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January 10, 2025 Clear | 30°F
The 194th General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Hearing DetailsJoint Committee on Public Service

Bill Bill Title Sponsor
S.1337  An Act relative to the conversion of certain disability retirements Viriato M. deMacedo
S.1347  An Act clarifying accidental disability benefits Kenneth J. Donnelly
S.1384  An Act allowing for payment in lieu of a disability allowance John F. Keenan
S.1401  An Act relative to ordinary disability retirements Thomas M. McGee
S.1409  An Act relative to corrections officers injured in the line of duty Marc R. Pacheco
S.1428  An Act relative to public safety line of duty benefits Michael F. Rush
S.1429  An Act relative to surviving family of emergency medical technicians Michael F. Rush
S.1430  An Act further regulating employee benefits Karen E. Spilka
S.1431  An Act relative to the retirement benefits of certain widows and surviving spouses Karen E. Spilka
S.1433  An Act protecting volunteer law enforcement Bruce E. Tarr
S.1436  An Act relative to funeral and burial expenses James E. Timilty
H.2198  An Act relative to injured correctional officers James Arciero
H.2216  An Act relative to the oversight of disability pension benefits Tackey Chan
H.2217  An Act relative to ordinary disability retirements Tackey Chan
H.2241  An Act relative to the death of judges in the performance of their duties and survivors benefits Tackey Chan
H.2250  An Act to clarify leave under Chapter 41: 111F Nick Collins
H.2253  An Act relative to court officers and probation officers Brendan P. Crighton
H.2267  An Act relative to restoration to service Marjorie C. Decker
H.2275  An Act relative to expenses incurred in defense against denials of Chapter 41 111F benefits Diana DiZoglio
H.2287  An Act relative to line-of-duty death benefits James J. Dwyer
H.2291  An Act defining performed services for correctional officers Michael J. Finn
H.2295  An Act relative to retired capitol police officers disabled in the performance of duty William C. Galvin
H.2318  An Act relative to increasing killed-in-line-of-duty benefits for public safety employees Thomas A. Golden, Jr.
H.2323  An Act to provide certain employees in the department of corrections with line of duty death benefits Paul R. Heroux
H.2326  An Act to clarify leave under Chapter 41: 111F Paul R. Heroux
H.2328  An Act relative to expenses incurred in defense against denials of Chapter 41 111F benefits Paul R. Heroux
H.2344  An Act relative to cashing out of disability retirement system alternative commission Bradley H. Jones, Jr.
H.2364  An Act for fairness regarding line of duty benefits Jay D. Livingstone
H.2383  An Act to provide pensions to surviving spouses of Department of Children and Families social workers killed in the line of duty James J. O'Day
H.2385  An Act relative to ensuring fairness in public employee workers compensation benefits James J. O'Day
H.2393  An Act providing for special death benefits to fallen public safety officers Angelo J. Puppolo, Jr.
H.2394  An Act relative to the officers of the court John H. Rogers
H.2398  An Act relative to surviving family of emergency medical technicians Daniel J. Ryan