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February 18, 2025 Clouds | 20°F
The 194th General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Joint Committee on Transportation 191st (2019 - 2020)

Displaying 12 Bills
Bill No. Bill Title Sponsor Arrived Hearing Schedule
H.2963  Resolve to establish a special commission to perform an investigation and providing for a study relative to the potential implementation of a time limit for handicapped parking placard use in a metered spot Ayers, Bruce J. (HOU) 2/26/2019 Scheduled for
1/2/2020 10:00 AM
H.3014  An Act relative to electric bicycles Fernandes, Dylan A. (HOU) 6/8/2020
H.3040  An Act relative to electric kick scooters Hecht, Jonathan (HOU) 2/26/2019 Scheduled for
3/28/2019 10:00 AM
H.3073  An Act relative to micro-mobility and motorized scooters Madaro, Adrian C. (HOU) 2/26/2019 Scheduled for
3/28/2019 10:00 AM
H.3116  An Act relative to electric foot scooter operating requirements Puppolo, Jr., Angelo J. (HOU) 2/26/2019 Scheduled for
3/28/2019 10:00 AM
H.3126  An Act relative to mobile carrying devices Ryan, Daniel J. (HOU) 2/26/2019 Scheduled for
3/28/2019 10:00 AM
H.3135  An Act relative to moped safety Speliotis, Theodore C. (HOU) 2/26/2019 Scheduled for
3/28/2019 10:00 AM
H.3156  An Act relative to section 1E of Chapter 90 Straus, William M. (HOU) 2/26/2019 Scheduled for
3/28/2019 10:00 AM
H.3592  An Act requiring backup cameras on certain vehicles Decker, Marjorie C. (HOU) 3/9/2020
H.4479  An Act relative to educational requirements for class 2 motor vehicle licensees Garballey, Sean (HOU) 2/25/2020
H.4701  An Act establishing a COVID-19 Emergency Fund for Regional Transportation Authorities Domb, Mindy (HOU) 5/7/2020
H.5096  An Act relative to the drinking of alcohol at drive-in venues Chan, Tackey (HOU) 11/2/2020