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Date | Branch | Result Summary |
1/4/2012 | House | House Journal
Ward 1, Ward 2: Precinct 3, Ward 3, Ward 4: Precincts 1, 2, Ward 5: Precincts 1, 3, Ward 6. DISTRICT 4 — BRADFORD HILL (R) OF IPSWICH — Boxford: Precincts ... |
1/4/2006 | House | House Journal
District 4 William Smitty Pignatelli (D) of Lenox ... Southborough, Precinct 1 District 4 Stephen P. LeDuc (D) of Marlborough ... District 4 Frank M. Hynes (D) of Marshfield ... |
1/2/2008 | House | House Journal
Southborough, Precinct 1 District 4 Stephen P. LeDuc (D) of Marlborough ... Co.) Precinct 1 Boston: Ward 21, Precincts 2, 4, 13, 14, District 18 Michael J. Moran (D ... |
1/3/2018 | House | House Journal
D) MARBLEHEAD — Lynn: Ward 3: Precinct 4, Ward 4: Precinct 4; Marblehead; Swampscott ... Ward 2: Precinct H, Ward 3: Precinct A, Ward 4, Ward 5: Precincts A, B, E, F, Ward 6 ... |
1/1/2020 | House | House Journal
J O U R N A L OF THE ... D) of Lawrence — Lawrence: Ward A: Precincts 2, 4, Ward B, Ward C: Precinct 4, Ward E: Precincts 2, 3, 4, Ward F: Precinct 2, 3, 4. District ... |
1/5/2022 | House | House Journal
J O U R N A L OF THE ... D) of Lawrence — Lawrence: Ward A: Precincts 2, 4, Ward B, Ward C: Precinct 4, Ward E: Precincts 2, 3, 4, Ward F: Precinct 2, 3, 4. District ... |
1/1/2014 | House | House Journal
Ward 1, Ward 2: Precinct 3, Ward 3, Ward 4: Precincts 1, 2, Ward 5: Precincts 1, 3, Ward 6. DISTRICT 4 — BRADFORD R. HILL (R) OF IPSWICH — Hamilton ... DISTRICT 7 — JOHN D. KEENAN (D ... |
1/6/2016 | House | House Journal
Ward 1, Ward 2: Precinct 3, Ward 3, Ward 4: Precincts 1, 2, Ward 5: Precincts 1, 3, Ward 6. DISTRICT 4 — BRADFORD HILL (R) OF IPSWICH — Hamilton; Ipswich ... |
1/6/2021 | House | House Journal
The one hundred and ninety-second General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts convened at the State House in Boston on the first Wednesday of January, being the sixth day ... |
1/4/2017 | House | House Journal
The one hundred and ninetieth General Court of the Common- wealth of Massachusetts convened at the State House in Boston on the first Wednesday of January, being the fourth day of ... |
1/5/2005 | House | House Journal
The one hundred and eighty-fourth General Court of the Com- monwealth of Massachusetts convened at the State House in Boston on the first Wednesday of January ... January 4, 2005 ... |
1/3/2007 | House | House Journal
The one hundred and eighty-fifth General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts convened at ... Lewis G. Fagan, James H. Fallon, Christopher G. JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE, 4 Prayer ... |
1/4/2023 | House | House Journal
The one hundred and ninety-third General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts convened at the State House in Boston on the first Wednesday of January, being the fourth day ... |
1/7/2004 | House | House Journal
J O U R N A L OF ... Southborough, Precinct 1 District 4 Stephen P. LeDuc (D) of Marlborough ... 1 (Norfolk Co.) Boston: Ward 21, Precincts 2, 4, 13, 14, District 18 Brian Paul Golden (D ... |
1/7/2009 | House | House Journal
The one hundred and eighty-sixth General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts convened at the State House in Boston on the first Wednesday of January, being the seventh day ... |
1/7/2015 | House | House Journal
The one hundred and eighty-ninth General Court of the Common- wealth of Massachusetts convened at the State House in Boston on the first Wednesday of January, being the seventh ... |
1/5/2011 | House | House Journal
The one hundred and eighty-seventh General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts convened at the State House in Boston on the first Wednesday of January, being the fifth day ... |
1/2/2013 | House | House Journal
J O U R N A L oF tHe HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES oF The Commonwealth of Massachusetts FoR tHe 188th General Court — 2013 — [IncludIng Roll call Supplement] PRINTED BY ORDER OF ... |
1/2/2019 | House | House Journal
The one hundred and ninety-first General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts convened at the State House in Boston on the first Wednesday of January, being the second day ... |
2/14/2005 | Senate | Senate Journal
Register of Deeds (under the provisions of Section 4 of Chapter 4 of the Acts of 2003 and Section 2KKK of ... |
1/6/2010 | House | House Journal
DISTRICT 1 — MICHAEL A. COSTELLO (D) OF ... Pittsfield: Ward 1: Precinct A, Wards 2, 3, 4, Ward 5: Precinct A, Wards 6, 7. DISTRICT 4 — WILLIAM SMITTY PIGNATELLI (D) OF LENOX — Alford ... |
10/22/2001 | House | House Journal
Met according to adjournment, at eleven o’clock, A.M., with Mrs. Harkins of Needham in the Chair (having been appointed by the Speaker, under authority conferred by Rule 5, to ... |
5/4/2017 (11:00 AM) | Senate | Senate Journal
President, under authority conferred by Senate Rule 4, to perform the duties of the Chair ... city of Attleboro, ward 3, precinct B, ward 4, precincts A and B, ward 5, precincts A and ... |
1/4/2001 | Senate | Senate Journal
President, under authority conferred by Senate Rule 4, to perform the duties of the Chair ... OFFICE OF SECRETARY OF THE COMMONWEALTH STATE HOUSE, BOSTON 02133-1053 January 4, 2001 ... |
12/13/2004 | Senate | Senate Journal
under the provisions of Section 80 of Chapter 4 of the Acts of 2003) submitting a copy of ... until the vote required by section 4 has been certified by the commissioner of education ... |