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The 194th General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Joint Committee on Environment, Natural Resources and Agriculture 188th (2013 - 2014)

Bill No. Bill Title Sponsor Arrived Hearing Schedule
H.235  An Act for healthy families and businesses Kaufman, Jay R. (HOU) 2/4/2014 Scheduled for
3/17/2014 11:00 AM
S.342  An Act relative to water conservation Brewer, Stephen M. (SEN) 1/22/2013 Scheduled for
9/26/2013 10:00 AM
S.345  An Act relative to land taking regulations Candaras, Gale D. (SEN) 1/22/2013 Scheduled for
11/4/2013 1:00 PM
S.346  An Act to create a framework to re-allocate responsibility for discarded products Chandler, Harriett L. (SEN) 1/22/2013 Scheduled for
3/26/2013 10:00 AM
S.347  designating conservation districts as bodies politic and corporate, and granting them real property authority Chang-Diaz, Sonia (SEN) 1/22/2013 Scheduled for
5/9/2013 10:00 AM
S.350  An Act establishing a 0% interest program for the state revolving loan fund for water and sewer projects and establishing 3:1 leveraging for such projects. Creem, Cynthia Stone (SEN) 1/22/2013 Scheduled for
11/4/2013 1:00 PM
S.352  An Act to prevent the use of the most dangerous pesticides Donnelly, Kenneth J. (SEN) 1/22/2013 Scheduled for
6/3/2013 10:00 AM
S.354  An Act relative to healthy families and businesses Donnelly, Kenneth J. (SEN) 1/22/2013 Scheduled for
3/27/2013 10:00 AM
S.356  An Act relative to streamflow standards Eldridge, James B. (SEN) 1/22/2013 Scheduled for
9/26/2013 10:00 AM
S.357  An Act to require producer responsibility for collection, reuse and recycling of discarded electronic products. Eldridge, James B. (SEN) 1/22/2013 Scheduled for
3/26/2013 10:00 AM
S.358  An Act relative to best management practices in water Eldridge, James B. (SEN) 1/22/2013 Scheduled for
9/26/2013 10:00 AM
S.361  An Act protecting the natural resources of the Commonwealth Eldridge, James B. (SEN) 1/22/2013 Scheduled for
5/9/2013 10:00 AM
S.362  relative to federally regulated renewable energy facilities Finegold, Barry R. (SEN) 1/22/2013 Scheduled for
10/23/2013 1:00 PM
S.363  An Act relative to the Department of Environmental Protection water pollution project regulations Flanagan, Jennifer L. (SEN) 1/22/2013 Scheduled for
9/26/2013 10:00 AM
S.364  An Act authorizing and directing the Division of Waterways to dredge the harbor area surrounding several yacht clubs in Boston. Hart, John A., Jr. (SEN) 1/22/2013 Scheduled for
3/21/2013 2:30 PM
S.365  relative to memorials located on Department of Conservation and Recreation property. Hart, John A., Jr. (SEN) 1/22/2013 Scheduled for
3/21/2013 2:30 PM
S.366  limiting the number of special use permits the department of conservation and recreation may issue for the use of certain roads in the South Boston section of the city of Boston Hart, John A., Jr. (SEN) 1/22/2013 Scheduled for
3/21/2013 2:30 PM
S.368  relating to reptiles and amphibians Hedlund, Robert L. (SEN) 1/22/2013 Scheduled for
11/4/2013 1:00 PM
S.369  An Act prohibiting polystyrene packaging by 2017 Joyce, Brian A. (SEN) 1/22/2013 Scheduled for
6/27/2013 1:00 PM
S.370  An Act prohibiting polystyrene packaging by 2017 Joyce, Brian A. (SEN) 1/22/2013 Scheduled for
6/27/2013 1:00 PM
S.371  An Act authorizing municipalities to petition for public involvement plans in cases of hazardous material sites. Keenan, John F. (SEN) 1/22/2013 Scheduled for
11/4/2013 1:00 PM
S.372  relative to the possession and sale of shark fin Keenan, John F. (SEN) 1/22/2013 Scheduled for
6/20/2013 1:00 PM
S.374  Resolve providing for an investigation and study by the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs relative to a statewide single-stream recycling program Knapik, Michael R. (SEN) 1/22/2013 Scheduled for
6/27/2013 1:00 PM
S.376  An Act relative to oil spills Montigny, Mark C. (SEN) 1/22/2013 Scheduled for
11/4/2013 1:00 PM
S.377  An Act relative to out of state mooring Moore, Michael O. (SEN) 1/22/2013 Scheduled for
11/6/2013 1:00 PM