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The 194th General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Joint Committee on Housing 188th (2013 - 2014)

Displaying 6 Bills
Bill No. Bill Title Sponsor Arrived Hearing Schedule
S.601  Resolve providing for an investigation and study by a special commission relative to the need for accessible homes for the elderly, returning veterans with disabilities, and families that include persons with disabilities Jehlen, Patricia D. (SEN) 1/22/2013 Scheduled for
5/7/2013 10:00 AM
S.604  An Act to protect residents of subsidized housing developments from bullying; bullying prevention policies and plans; research and demonstration programs. Lovely, Joan B. (SEN) 1/22/2013 Scheduled for
1/28/2014 10:30 AM
S.610  An Act relative to manufactured housing communities Pacheco, Marc R. (SEN) 1/22/2013 Scheduled for
5/7/2013 10:00 AM
S.612  to further enhance efficiency and accountability of operations at local housing authorities Pacheco, Marc R. (SEN) 1/22/2013 Scheduled for
7/22/2013 1:00 PM
H.1116  An Act relative to manufactured housing communities Haddad, Patricia A. (HOU) 1/22/2013 Scheduled for
5/7/2013 10:00 AM
H.1141  An Act relative to public housing determination for veterans Naughton, Harold P. (HOU) 1/22/2013 Scheduled for
1/28/2014 10:30 AM