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The 194th General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Section 1: Definitions

Section 1. As used in this chapter, the following words shall have the following meanings unless the context or subject matter clearly requires otherwise:

''Advisory council'', the group of advisors established in section 4.

''Commissioner'', the commissioner of public health.

''Community EMS program'', a program developed by the primary ambulance service with the approval of the local jurisdiction and the affiliate hospital medical director utilizing emergency medical services providers acting within their scope of practice to provide community outreach and assistance to residents to advance injury and illness prevention within the community.

''Community paramedic provider'', a person who: (i) is certified as a paramedic pursuant to chapter 111C; and (ii) has successfully completed an education program for mobile integrated health care pursuant to department regulations.

''Department'', the department of public health.

''EMS'', emergency medical services.

''EMS provider'', an EMS first response service, an ambulance service, a hospital including, but not limited to, a trauma center or an individual associated with an EMS first response service, an ambulance service or a hospital engaged in providing EMS, including, but not limited to, an EMS first responder, a medical communications system operator, an emergency medical technician and a medical control physician, to the extent that physician provides EMS.

''Health care entity'', a provider or provider organization, including, but not limited to, an ambulance service licensed under chapter 111C, a visiting nurse association, accountable care organization and a home health agency.

''Health care facility'', a licensed institution providing health care services or a health care setting, including, but not limited to, hospitals, and other inpatient centers, ambulatory, surgical or treatment centers, behavioral health centers, skilled nursing centers, residential treatment centers, diagnostic, laboratory and imaging centers, and rehabilitation and other therapeutic health centers.

''Health care provider'', a provider of medical, behavioral or health services or any other person or organization that furnishes bills or is paid for the delivery of health care services in the normal course of business.

''Medical control'', the clinical oversight provided by a qualified physician or existing primary care provider to all components of the MIH program, including, but not limited to, medical direction, training, scope of practice and authorization to practice of a community paramedic provider, continuous quality assurance and improvement and clinical protocols.

''Medical direction'', the authorization for treatment provided by a qualified physician or existing primary care provider in accordance with clinical protocols, whether on-line, through direct communication or telecommunication, or off-line through standing orders.

''Mobile integrated health care'' or ''MIH'', a health care program approved by the department that utilizes mobile resources to deliver care and services to patients in an out-of-hospital environment in coordination with health care facilities or other health care providers; provided, that the medical care and services include, but are not limited to, community paramedic provider services, chronic disease management, behavioral health, preventative care, post-discharge follow-up visits, or transport or referral to facilities other than hospital emergency departments.

''Patient'', an individual identified by a health care facility, entity or provider as requiring MIH services.

''Person'', an individual, entity or agency or a political subdivision of the commonwealth.

''Physician'', a medical or osteopathic doctor licensed to practice medicine in the commonwealth.

''Scope of practice'', the clinical skills or functions: (i) as defined by the statewide treatment protocols governing the delivery of emergency medical services under chapter 111C; and (ii) clinical protocols established by the department by regulation pursuant to this chapter.