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February 01, 2025 Clear | 20°F
The 194th General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Hearing DetailsJoint Committee on the Judiciary

Bill Bill Title Sponsor
S.64  An Act to increase neighborhood safety and opportunity Sonia Chang-Diaz
S.727  An Act further regulating the penalties for tagging William N. Brownsberger
S.728  An Act relative to the penalty for vandalism William N. Brownsberger
S.729  An Act relative to parole eligibility William N. Brownsberger
S.731  An Act protecting the rights of probationers in drug courts William N. Brownsberger
S.756  An Act relative to probation violations Cynthia S. Creem
S.771  An Act to expand intensive parole supervision Cynthia S. Creem
S.790  An Act relative to controlled substances Viriato M. deMacedo
S.795  An Act relative to adjusting the credit for nonpayment of fines Sal N. DiDomenico
S.843  An Act relative to medical placement of terminal and incapacitated inmates Patricia D. Jehlen
S.920  An Act relative to criminal sentencing Bruce E. Tarr
S.929  An Act relative to the appropriate use of public funds Bruce E. Tarr
S.1519  An Act relative to historic homes Joan B. Lovely
H.1167  An Act to improve public safety by facilitating access to addiction services Ruth B. Balser
H.1170  An Act providing for enhancing public safety by reforming the Parole Board Ruth B. Balser
H.1171  An Act relative to ensuring quality mental health services in state correctional facilities Ruth B. Balser
H.1172  An Act enhancing services for juveniles F. Jay Barrows
H.1188  An Act relative to limiting recurring parole hearings for persons convicted of second degree murder Garrett J. Bradley
H.1249  An Act providing further information on criminal offender records Daniel Cullinane
H.1257  An Act relative to prison mitigation Angelo L. D'Emilia
H.1279  An Act relative to community corrections Robert F. Fennell
H.1298  An Act relative to End of Life Family Funeral visitation Gloria L. Fox
H.1332  An Act authorizing criteria for the release of terminally ill inmates to alternative locations of confinement Colleen M. Garry
H.1369  An Act relative to the recidivism reducing program reporting by the Commissioner of the Department of Correction Paul R. Heroux
H.1375  An Act holding habitual, violent offenders responsible for simultaneous crimes Bradford R. Hill
H.1381  An Act to collect data regarding the use of solitary confinement in Massachusetts prisons and jails Russell E. Holmes
H.1382  An Act providing community-based sentencing alternatives for primary caretakers of dependent children convicted of non-violent crimes Russell E. Holmes
H.1383  An Act relative to work release eligibility Russell E. Holmes
H.1391  An Act to enhance enforcement of laws banning contraband in correctional facilities Randy Hunt
H.1413  An Act establishing mandatory post release supervision in the Commonwealth Bradley H. Jones, Jr.
H.1421  An Act Relative to judicial discretion regarding immigration status Louis L. Kafka
H.1429  An Act to increase neighborhood safety and opportunity Mary S. Keefe
H.1434  An Act for health education in women's correctional institutions Kay Khan
H.1458  An Act relative to sentencing guidelines David Paul Linsky
H.1475  An Act to reduce recidivism, curb unnecessary spending, and ensure appropriate use of segregation Elizabeth A. Malia
H.1494  An Act relative to reinstituting capital punishment in the Commonwealth James R. Miceli
H.1495  An Act relative to the temporary release of persons under the care of the department of mental health James R. Miceli
H.1537  An Act authorizing sheriffs to impose fees Elizabeth A. Poirier
H.1559  An Act to promote public safety by improving the parole process David M. Rogers
H.1574  An Act An act relative to adjusting the credit for nonpayment of fines Byron Rushing
H.1612  An Act affecting the housing of prisoners Benjamin Swan
H.1614  An Act relative to telephone service for inmates in all correctional and other penal institutions in the Commonwealth Benjamin Swan
H.1621  An Act to establish the Massachusetts Prisoner Bone Marrow Donation Program Benjamin Swan
H.1622  An Act for the medical release of prisoners Benjamin Swan
H.1624  An Act relating to inmates organ donations Benjamin Swan
H.1627  An Act relative to work release eligibility Timothy J. Toomey, Jr.
H.1628  An Act relative to medical placement of terminal and incapacitated inmates Timothy J. Toomey, Jr.
H.1645  An Act concerning time of sentence while in confinement to isolation David T. Vieira
H.3440  An Act relative to the implementation of a department of corrections reentry program Gloria L. Fox
H.3444  An Act relative to searches of female inmates Kay Khan
H.3451  An Act prohibiting the solitary confinement of inmates 21 years of age or younger David M. Rogers