIC VIOLENCE ... |
S.2480 |
Rosenberg, Stanley C.
An Act amending the charter of the city known as the town of Greenfield to establish a mayor’s task force against domestic violence
by adding the following section:- SECTION 6-24: MAYOR’S TASK FORCE AGAINST DOMESTIC VIOLENCE (a ... |
S.2960 |
Comerford, Joanne M.
An Act amending the charter of the city of Greenfield
SECTION 2. Subsection (c) of section 2-6 of said article of said charter is hereby amended ... SECTION 6. Section 3-6 of said article 3 of said charter is hereby amended by striking out ... |
H.3725 C |
Blais, Natalie M.
An Act amending the charter of the city of Greenfield
SECTION 2. Subsection (c) of section 2-6 of said article of said charter is hereby amended ... SECTION 6. Section 3-6 of said article 3 of said charter is hereby amended by striking out ... |
HD.4453 |
A communication from the Department of Public Health submitting a report of the joint policy working group established (see Section 21 of Chapter 24...
Focus Area 5: Monitoring 20 Focus Area 6: Treatment 24 Summary of Strategies and Recommendations 25 ... |
H.2688 |
Orrall, Keiko M.
An Act to establish a meals tax holiday
Section 6. Notwithstanding sections 1-6, this Act shall not be applicable to the local option meals excise tax under Section 1-6 of Chapter 64L of the General Laws, as ... |
S.2456 |
Knapik, Michael R.
Text of amendment (24) offered by Mr. Knapik to the pending Senate Ways and Means amendment (Senate, No. 4) to the House Bill making appropriations f...
and finance established pursuant to section 6. “Director”, the director of accounts in ... officer appointed pursuant to section 6. “School committee”, the school committee of ... |
H.4304 |
A communication from Automatic Sprinkler Appeals Board on behalf of the Massachusetts Fire Safety Commission (under Section 200 of Chapter 6 of the G...
James Office of the Clerk of the House 24 Beacon Street Room 145 — State House Boston ... and pursuant to the provisions of M.G.L. c. 6, s. 200, you are hereby notified of the ... |
S.1374 |
Moore, Michael O.
An Act establishing a meals tax holiday
law to the contrary, for the days of March 24 through 28, 2013, an excise tax shall not be ... SECTION 6. Notwithstanding sections 1 through 6, this Act shall not be applicable to the ... |
H.4260 |
Murphy, Charles A.
Text of an amendment recommended by the committee on Ways and Means to the Senate Bill relative to sheriffs (Senate, No. 2121). September 24, 2009
SECTION 1. To provide for supplementing certain items in the general appropriation act and other appropriation acts for fiscal year 2010, the sums set forth in section 2 are ... |
HD.4287 |
A communication from the Board of Registration in Pharmacy (see item 4510-0722 contained in Section 2 of Chapter 38 of the Acts of 2013) submitting t...
The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Executive Office of Health and Human Services Department of Public Health Division of Health Professions Licensure 239 Causeway Street, Suite ... |
H.1190 |
Balser, Ruth B.
An Act relative to mandatory blood tests for surviving drivers
SECTION 1. Section 24 of chapter 90 of the General Laws, as recently amended by sections ... SECTION 6. Section 24 of said chapter 90, as recently amended, is hereby further amended ... |
H.1334 |
Garry, Colleen M.
An Act requiring blood testing for surviving drivers
SECTION 1. Section 24 of chapter 90 of the General Laws, as recently amended by sections ... SECTION 6. Section 24 of said chapter 90, as recently amended, is hereby further amended ... |
H.3497 |
Garry, Colleen M.
An Act requiring blood testing for surviving drivers
SECTION 1. Section 24 of chapter 90 of the General Laws, as appearing in the 2014 Official ... SECTION 6. Said section 24 of said chapter 90, as so appearing, is hereby further amended ... |
H.1417 |
Garry, Colleen M.
An Act requiring blood testing for a surviving drivers
SECTION 1. Section 24 of chapter 90 of the General Laws, as appearing in the 2014 Official ... SECTION 6. Said section 24 of said chapter 90, as so appearing, is hereby further amended ... |
H.1596 |
Garry, Colleen M.
An Act requiring blood testing for a surviving drivers
SECTION 1. Section 24 of chapter 90 of the General Laws, as appearing in the 2014 Official ... SECTION 6. Said section 24 of said chapter 90, as so appearing, is hereby further amended ... |
H.1712 |
Garry, Colleen M.
An Act requiring blood testing for a surviving drivers
SECTION 1. Section 24 of chapter 90 of the General Laws, as appearing in the 2014 Official ... SECTION 6. Said section 24 of said chapter 90, as so appearing, is hereby further amended ... |
H.1507 |
Garry, Colleen M.
An Act requiring blood testing for a surviving drivers
SECTION 1. Section 24 of chapter 90 of the General Laws, as appearing in the 2014 Official ... SECTION 6. Said section 24 of said chapter 90, as so appearing, is hereby further amended ... |
H.3165 |
Berthiaume Jr., Donald R.
An Act regulating OUI penalties for marijuana
2 nanograms or greater of marijuana” SECTION 6. Section 24 of chapter 90, as appearing in the 2014 ... |
H.3513 |
Berthiaume, Jr., Donald R.
An Act regulating OUI penalties for marijuana
2 nanograms or greater of marijuana” SECTION 6. Section 24 of chapter 90, as appearing in the 2014 ... |
H.4727 |
A communication from the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (under the provisions of sections 1B, 1J and 1K of Chapter 6...
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 75 Pleasant Street ... Elementary and Secondary Education: January 24, 2017 Summary: Among other matters, the ... |
H.3848 |
DiNatale, Stephen L.
An Act authorizing the department of fish and game to aquire conservation restrictions in and to lands owned by the city of Fitchburg.
437, dated 6/8/1916 Warren S. Bowker, MSRD Bk ... 18, dated 6/7/1916, both parcels being shown on a plan as “14” and “15”, MSRD Pl ... 140, dated 6/20/1919 Fred Harper, MSRD Bk ... |
S.1679 |
Creem, Cynthia Stone
An Act to establish sentencing guidelines.
IS-III IS-III IS-II IS-II 4 0 - 24 Mos ... IS-II IS-II IS-II IS-II IS-II IS-I IS-I IS-I 2 0 - 6 Mos ... |
S.2716 |
Tarr, Bruce E.
An Act further amending the charter of the town of Middleton
SECTION 6. Subsection 2-4-13 of said section 4 of said chapter 2 of said charter is hereby ... SECTION 24 ... |