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January 17, 2025 Clear | 34°F
The 194th General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Hearing DetailsJoint Committee on Environment, Natural Resources and Agriculture

Bill Bill Title Sponsor
S.469  An Act further regulating the processing of lobsters Bruce E. Tarr
S.1653  An Act relative to public space recycling Anne M. Gobi
S.1704  An Act to promote solar hot water installations Marc R. Pacheco
H.670  An Act establishing the Designated Port Area Fund Ann-Margaret Ferrante
H.719  An Act permitting review of financial assurance mechanisms Ronald Mariano
H.766  An Act relative to the preservation of Fowl Meadow Walter F. Timilty
H.767  An Act relative to the preservation of land designated areas of critical concern Walter F. Timilty
H.3415  An Act relative to increased access of small business to participation in energy savings services and programs Daniel J. Hunt
H.3416  An Act authorizing the release of certain land in the town of Cummington from the operation of an agricultural preservation restriction Stephen Kulik
H.3567  An Act relative to the Saw Mill Brook in the counties of Suffolk, Norfolk and Middlesex Edward F. Coppinger
H.3594  An Act authorizing the town of Pembroke to use water supply and conservation land for public way purposes Josh S. Cutler