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February 22, 2025 Clouds | 34°F
The 194th General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Hearing DetailsJoint Committee on Public Service

Bill Bill Title Sponsor
S.1315  An Act relative to ordinary disability retirements. John F. Keenan
S.1333  An Act relative to adjustment of disability retirement benefits to Lynn police officer Gregory LeBlanc Thomas M. McGee
S.1349  An Act relative to disability pension benefits and earnings reports Marc R. Pacheco
S.1360  An Act relative to leave with pay for incapacitated employees Anthony W. Petruccelli
S.1387  An Act relative to the contraction of MRSA by public safety personnel. James E. Timilty
S.1406  An Act providing for the continued medical care and treatment of Ellen E. Englehardt, a state trooper injured in the line of duty. Steven A. Tolman
S.1409  An Act relative to impairment of health caused by infectious disease. James T. Welch
S.1410  An Act relative to retirement systems and pensions for correctional officers. James T. Welch
H.683  An Act Relative to the Conversion of Certain Disability Retirements. Viriato Manuel deMacedo
H.700  An Act relative to the retirement of police officers and firefighters due to injury or illness Bradford Hill
H.724  An Act relative to amending disability or death caused by certain conditions of cancer Kathi-Anne Reinstein
H.727  An Act relative to clarifying the application of the heart bill Todd M. Smola
H.1601  An Act relative to retired capitol police officers disabled in the performance of duty William C. Galvin
H.1602  An Act relative to retired capitol police officers disabled in the performance of duty William C. Galvin
H.1642  An Act relative to defining certain disabilities Joyce A. Spiliotis
H.1647  An Act relative to amending disability or death caused by certain conditions of cancer Walter F. Timilty
H.1661  An Act relative to restoration to service Martin J. Walsh
H.1663  An Act pertaining to firefighter disability. Martin J. Walsh
H.1664  An Act relative to disability or death caused by contagious diseases, presumption. Martin J. Walsh
H.2426  An Act relative to the oversight of disability pension benefits Tackey Chan
H.2427  An Act relative to disability pension benefits and earnings Tackey Chan
H.2428  An Act relative to ordinary disability retirement Tackey Chan
H.2440  An Act relative to expenses incurred in defense against denials of Chapter 41 111F benefits John P. Fresolo
H.2442  An Act relative to disability or death caused by contagious diseases, presumption John P. Fresolo
H.2476  An Act relative to fire investigation units and arson units for investigators in municipal police departments James J. O'Day
H.2953  An Act relative to correction officers retirement Michael J. Finn
H.3172  An Act relative to disability pensions John P. Fresolo
H.3174  An Act relative to the cancer presumption for police officers John P. Fresolo
H.3175  An Act relative to public employee disability benefits for certain employees employed by the commonwealth and its political subdivisions John P. Fresolo
H.3181  An Act to clarify leave under Chapter 41: 111F John P. Fresolo
H.3185  An Act relative to impairment of health caused by infectious disease Michael F. Kane
H.3186  An Act relative to leave with pay for incapacitated employees Michael F. Kane
H.3187  An Act relative to retirement systems and pensions for correctional officers Michael F. Kane
H.3192  An Act relative to in the line of duty injuries to county corrections officers Martin J. Walsh
H.3411  An Act relative to disabled police officers Kevin Aguiar