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January 21, 2025 Clouds | 15°F
The 194th General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Hearing DetailsJoint Committee on the Judiciary

Bill Bill Title Sponsor
S.724  An Act consolidating statutes pertaining to jury service Michael J. Barrett
S.725  An Act relative to disposition of court records William N. Brownsberger
S.726  An Act relative to assistant district attorneys and committee for public counsel services attorneys William N. Brownsberger
S.737  An Act improving juror service Cynthia S. Creem
S.738  An Act improving juror service responses Cynthia S. Creem
S.751  An Act relative to the compensation of a guardian ad litem Cynthia S. Creem
S.765  An Act relative to safe and secure waiting areas Cynthia S. Creem
S.775  An Act regarding judicial disqualification Cynthia S. Creem
S.794  An Act relative to naming the Plymouth Trial Court in honor of Senate President Therese Murray Viriato M. deMacedo
S.796  An Act relative to counsel appointed to habitual offender cases Sal N. DiDomenico
S.798  An Act relative to the advisory board to the justices of the supreme judicial court Sal N. DiDomenico
S.799  An Act relative to the advisory committee on personnel standards of the Massachusetts Trial Court Sal N. DiDomenico
S.800  An Act relative to bail fees Sal N. DiDomenico
S.811  An Act relative to the waiver of billable hours for the private bar in certain circumstances James B. Eldridge
S.813  An Act defining court administrative records as public records James B. Eldridge
S.825  An Act relative to the criminal history systems board Jennifer L. Flanagan
S.826  An Act creating a rights of victims of sexual assault task force Jennifer L. Flanagan
S.835  An Act relative to the Gardner District Court Anne M. Gobi
S.850  An Act allowing for increased efficiencies in judicial administration Brian A. Joyce
S.854  An Act relative to jury service Thomas P. Kennedy
S.859  Resolve for a commission to review, replace, and eliminate the Grand Jury System Jason M. Lewis
S.866  An Act designating Courtroom G within the first district court of Essex County in the city of Salem as the David T. Doyle Courtroom Joan B. Lovely
S.871  An Act establishing a foreclosure review division of the Superior Court Thomas M. McGee
S.889  An Act to expedite the transfer of cases to the permit session of land court Michael J. Rodrigues
S.901  An Act relative to the geographical jurisdiction of the Housing Court Department Karen E. Spilka
S.911  An Act to promote accountability and public confidence in the Massachusetts judicial system Bruce E. Tarr
S.926  An Act An act relative to recording court proceedings Bruce E. Tarr
S.932  Resolve providing for a special commission to study the feasibility and cost of adopting the federal parole guidelines Bruce E. Tarr
S.939  An Act relative to the safety of courthouses and remote court proceedings James E. Timilty
S.940  An Act enhancing courthouse security James E. Timilty
S.946  An Act to promote public safety through the equitable allocation of funding for prosecutors and public defenders in the Commonwealth James E. Timilty
H.5  An Act facilitating the legislative mandate of the Bureau of Special Investigations Suzanne Bump
H.38  An Act making uniform certain aspects of mediation COMMISSION ON UNIFORM STATE LAWS
H.39  An Act establishing uniform collaborative law COMMISSION ON UNIFORM STATE LAWS
H.40  An Act revising the law recognizing foreign country money judgments COMMISSION ON UNIFORM STATE LAWS
H.41  An Act relative to the uniform unsworn foreign declarations act COMMISSION ON UNIFORM STATE LAWS
H.43  An Act relative to the Uniform Electronic Legal Material Act COMMISSION ON UNIFORM STATE LAWS
H.1166  An Act to establish the uniform enforcement of foreign judgments Ruth B. Balser
H.1182  An Act amending laws relative to certain judicial procedures Garrett J. Bradley
H.1191  An Act relative to the examination of prospective jurors Garrett J. Bradley
H.1193  An Act to allow audiovisual depositions Garrett J. Bradley
H.1198  An Act regarding assistant court clerks Michael D. Brady
H.1203  An Act improving juror service Paul Brodeur
H.1204  An Act improving juror service responses Paul Brodeur
H.1211  An Act to fund youth courts Antonio F. D. Cabral
H.1213  An Act to prevent drug abuse Antonio F. D. Cabral
H.1214  An Act to improve title insurance Antonio F. D. Cabral
H.1225  An Act to exempt family members of murder victims from jury service James M. Cantwell
H.1230  An Act regulating the payment of interest Tackey Chan
H.1240  An Act relative to the clerks of courts Nick Collins
H.1246  An Act relative to the appointment of private counsel Claire D. Cronin
H.1254  An Act relative to second chances for youthful offenders Josh S. Cutler
H.1259  An Act relative to naturalization proceedings Geoff Diehl
H.1266  An Act relative to court filing fees for noncriminal offenses James J. Dwyer
H.1269  An Act relative to the service of civil process James J. Dwyer
H.1285  An Act relative to disposition of court records John V. Fernandes
H.1292  An Act relative to deputy assistant registers of the Hampden County probate court Michael J. Finn
H.1297  An Act to permit purging of juveniles delinquency records Gloria L. Fox
H.1333  An Act relative to juror qualification Colleen M. Garry
H.1344  An Act relative to the waiver of billable hours for the private bar in certain circumstances Thomas A. Golden, Jr.
H.1352  An Act relative to the position of Assistant Clerk in the First District Court of Eastern Worcester Danielle W. Gregoire
H.1354  An Act relative to juries and the Office of the Jury Commissioner Patricia A. Haddad
H.1355  An Act relative to creating a commission to study simplifying the Trial Court Sheila C. Harrington
H.1358  An Act relative to the Middlesex Probate Court Sheila C. Harrington
H.1372  An Act to establish the Massachusetts innocence commission Paul R. Heroux
H.1386  An Act relative to the protection of the families of violent crime from intimidation Daniel J. Hunt
H.1387  An Act relative to bail fees Randy Hunt
H.1388  An Act relative to the advisory committee on personnel standards Randy Hunt
H.1389  An Act relative to the judicial advisory board Randy Hunt
H.1390  An Act relative to the jury management advisory committee Randy Hunt
H.1409  An Act relative to juror service Bradley H. Jones, Jr.
H.1416  An Act providing for certain exemptions from jury duty Louis L. Kafka
H.1419  An Act to centralize public availability of prospective juror lists Louis L. Kafka
H.1422  An Act relative to benefits for court officers Louis L. Kafka
H.1424  An Act relative to the Human Trafficking Trust Fund (HTTF) Louis L. Kafka
H.1435  An Act to ensure safe and secure waiting areas Kay Khan
H.1447  An Act to adequately compensate career prosecutors David Paul Linsky
H.1448  An Act regulating fees for the registration of attorneys David Paul Linsky
H.1470  An Act relative to the collection of outstanding delinquent legal fees James J. Lyons, Jr.
H.1471  An Act establishing a commission to investigate the rigged hiring system at the Probation Department James J. Lyons, Jr.
H.1481  An Act relative to achieving pay parity for Massachusetts trial court chief probation officers Ronald Mariano
H.1484  An Act relative to attorney recruitment in rural communities Paul W. Mark
H.1504  An Act relative to persons authorized to officiate marriage ceremonies James M. Murphy
H.1506  An Act pertaining to judicial years of service James M. Murphy
H.1515  An Act relative to achieving pay parity for Massachusetts trial court chief probation officers Harold P. Naughton, Jr.
H.1518  An Act relative to the safety of courthouses and remote court proceedings Harold P. Naughton, Jr.
H.1528  An Act establishing a task force to study grandparents visitation rights Jerald A. Parisella
H.1529  An Act relative to judicial accountability Jerald A. Parisella
H.1545  An Act relative to jury disqualifications Elizabeth A. Poirier
H.1551  An Act relative to the award of attorney’s fees, staff time, costs and expenses in code enforcement matters Denise Provost
H.1556  An Act providing further protection for grand jurors David M. Rogers
H.1566  relative to electronic publication of certain legal notices Jeffrey N. Roy
H.1583  An Act establishing a criminal justice data systems task force Tom Sannicandro
H.1587  An Act relative to commitments and the appeal of those commitments Angelo M. Scaccia
H.1601  An Act relative to court filing fees Todd M. Smola
H.1603  An Act relative to the jurisdiction of Peabody District Court Theodore C. Speliotis
H.1610  An Act adjusting the salaries of justices of the judicial branch Ellen Story
H.1611  An Act relative to stenographers and transcribers William M. Straus
H.1613  An Act to establish standards of conduct for district attorneys and provide for duties of the Supreme Judicial Court and for penalties Benjamin Swan
H.1618  An Act to establish the Massachusetts innocence commission Benjamin Swan
H.1629  An Act relative to the advisory board to the justices of the supreme judicial court Timothy J. Toomey, Jr.
H.1630  An Act relative to the advisory committee on personnel standards of the Massachusetts Trial Court Timothy J. Toomey, Jr.
H.1631  An Act relative to bail fees Timothy J. Toomey, Jr.
H.1632  An Act relative to compensation for assistant clerks of court acting as magistrates in Suffolk County Timothy J. Toomey, Jr.
H.1633  An Act relative to the appointment of deputy assistant clerks Timothy J. Toomey, Jr.
H.1634  An Act relative to compensation for assistant clerks and assistant registrars acting as magistrates Timothy J. Toomey, Jr.
H.1635  An Act relative to the appointment of first assistant clerks of court Timothy J. Toomey, Jr.
H.1642  An Act designating the Westfield division of the district court of western Hampden as the John M. Greaney Courthouse John C. Velis
H.1656  An Act relative to the Geographical jurisdiction of the Housing Court Department Chris Walsh
H.3254  An Act providing funding for the judicial youth corporation program Paul McMurtry
H.3258  An Act providing support to local municipalities and their police departments Aaron Vega
H.3436  An Act establishing a regional lockup facility in Suffolk County Daniel Cullinane
H.3438  An Act relative to the Milford District Court John V. Fernandes
H.3439  An Act relative to the reconnection of families of incarcerated persons Gloria L. Fox
H.3448  An Act relative to fees for indigent defendants David M. Rogers