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March 08, 2025 Clear | 31°F
The 194th General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Hearing DetailsJoint Committee on Telecommunications, Utilities and Energy

Bill Bill Title Sponsor
S.1758  An Act relative to the protection of propane gas ratepayers Benjamin B. Downing
S.1767  An Act requiring gas leak repairs during certain road projects James B. Eldridge
S.1768  An Act relative to protecting consumers of gas and electricity from paying for leaked and unaccounted for gas James B. Eldridge
S.1769  An Act to protect Massachusetts gas and electric ratepayers James B. Eldridge
S.1780  An Act relative to the sale of natural gas as a motor fuel Michael O. Moore
S.1781  An Act to regulate hydraulic fracturing Kathleen O'Connor Ives
S.1791  An Act establishing a transformative motion utilities law Bruce E. Tarr
S.1792  An Act to provide a black out battery back up Bruce E. Tarr
S.1797  An Act establishing a fee on the storage of spent nuclear fuel in pools Daniel A. Wolf
S.1798  An Act establishing funding to provide moneys for postclosure activities at nuclear power stations Daniel A. Wolf
H.2848  An Act clarifying certain utility assessments Michael D. Brady
H.2863  An Act relative to public utility company vegetation management Josh S. Cutler
H.2869  An Act relative to the timing of reimbursement for federal manufacturers excise tax Paul J. Donato
H.2870  An Act relative to protecting consumers of gas and electricity from paying for leaked and unaccounted for gas Lori A. Ehrlich
H.2871  An Act relative to gas leak repairs during road projects Lori A. Ehrlich
H.2893  An Act relative to the authority of the Attorney General Stephen Kulik
H.2897  An Act relative to recovery John J. Mahoney
H.2906  An Act to eliminate coal burning and use Tom Sannicandro
H.2908  An Act relative to voluntary towing John W. Scibak
H.2918  An Act relative to the timely determination of towing rates Aaron Vega
H.3309  An Act providing certain property owners with royalties related to the extraction of natural gas Stephen Kulik
H.3531  An Act to examine the cost of gasoline, oil, natural gas, and electricity on Cape Cod and the Islands Brian R. Mannal
H.3534  An Act addressing the gas pipeline project Harold P. Naughton, Jr.
H.3579  An Act regulating fees relating to the sale and usage of propane gas James M. Cantwell