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January 21, 2025 Clouds | 17°F
The 194th General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Hearing DetailsJoint Committee on Public Service

Bill Bill Title Sponsor
S.1242  An Act relative to accrued sick time of certain state employees Thomas P. Kennedy
S.1269  An Act to expand the septic tax credit Anthony W. Petruccelli
S.1297  An Act relative to the state police. James E. Timilty
H.2270  An Act relative to state employees serving in the Massachusetts National Guard or active reserves Nick Collins
H.2277  An Act relative to non-civil service lay off lists Mark J. Cusack
H.2279  An Act to require restroom breaks for public transit Mark J. Cusack
H.2291  An Act relative to accountability of law enforcement professionals Viriato Manuel deMacedo
H.2298  An Act relative to a state employee sick leave bank Peter J. Durant
H.2308  An Act to reform and modernize legislative transportation reimbursement Ryan C. Fattman
H.2312  An Act relative to a polygraph testing for police officer applicants John V. Fernandes
H.2315  An Act relative to correctional officer compensation Michael J. Finn
H.2321  An Act relative to establishing a law enforcement bill of rights John P. Fresolo
H.2330  An Act to further regulate the attendance by police officers at police association executive board meeting John P. Fresolo
H.2337  An Act relative to Commonwealth employees taking public higher education courses Sean Garballey
H.2338  An Act relative to military leave Sean Garballey
H.2341  relative to making provisional official service employees in the Commonwealth permanent employees Colleen M. Garry
H.2351  An Act relative to campus police officers' powers Thomas A. Golden, Jr.
H.2361  An Act relative to the transfer of Department of Highways employees from the capital budget to the operating budget Bradley H. Jones, Jr.
H.2371  An Act allowing additional compensation of an assistant municipal collector or assistant treasurer upon certification Stephen Kulik
H.2375  An Act reaffirming the spirit of volunteerism Kevin J. Kuros
H.2380  An Act relative to shared sacrifice James J. Lyons, Jr.
H.2381  An Act establishing uniform disciplinary procedures for correctional officers John J. Mahoney
H.2415  An Act further regulating pharmacists. Kathi-Anne Reinstein
H.2418  An Act providing a bone marrow registry for firefighter candidates. Kathi-Anne Reinstein
H.2426  An Act to make provisional employees in the labor service permanent employees Angelo M. Scaccia
H.2439  An Act relative to National Guard benefits Theodore C. Speliotis
S.1789  An Act authorizing the town of Heath to continue the employment of Margo Ann Newton as police chief Benjamin B. Downing
S.1793  An Act to permit town resident, Evens Maurice, to apply and be considered for appointment to the position of police officer in the town of Arlington Kenneth J. Donnelly
S.1930  An Act exempting part-time call firefighters in the town of Athol from the civil service law Stephen M. Brewer
S.1943  An Act exempting Barry Canavan from the maximum age requirement as a firefighter in the town of Westwood Michael F. Rush
S.1944  An Act exempting the police department of the town of Westwood from the civil service law Michael F. Rush
S.1964  An Act exempting certain positions in the police department of the town of Sandwich from the civil service law Therese Murray
H.14  regarding post retirement earnings and unemployment benefits NONE
H.23  relative to the Massachusetts State Employees Retirement System NONE
H.3525  clarifying the term of appointment of non-civil service police officers Alice Hanlon Peisch
H.3661  An Act establishing post-employment sick leave banks Aaron Vega
H.3794  An Act exempting the Police Department of the Town of Westwood from the provisions of the Civil Service Law Paul McMurtry
H.3807  An Act authorizing the appointment of Scott Marchand as a firefighter in the city of Haverhill notwithstanding the maximum age requirement Brian S. Dempsey
H.3809  An Act directing the State-Saugus retirement board to retire John Coburn a police officer of the town of Saugus Donald H. Wong