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January 14, 2025 Clouds | 32°F
The 194th General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Hearing DetailsJoint Committee on Environment, Natural Resources and Agriculture

Bill Bill Title Sponsor
H.688  An Act relative to farmers’ markets Paul R. Heroux
H.689  An Act to establish municipal agricultural commissions Kate Hogan
H.705  An Act to reinstate the clean environment fund Robert M. Koczera
H.706  An Act Establishing a Green Banks Program Robert M. Koczera
H.711  An Act to strengthen the Massachusetts agricultural infrastructure relative to meat and poultry production and processing Stephen Kulik
H.712  An Act to promote farm viability Stephen Kulik
H.716  Resolve establishing a special commission to study the effects of coastal and ocean acidification and its existing and potential effects on species that are commercially harvested and grown along the Massachusetts coast Timothy R. Madden
H.748  An Act protecting the viability of farms in the Commonwealth Paul A. Schmid, III
H.749  An Act relative to buffer zones on land under the agricultural restriction program Paul A. Schmid, III
H.750  An Act relative to failed septic systems Paul A. Schmid, III
H.751  An Act relative to nitrogen impaired embayments Paul A. Schmid, III
H.764  An Act establishing a cranberry industry revitalization task force William M. Straus
H.765  An Act establishing an ocean acidification task force William M. Straus
H.3238  An Act establishing the Olmsted Park improvement fund Carole A. Fiola
H.3414  An Act relative to land improvements in the town of Freetown Carole A. Fiola
H.3419  An Act encouraging SNAP purchases at local community farmers markets Paul McMurtry