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September 14, 2024 Clouds | 66°F
The 193rd General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Senate Committee on Bonding, Capital Expenditures and State Assets 189th (2015 - 2016)

Displaying 7 Bills
Bill No. Bill Title Sponsor Arrived Hearing Schedule
S.1660  An Act authorizing the conveyance of a certain parcel of land in the city of Holyoke Humason, Donald F., Jr. (SEN) 3/21/2016 Scheduled for
5/10/2016 10:30 AM
S.1689  An Act to sell naming rights to the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center and other properties operated by the MCCA Montigny, Mark C. (SEN) 4/19/2016
S.1690  An Act for a mixed use redevelopment of state pier to enhance economic development of the New Bedford waterfront and downtown Montigny, Mark C. (SEN) 4/19/2016
S.1691  An Act to further expand Bristol Community College in downtown New Bedford Montigny, Mark C. (SEN) 4/19/2016
S.1701  An Act authorizing the transfer of a parcel of land in the city of Taunton Pacheco, Marc R. (SEN) 4/21/2016 Scheduled for
5/10/2016 10:30 AM
S.1783  An Act relative to bonding authority for the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center Pacheco, Marc R. (SEN) 3/7/2016
S.2101  An Act providing capital funding for public higher education. Higher Education (J) 1/19/2016