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March 28, 2025 Clouds | 54°F
The 194th General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Hearing DetailsJoint Committee on Labor and Workforce Development

Bill Bill Title Sponsor
S.917  An Act strengthening wage enforcement Katherine M. Clark
S.919  An Act requiring recordkeeping at public construction worksites in order to protect first responders Kenneth J. Donnelly
S.920  An Act relative to paying prevailing wages to tree maintenance workers Kenneth J. Donnelly
S.923  An Act clarifying the meal break law to allow for private enforcement James B. Eldridge
S.924  establishing uniform wage compliance and record keeping and extending the statute of limitations on civil and criminal actions alleging a violation of the fair wage and hours law James B. Eldridge
S.928  An Act clarifying the intent and interpretation of Chapter 149, subsection 152A of the General Laws. John Hart, Jr.
S.929  An Act regarding youth sports referees Robert L. Hedlund
S.947  An Act to clarify employer sanctions for improper expenditure of withholdings or deductions from wages. Marc R. Pacheco
S.951  An Act to promote the Commonwealth's economic recovery with a strong minimum wage Marc R. Pacheco
S.954  An Act relative to collective bargaining agreements Anthony W. Petruccelli
S.957  An Act relative to independent contractors. Michael J. Rodrigues
S.958  An Act to provide further transparency in public construction Michael J. Rodrigues
S.961  An Act regarding protections extended to lay teachers in parochial schools Michael F. Rush
S.965  An Act relative to willfull violations of the wage law. Bruce E. Tarr
S.967  An Act expediting appeals of wage violations James E. Timilty
S.970  An Act relative to labor relations and representational elections Steven A. Tolman
S.973  An Act making the members of limited liability companies liable for violations of the payment of wages statute . Steven A. Tolman
H.531  An Act relative to the joint labor management committee Sean Garballey
H.536  An Act further regulating funeral directors Peter J. Koutoujian
H.544  An Act relative to child labor laws Theodore C. Speliotis
H.548  An Act to enhance the quality of security services on state property Martin J. Walsh
H.1391  An Act relative to independent contractors F. Jay Barrows
H.1396  An Act relative to child labor law Colleen M. Garry
H.1400  An Act relative to providing fiscal relief to municipalities Steven L. Levy
H.1402  An Act relative to collective bargaining agreements James J. O'Day
H.1411  An Act regarding treble damages Martha M. Walz
H.1412  An Act relative to independent contractors Martha M. Walz
H.1414  An Act relative to the payment of wages Martha M. Walz
H.2291  An Act to promote the Commonwealth's economic recovery with a strong minimum wage Antonio F. D. Cabral
H.2292  An Act relative to binding arbitration Tackey Chan
H.2298  An Act clarifying the definition of an employee. Bradley H. Jones, Jr.
H.2301  An Act relative to Sunday wages Bradley H. Jones, Jr.
H.2302  An Act relative to the establishment of a minimum training wage Bradley H. Jones, Jr.
H.2304  An Act regulating chapter 136. Paul W. Mark
H.2306  An Act relative to prevailing wages. Harold P. Naughton, Jr.
H.2313  An Act establishing a teen minimum wage to encourage seasonal employment Daniel B. Winslow
H.2869  An Act to protect wages of employees who receive wages through an electronic wage card Tackey Chan
H.2874  An Act relative to independent contractors Louis L. Kafka
H.2875  An Act establishing uniform wage compliance and recordkeeping Denise Provost
H.3158  An Act relative to private construction and providing for an addendum to a pipefitter’s license Nick Collins
H.3232  An Act to provide further transparency in public construction James Arciero
H.3392  An Act relative to overtime for garagemen John J. Binienda
H.3546  An Act relative to the definition of an employee Jennifer E. Benson