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February 08, 2025 Snow | 29°F
The 194th General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Hearing DetailsJoint Committee on Consumer Protection and Professional Licensure

Item Name Start Time Duration Webcast
Joint Committee on Consumer Protection & Professional Licensure 5/24/2011 1:00 PM 02:00:00
Bill Bill Title Sponsor
S.89  An Act relative to health club contracts. Gale D. Candaras
S.91  An Act regarding identity fraud. Sonia Chang-Diaz
S.99  An Act protecting victims of unlicensed debt collections James B. Eldridge
S.100  An Act protecting the privacy of consumer financial information James B. Eldridge
S.105  An Act to reduce unwanted communication from creditors to protect the peace and privacy of residents. Patricia D. Jehlen
S.118  An Act regulating advertisements and solicitations for time shares Thomas P. Kennedy
S.126  An Act relative to check cashing fees Michael J. Rodrigues
S.129  An Act relative to credit and debit cards Michael J. Rodrigues
S.133  An Act to protect consumers that hold credit cards. Karen E. Spilka
H.106  An Act relating to commercial law deceptive trade practices Viriato Manuel deMacedo
H.113  An Act prohibiting intentional misrepresentation by a business of its location Elizabeth A. Poirier
H.117  An Act relative to telemarketing solicitation John W. Scibak
H.118  An Act relating to identity theft. Todd M. Smola
H.126  An Act relative to identity theft protection. William M. Straus
H.128  An Act relative to credit backed or bank issued gift cards William M. Straus
H.129  An Act relative to insurance Daniel K. Webster
H.1007  An Act relative to requiring photo identification for credit card purchases Robert F. Fennell
H.1014  An Act to prohibit negative option sales and disclosure of financial and personal information without a consumer’s express agreement Timothy R. Madden
H.1034  An Act relative to the prevention of credit card company unfair business practices Steven M. Walsh
H.1035  An Act relative to consumer rebates Steven M. Walsh
H.1872  An Act further regulating door to door sales Garrett J. Bradley
H.1879  An Act regulating material representations in advertising Anne M. Gobi
H.1880  An Act creating a maximum allowable check-cashing rate Carlos Henriquez
H.1881  An Act relating to the listing of a business location of certain businesses in a telephone directory or database Kate Hogan
H.1885  An Act relative to the verification of consumers' identity prior to the issuance of a credit card Bradley H. Jones, Jr.
H.1888  An Act relative to unsolicited credit cards, checks, and vouchers by mail Louis L. Kafka
H.2694  An Act relative to furnishing or using certain consumer loan information to make solicitations Thomas A. Golden, Jr.
H.2697  An Act relative to telemarketing solicitation Paul McMurtry
H.2705  An Act relative to online advertising William M. Straus
H.2706  An Act relative to credit card users providing photo ID Daniel K. Webster
H.3109  An Act Relative to The Shops 9@20 in the Town of Northborough Harold P. Naughton, Jr.
H.3224  An Act to facilitate and regulate residential selling practices Garrett J. Bradley
H.3251  An Act relative to professional fundraisers Thomas M. Stanley
H.2704  An Act Relative To For-Profit Charitable Solicitation Theodore C. Speliotis
H.1022  An Act relative to the protection of customers Vincent A. Pedone
H.127  An Act relative to the privacy rights of certain customers. William M. Straus