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February 08, 2025 Clouds | 24°F
The 194th General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Hearing DetailsJoint Committee on Consumer Protection and Professional Licensure

Bill Bill Title Sponsor
S.96  An Act protecting consumers during a state of emergency. Benjamin B. Downing
S.112  An Act prohibiting the sale of lottery tickets on credit. John F. Keenan
S.113  An Act to regulate the sale and use of microwave ovens. John F. Keenan
S.116  An Act relative to state and county fairs Thomas P. Kennedy
S.117  An Act relative to the inspection of power operated doors. Thomas P. Kennedy
S.120  An Act relative to second hand dealers. Thomas M. McGee
S.122  An Act relative to hearses Michael O. Moore
S.127  An Act relative to the recognition and registration of professional employer organizations operating in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Michael J. Rodrigues
S.132  An Act authorizing the Massachusetts Lottery Commission to conduct a pilot program Michael F. Rush
S.136  An Act to stabilize lottery revenues to provide predictable aid to cities and towns. Bruce E. Tarr
S.145  An Act regulating secondary metals dealing James E. Timilty
S.146  An Act providing for a study of mis-marked and mis-priced items in retail stores. Steven A. Tolman
S.147  An Act relative to uniform expiration dates. Steven A. Tolman
S.1850  An Act further regulating radio frequency identification devices in the Commonwealth Thomas P. Kennedy
H.107  An Act establishing the Massachusetts travelers bill of rights James J. Dwyer
H.109  An Act relative to the sale of mattresses Peter J. Koutoujian
H.114  An Act providing security to consumers for purchases from certain vendors Elizabeth A. Poirier
H.1006  An Act relative to secondhand dealers Robert F. Fennell
H.1011  An Act restricting the sale of certain items at flea markets Colleen M. Garry
H.1017  An Act to provide for the safe care and treatment of animals Vincent A. Pedone
H.1018  An Act to create a commission to provide for the safe care and treatment of animals Vincent A. Pedone
H.1019  An Act relative to bottled water Vincent A. Pedone
H.1020  An Act relative to dry cleaning establishment Vincent A. Pedone
H.1021  An Act regulating secondary metals dealings Vincent A. Pedone
H.1023  An Act relative to the definition of a kennel George N. Peterson, Jr.
H.1033  An Act for an investigation and study relative to the distribution formula of the State Lottery Steven M. Walsh
H.1884  An Act establishing a Victims of Violent Crimes Lottery Fund Bradley H. Jones, Jr.
H.1886  An Act relative to the conduct of raffles and bazaars by certain organizations. Bradley H. Jones, Jr.
H.1887  An Act relative to reporting requirements for raffles and bazaars Bradley H. Jones, Jr.
H.1892  An Act relative for the redemption of scratch tickets Michael J. Moran
H.1895  An Act to establish a subsidiary board for veterinary technology Vincent A. Pedone
H.1896  An Act to create a commission to provide for the safe care and treatment of animals Vincent A. Pedone
H.2690  An Act requiring greater disclosure by travel agents Cheryl A. Coakley-Rivera
H.2691  An Act protecting against the sale of stolen goods Cheryl A. Coakley-Rivera
H.2702  An Act further regulating the conduct of auctioneers Angelo M. Scaccia
H.2703  An Act relative to the distribution of revenues accruing from the sale of lottery tickets Angelo M. Scaccia
H.3107  An Act aiding cities and towns' snow and ice removal John J. Binienda
H.3226  An Act relative to scrap metal dealers Steven M. Walsh
H.3348  An Act to protect consumer rights Paul McMurtry
H.3500  An Act relative to the issuance of an all alcohol beverage license in the city of Easthampton John W. Scibak