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H.2 |
of H.2, please see the Governor's webpage at: ... A message from His Excellency the Governor submitting the annual budget of the ... |
H.4087 |
Peake, Sarah K.
An Act authorizing the town of Harwich to convey certain recreational land.
SECTION 1. The town of Harwich may convey a certain parcel of land in the town acquired for recreational purposes ... Parcel is shown as parcel H1 of town assessors’ map 61 |
HD.2033 |
Arena-DeRosa, James C.
An Act relative to enhancing public service pension equity for veterans
is hereby amended by inserting after paragraph (h1/2) the following paragraph:- (h ¾ ... |
S.1139 |
Menard, Joan M.
An Act to authorize the state retirement board to grant creditable service to Joan Casey-Amaral.
retirement allowance pursuant to paragraph (h1/2) of subdivision (1) of section 4 of ... Before the date that any retirement allowance becomes effective in the case of Joan ... |
S.2362 |
Public Service (J) |
An Act relative to creditable service for school business administrators
hereby amended by inserting after paragraph (h1/2) the following paragraph:- (h3/4) Any ... No credit shall be allowed until the member has paid into the Annuity Savings Fund of the ... |
S.1316 |
Kennedy, Thomas P.
An Act relative to creditable service for school business administrators
hereby amended by inserting after paragraph (h1/2) the following paragraph:- Any member ... No credit shall be allowed until the member has paid into the Annuity Savings Fund of the ... |
S.1237 |
Kennedy, Thomas P.
An Act relative to creditable service for school business administrators
hereby amended by inserting after paragraph (h1/2) the following paragraph:- Any member ... No credit shall be allowed until the member has paid into the Annuity Savings Fund of the ... |
S.1392 |
Kennedy, Thomas P.
An Act relative to creditable service for school business administrators
hereby amended by inserting after paragraph (h1/2) the following paragraph:- Any member ... No credit shall be allowed until the member has paid into the Annuity Savings Fund of the ... |
H.2389 |
Pignatelli, William Smitty
An Act relative to creditable service for school business administrators
hereby amended by inserting after paragraph (h1/2) the following paragraph:- Any member ... No credit shall be allowed until the member has paid into the Annuity Savings Fund of the ... |
H.3890 |
Cassidy, Gerard
An Act relative to creditable service for school business administrators
hereby amended by inserting after paragraph (h1/2) the following paragraph:- Any member ... No credit shall be allowed until the member has paid into the Annuity Savings Fund of the ... |
H.2180 |
Cassidy, Gerard J.
An Act relative to creditable service for school business administrators
hereby amended by inserting after paragraph (h1/2) the following paragraph:- Any member ... No credit shall be allowed until the member has paid into the Annuity Savings Fund of the ... |
S.1594 |
Timilty, Walter F.
An Act relative to creditable service for school business administrators
hereby amended by inserting after paragraph (h1/2) the following paragraph:- Any member in ... No credit shall be allowed until the member has paid into the Annuity Savings Fund of the ... |
S.1789 |
Timilty, Walter F.
An Act relative to creditable service for school business administrators
hereby amended by inserting after paragraph (h1/2) the following paragraph:- Any member in ... No credit shall be allowed until the member has paid into the Annuity Savings Fund of the ... |
S.556 |
Oliveira, Jacob R.
An Act relative to the MassTrails program administered by the Department of Conservation and Recreation and any act relative to Massachusetts transpo...
of the State Budget, referred to as H1, shall add after the following phrase; “provided ... SECTION 2. Funding provided by Bonding Bills (such as H5151 for fiscal year 2022) for such ... |
S.1745 |
Timilty, Walter F.
An Act relative to creditable service for school business administrators
hereby amended by inserting after paragraph (h1/2) the following paragraph:- Any member ... No credit shall be allowed until the member has paid into the Annuity Savings Fund of the ... |
HD.1687 |
Holmes, Russell E.
An Act relative to the fair participation of minority and women-owned businesses on public construction projects
SECTION 1. Section 6 of Chapter 7C of the Massachusetts General Laws is hereby amended by ... projects and on any state assisted project as set forth in section 6(h1/2)of chapter 7C |
H.2757 |
Holmes, Russell E.
An Act relative to the fair participation of minority and women-owned businesses on public construction projects
SECTION 1. Section 6 of Chapter 7C of the Massachusetts General Laws is hereby amended by ... projects and on any state assisted project as set forth in section 6(h1/2)of chapter 7C ... |
H.2738 |
Fox, Gloria L.
An Act relative to the fair participation of minority and women-owned businesses on public construction projects
SECTION 1. Section 6 of Chapter 7C of the Massachusetts General Laws is hereby amended by ... projects and on any state assisted project as set forth in section 6(h1/2)of chapter 7C ... |
S.1650 |
Forry, Linda Dorcena
An Act relative to the fair participation of minority and women-owned businesses on public construction projects
SECTION 1. Section 6 of Chapter 7C of the Massachusetts General Laws is hereby amended by ... projects and on any state assisted project as set forth in section 6(h1/2)of chapter 7C ... |
H.3371 |
Holmes, Russell E.
An Act relative to the fair participation of minority and women-owned businesses on public construction projects
SECTION 1. Section 6 of Chapter 7C of the Massachusetts General Laws is hereby amended by ... projects and on any state assisted project as set forth in section 6(h1/2)of chapter 7C ... |
S.1710 |
Forry, Linda Dorcena
An Act relative to the fair participation of minority and women-owned businesses on public construction projects
SECTION 1. Section 6 of Chapter 7C of the Massachusetts General Laws is hereby amended by ... projects and on any state assisted project as set forth in section 6(h1/2)of chapter 7C ... |
HD.3950 |
Holmes, Russell E.
An Act relative to the fair participation of minority and women-owned businesses on public construction projects
SECTION 1. Section 6 of Chapter 7C of the Massachusetts General Laws is hereby amended by ... projects and on any state assisted project as set forth in section 6(h1/2)of chapter 7C ... |
H.2693 |
Driscoll, Jr., William J.
An Act relative to the fair participation of minority and women-owned businesses on public construction projects
SECTION 1. Section 6 of Chapter 7C of the Massachusetts General Laws is hereby amended by ... projects and on any state assisted project as set forth in section 6(h1/2)of chapter 7C ... |
H.3138 |
Driscoll, Jr., William J.
An Act relative to the fair participation of minority and women-owned businesses on public construction projects
SECTION 1. Section 6 of Chapter 7C of the Massachusetts General Laws is hereby amended by ... projects and on any state assisted project as set forth in section 6(h1/2)of chapter 7C ... |
H.3165 |
Holmes, Russell E.
An Act relative to the fair participation of minority and women-owned businesses on public construction projects
SECTION 1. Section 6 of Chapter 7C of the Massachusetts General Laws is hereby amended by ... projects and on any state assisted project as set forth in section 6(h1/2)of chapter 7C ... |