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January 30, 2025 Clouds | 26°F
The 194th General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Hearing DetailsJoint Committee on Higher Education

Item Name Start Time Duration Webcast
Joint Committee on Higher Education - 6-27-2023 6/27/2023 10:00 AM 03:42:48
Bill Bill Title Sponsor
H.1253  An Act relative to social work uplifting practices and exam removal Christine P. Barber
S.160  An Act relative to Social Work Uplifting Practices and Exam Removal (“The SUPER Act”) Sal N. DiDomenico
H.1254  An Act relative to community colleges and the career technical initiative Josh S. Cutler
H.1263  An Act relative to college athlete compensation Carlos González
H.1267  An Act relative to college athlete compensation Steven S. Howitt
S.825  An Act relative to college athlete compensation and agent regulation Barry R. Finegold
H.1264  An Act relative to advanced placement examinations Richard M. Haggerty
H.1270  An Act relative to acceptance of AP scores for college credit Bradley H. Jones, Jr.
H.1280  An Act relative to advanced placement examinations and college credit Adrian C. Madaro
S.838  An Act relative to advanced placement examinations Michael O. Moore
H.1268  An Act providing full student representation on the University of Massachusetts Board of Trustees Daniel J. Hunt
H.1269  An Act relative to the Honorable George V. Kenneally, Jr Daniel J. Hunt
H.1271  An Act relative to establishing institutional public private partnerships Bradley H. Jones, Jr.
H.1282  An Act banning legacy preferences in higher education Michael J. Moran
H.3760  An Act to advance fairness, integrity, and excellence in higher education admissions Simon Cataldo
S.821  An Act banning legacy preferences in higher education Lydia Edwards
H.1283  An Act protecting public higher education student information Michael J. Moran
S.844  An Act protecting public higher education student information Jacob R. Oliveira
H.1284  An Act to authorize the state universities to offer clinical and professional doctorate programs James J. O'Day
S.843  An Act to authorize state universities to offer clinical and professional doctorate programs Jacob R. Oliveira
H.1286  An Act relative to college in high school Jeffrey N. Roy
S.818  An Act relative to college in high school Brendan P. Crighton
H.1287  An Act relative to admissions requirements to institutions of higher education Adam J. Scanlon
S.827  An Act relative to admissions requirements to institutions of higher education Adam Gomez
H.1289  An Act relative to college tuition and admissions Alan Silvia
H.1290  An Act relative to a tuition and fee freeze at all public colleges and universities Jeffrey Rosario Turco
S.822  An Act instructing the board of higher education to engage house of corrections and state prisons Lydia Edwards
S.828  An Act relative to the rights of faculty members at the University of Massachusetts Patricia D. Jehlen
S.831  An Act investing in public higher education Edward J. Kennedy
S.846  An Act relative to UMass tuition credit Marc R. Pacheco