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January 30, 2025 Clouds | 27°F
The 194th General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Hearing DetailsJoint Committee on Environment, Natural Resources and Agriculture

Bill Bill Title Sponsor
H.396  An Act establishing a revolving fund to supplement the funding of waterway projects and coastal protection initiatives Bruce J. Ayers
H.398  An Act instructing the Massachusetts Department of Fish & Game to study the feasibility of repurposing the former Moon Island Sewage Treatment Plant for the purposes of fish and shellfish farms Bruce J. Ayers
H.401  An Act relative to community preservation funds for coastal infrastructure James M. Cantwell
H.403  An Act to protect open space, historical resources, and community housing from coastal threats James M. Cantwell
H.405  An Act relative to the financing of dredging projects James M. Cantwell
H.406  An Act establishing a regional dredge grants program James M. Cantwell
H.411  An Act relative to DCR yacht club fee reflecting water way access Tackey Chan
H.455  An Act regarding designated port areas James M. Murphy
H.465  An Act relative to the conservation of striped bass Thomas M. Stanley
H.466  An Act relative to the conservation of Atlantic striped bass Thomas M. Stanley
H.467  Resolve protecting the legal harvest of striped bass Thomas M. Stanley
H.468  An Act to invasive plants William M. Straus
H.471  An Act establishing a commission to study dredging needs for recreational boating in Commonwealth waterways William M. Straus
H.472  An Act establishing an ocean acidification task force William M. Straus
H.2109  An Act to create the department of marine fisheries resources Antonio F. D. Cabral
H.2122  Resolve establishing a special commission to study the effects of coastal and ocean acidification and its existing and potential effects on species that are commercially harvested and grown along the Massachusetts coast Dylan Fernandes
H.2123  An Act relative to the scientific strategic planning of the Commonwealth’s fishery Ann-Margaret Ferrante
H.2124  An Act to establish a commercial fishing permit bank in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Ann-Margaret Ferrante
H.2150  An Act preserving public trust rights in land affected by ocean erosion Frank I. Smizik
H.2906  An Act further regulating the processing of lobsters James M. Cantwell
H.2927  An Act relative to inshore resource depletion Peter V. Kocot
H.2935  An Act promoting awareness of safe recreation in public waterways Denise Provost
H.3902  An Act establishing the cape cod water protection trust Sarah K. Peake
S.403  An Act establishing a commission to study dredging needs for recreational boating in commonwealth waterways Joseph A. Boncore
S.410  Resolve establishing a special commission to study the effects of coastal and ocean acidification and its existing and potential effects on species that are commercially harvested and grown along the Massachusetts coast Julian Cyr
S.448  An Act promoting awareness of safe recreation in public waterways Patricia D. Jehlen
S.468  An Act relative to community preservation funds for seawall repairs Patrick M. O'Connor
S.487  An Act providing for alternative DPA compliance Bruce E. Tarr
S.488  An Act regulating the processing of lobsters Bruce E. Tarr
S.492  An Act relative to the conservation of striped bass James E. Timilty
S.2163  An Act establishing the Cape Cod Water Protection Trust Julian Cyr