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The 194th General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

House Committee on Bonding, Capital Expenditures and State Assets 190th (2017 - 2018)

It shall be the duty of the committee on Bond­ing, Capital Expenditures and State Assets to consider all matters providing for the giving, loaning or pledging of the credit of the Commonwealth. Said committee shall be responsible for evaluating such legislation and determining the appropriateness of enacting legislation containing increased bond authorizations for the Commonwealth. The committee shall periodically review and hold open public hearings, accepting oral and written testimony on the status of the bonds and notes of the Commonwealth, including (1) general obligation debt; (2) dedicated income tax debt; and (3) special obligation debt. The committee shall also, in its continuing study of the state’s bonding practices, review the Commonwealth’s liabilities relative to (a) state-supported debt; (b) state-guaranteed debt; and (3) indirect obligations.