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January 19, 2025 Snow | 30°F
The 194th General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Representative Alyson M. Sullivan-Almeida Republican - 7th Plymouth

Bill Docket Bill Pinslip/Title
  HD.4416 By Mr. Durant of Spencer, a petition (subject to Joint Rule 12) of Peter J. Durant and others that the Commonwealth shall not require proof of vaccination against COVID-19 as a condition of entry. Covid-19 and Emergency Preparedness and Management.
S.31  SD.2529 By Mr. Brady, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 31) of Michael D. Brady, Walter F. Timilty and Alyson M. Sullivan (by vote of the town) for legislation to authorize certain investments by the Treasurer of the town of East Bridgewater. Senate Rules. [Local approval received]
H.130  HD.1440 By Representatives Meschino of Hull and Tucker of Salem, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 130) of Joan Meschino, Paul F. Tucker and others for legislation to establish a comprehensive statewide policy concerning streaming entertainment services and the recovery of municipal costs for the management and maintenance of digital infrastructure. Advanced Information Technology, the Internet and Cybersecurity.
H.149  HD.595 By Mr. Dooley of Norfolk, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 149) of Shawn Dooley, Alyson M. Sullivan and Hannah Kane relative to the transportation of marijuana in motor vehicles. Cannabis Policy.
H.159  HD.1184 By Mrs. Kane of Shrewsbury, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 159) of Hannah Kane and others relative to further regulating the promotion of marijuana and marijuana products. Cannabis Policy.
H.160  HD.1190 By Mrs. Kane of Shrewsbury, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 160) of Hannah Kane and others to legislation to revive and continue the special commission on operating under the influence and impaired driving. Cannabis Policy.
H.161  HD.1193 By Mrs. Kane of Shrewsbury, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 161) of Hannah Kane and others relative to possession and consumption of marijuana or marijuana accessories. Cannabis Policy.
H.162  HD.1195 By Mrs. Kane of Shrewsbury, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 162) of Hannah Kane and others relative to siting of marijuana establishments. Cannabis Policy.
H.218  HD.1801 By Mr. Garballey of Arlington, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 218) of Sean Garballey and others relative to updating terminology and investigative practices related to the protection of persons with disabilities. Children, Families and Persons with Disabilities.
S.243  SD.90 By Mr. Tarr, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 243) of Bruce E. Tarr, Timothy R. Whelan, Joseph D. McKenna, Sheila C. Harrington and other members of the General Court for legislation relative to preventing price gouging during an emergency. Consumer Protection and Professional Licensure.
H.408  HD.2630 By Mr. Jones of North Reading, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 408) of Bradley H. Jones, Jr., and others relative to sales of alcoholic beverages at discounted prices at certain establishments. Consumer Protection and Professional Licensure.
H.458  HD.701 By Mr. Soter of Bellingham, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 458) of Michael J. Soter and others relative to the storage of certain alcoholic beverages. Consumer Protection and Professional Licensure.
H.471  HD.223 By Mr. Whelan of Brewster, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 471) of Timothy R. Whelan and others relative to increasing the penalties to motor vehicle dealers for certain sales of used police vehicles. Consumer Protection and Professional Licensure.
H.575  HD.591 By Mr. Dooley of Norfolk, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 575) of Shawn Dooley and Alyson M. Sullivan relative to establishing mandatory lockdown drills in public and private elementary and secondary schools. Education.
H.631  HD.2674 By Mr. Jones of North Reading, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 631) of Bradley H. Jones, Jr., and others for legislation to permanently establish the Foundation Budget Review Commission. Education.
H.634  HD.2700 By Mr. Jones of North Reading, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 634) of Bradley H. Jones, Jr., and others for legislation to provide for investigation by a task force (including members of the General Court) relative to the state mandates placed on public schools and districts. Education.
H.744  HD.1206 By Representative Kane of Shrewsbury and Senator Velis, a joint petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 744) of Hannah Kane, John C. Velis and others for legislation to establish a special commission (including members of the General Court) to study the financial abuse of elders. Elder Affairs.
H.949  HD.1209 By Mrs. Kane of Shrewsbury, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 949) of Hannah Kane and others for legislation to regulate boarding kennels and daycare facilities for dogs. Environment, Natural Resources and Agriculture.
S.1019  SD.2379 By Ms. DiZoglio, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1019) of Diana DiZoglio and Alyson M. Sullivan for legislation to strengthen sexual harassment and discrimination policies in the commonwealth. The Judiciary.
S.1020  SD.2389 By Ms. DiZoglio, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1020) of Diana DiZoglio and Alyson M. Sullivan for legislation concerning nondisclosure agreements relative to sexual harassment and discrimination. The Judiciary.
S.1021  SD.2393 By Ms. DiZoglio, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1021) of Diana DiZoglio and Alyson M. Sullivan for legislation relative to nondisclosure agreements. The Judiciary.
S.1023  SD.359 By Mr. Fattman, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1023) of Ryan C. Fattman, Walter F. Timilty, Steven G. Xiarhos, Alyson M. Sullivan and other members of the General Court for legislation to ensure domestic violence victims' protections for all employees in the Commonwealth. The Judiciary.
H.1063  HD.3244 By Messrs. D'Emilia of Bridgewater and McMurtry of Dedham, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 1063) of Angelo L. D'Emilia, Paul McMurtry and others relative to insurance payments for use of ambulance services. Financial Services.
H.1125  HD.2602 By Mr. Jones of North Reading, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 1125) of Bradley H. Jones, Jr., and others relative to health insurance coverage for epinephrine injectors. Financial Services.
H.1127  HD.2606 By Mr. Jones of North Reading, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 1127) of Bradley H. Jones, Jr., and others relative to electronic automobile insurance charges. Financial Services.
H.1130  HD.1197 By Mrs. Kane of Shrewsbury, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 1130) of Hannah Kane and others relative to providing for discounts in motor vehicle insurance premiums for completion of a marijuana impairment education course. Financial Services.
H.1343  HD.2672 By Mr. Jones of North Reading, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 1343) of Bradley H. Jones, Jr., and others relative to financial literacy counseling for students accepted at public institutions of higher education. Higher Education.
H.1419  HD.2609 By Mr. Jones of North Reading, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 1419) of Bradley H. Jones, Jr. and others for legislation to prohibit access for convicted level 2 or level 3 sex offenses to certain public housing subsidized by the Commonwealth. Housing.
H.1435  HD.498 By Mr. Muradian of Grafton, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 1435) of David K. Muradian, Jr., and others relative to the display of the flag of the United States by certain condominium owners. Housing.
H.1507  HD.182 By Mr. Cutler of Pembroke, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 1507) of Josh S. Cutler, Alyson M. Sullivan and Timothy R. Whelan relative to the definition of attempted murder. The Judiciary.
H.1537  HD.3629 By Mr. DeCoste of Norwell, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 1537) of David F. DeCoste and others relative to capital punishment for the murder of law enforcement officers. The Judiciary.
H.1540  HD.3225 By Mr. D'Emilia of Bridgewater, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 1540) of Angelo L. D'Emilia and others relative to the preservation of collected forensic evidence. The Judiciary.
H.1552  HD.585 By Mr. Dooley of Norfolk, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 1552) of Shawn Dooley and others relative to instituting the death penalty for the murder of law enforcement officers. The Judiciary.
H.1565  HD.3995 By Mrs. Ferguson of Holden, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 1565) of Kimberly N. Ferguson and others relative to the misrepresentation of a service animal. The Judiciary.
S.1595  SD.1685 By Ms. Gobi, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1595) of Anne M. Gobi, Todd M. Smola, Bradley H. Jones, Jr., Angelo J. Puppolo, Jr. and other members of the General Court for legislation to permit familial searching and partial DNA matches in investigating certain unsolved crimes. Public Safety and Homeland Security.
S.1606  SD.1177 By Mr. Montigny, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1606) of Mark C. Montigny, Steven G. Xiarhos, Julian Cyr, Michael D. Brady and other members of the General Court for legislation to allow humane transportation of K9 partners aka Nero's law. Public Safety and Homeland Security.
S.1618  SD.357 By Mr. Moore, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1618) of Michael O. Moore and Alyson M. Sullivan for legislation relative to public safety on private college and university campuses. Public Safety and Homeland Security.
S.1648  SD.787 By Mr. Timilty, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1648) of Walter F. Timilty and Alyson M. Sullivan for legislation to further the success of opiate intervention programs. Public Safety and Homeland Security.
H.1678  HD.2723 By Mr. Jones of North Reading, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 1678) of Bradley H. Jones, Jr., and others relative to removing state funded counsel for sex offender classification hearings. The Judiciary.
H.1689  HD.2766 By Mr. Jones of North Reading, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 1689) of Bradley H. Jones, Jr., and others relative to the online enticement of children. The Judiciary.
H.1691  HD.2769 By Mr. Jones of North Reading, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 1691) of Bradley H. Jones, Jr., and others relative to the release of sex offender information to victims. The Judiciary.
H.1699  HD.3049 By Mr. Jones of North Reading, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 1699) of Bradley H. Jones, Jr., and others relative to parole supervision for life. The Judiciary.
H.1709  HD.718 By Ms. Khan of Newton, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 1709) of Kay Khan and others for legislation to prohibit marriage of minors. The Judiciary.
S.1897  SD.172 By Mr. Lesser, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1897) of Eric P. Lesser, Patrick M. O'Connor, Jason M. Lewis, Bruce E. Tarr and other members of the General Court for legislation to provide financial relief to small businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic. Revenue.
H.1919  HD.225 By Mr. Whelan of Brewster, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 1919) of Timothy R. Whelan and others relative to protecting victims of domestic violence by increasing the penalties for certain assault or assault and battery on a family or household member violations. The Judiciary.
H.1920  HD.226 By Mr. Whelan of Brewster, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 1920) of Timothy R. Whelan and others relative to juvenile justice. The Judiciary.
H.1921  HD.233 By Mr. Whelan of Brewster, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 1921) of Timothy R. Whelan and others relative to testimony in operating under the influence of alcohol cases. The Judiciary.
H.1922  HD.234 By Mr. Whelan of Brewster, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 1922) of Timothy R. Whelan and others relative to increasing penalties for restraining order violations. The Judiciary.
H.2023  HD.76 By Representative McKenna of Webster and Senator Fattman, a joint petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 2023) of Joseph D. McKenna, Ryan C. Fattman and others relative to employment protections for domestic violence victims. Labor and Workforce Development.
S.2112  SD.327 By Mr. Rush, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 2112) of Michael F. Rush, Timothy R. Whelan, James M. Murphy, Sal N. DiDomenico and other members of the General Court for legislation to make the Secretary of Veterans Services a cabinet level position. State Administration and Regulatory Oversight.
S.2126  SD.2275 By Mr. Timilty, a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 2126) of Walter F. Timilty and Alyson M. Sullivan for legislation relative to the observance of School Custodian Day. State Administration and Regulatory Oversight.
H.2265  HD.3268 By Mr. D'Emilia of Bridgewater, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 2265) of Angelo L. D'Emilia and others relative to baseline concussion testing for student athletes. Public Health.
H.2304  HD.1669 By Mr. Gentile of Sudbury, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 2304) of Carmine Lawrence Gentile and others for legislation to reduce incidence and death from pancreatic cancer. Public Health.
H.2317  HD.937 By Representatives Higgins of Leominster and Minicucci of North Andover, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 2317) of Natalie M. Higgins, Christina A. Minicucci and others for legislation to establish a sexual assault counselor task force. Public Health.
H.2444  HD.3230 By Mr. D'Emilia of Bridgewater, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 2444) of Angelo L. D'Emilia and others for legislation to allow for the lawful sale of inert ammunition components from certain out-of-state vendors to lawfully licensed gun owners in the Commonwealth. Public Safety and Homeland Security.
H.2452  HD.583 By Mr. Dooley of Norfolk, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 2452) of Shawn Dooley and Alyson M. Sullivan relative to emergency lighting and emergency means of egress in motels, hotels and inns. Public Safety and Homeland Security.
H.2474  HD.108 By Messrs. Hawkins of Attleboro and Berthiaume of Spencer, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 2474) of James K. Hawkins, Donald R. Berthiaume, Jr., and others relative to benefits for county sheriffs' correction officers and jail officers. Public Safety and Homeland Security.
H.2475  HD.1872 By Mr. Hawkins of Attleboro, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 2475) of James K. Hawkins and others relative to the reduction of certain toxic chemicals in firefighter personal protective equipment. Public Safety and Homeland Security.
H.2541  HD.227 By Mr. Whelan of Brewster, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 2541) of Timothy R. Whelan and others relative to the penalties for motor vehicle operators refusing to stop for a police officer. Public Safety and Homeland Security.
H.2547  HD.326 By Mr. Xiarhos of Barnstable, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 2547) of Steven G. Xiarhos and others relative to providing for the care and transportation of police dogs injured in the line of duty. Public Safety and Homeland Security.
S.2573  Senate, November 9, 2021 -- The committee on Senate Ways and Means, to whom was referred the Senate Bill to allow humane transportation of K9 partners aka Nero's law.(Senate, No. 1606),- reports, recommending that the same ought to pass with an amendment substituting a new draft with the same title (Senate, No. 2573).
H.2629  HD.593 By Mr. Dooley of Norfolk, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 2629) of Shawn Dooley and Alyson M. Sullivan relative to call and volunteer firefighters and emergency medical technicians. Public Service.
H.2726  HD.1781 By Mr. McGonagle of Everett, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 2726) of Joseph W. McGonagle, Jr., and others relative to a post-traumatic stress disorder presumption for certain retirement benefits. Public Service.
H.2808  HD.1794 By Representative Zlotnik of Gardner and Senator Velis, a joint petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 2808) of Jonathan D. Zlotnik, John C. Velis and others relative to providing a COVID-19 retirement credit to essential public-sector workers. Public Service.
H.2842  HD.657 By Mr. Chan of Quincy, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 2842) of Tackey Chan and others relative to the expiration date of the film tax credit. Revenue.
H.2906  HD.1930 By Mr. Galvin of Canton, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 2906) of William C. Galvin and others relative to deeds excise receipts. Revenue.
H.2953  HD.484 By Messrs. Jones of North Reading and Soter of Bellingham, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 2953) of Bradley H. Jones, Jr., Michael J. Soter and others relative to the calculation of gross taxable income to provide financial relief to small businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic. Revenue.
H.3025  HD.1338 By Mr. Murray of Milford, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 3025) of Brian W. Murray and others relative to providing tax relief to small businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic. Revenue.
H.3067  HD.321 By Mr. Soter of Bellingham, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 3067) of Michael J. Soter and others relative to a taxpayer exemption for adopted children. Revenue.
H.3068  HD.322 By Mr. Soter of Bellingham, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 3068) of Michael J. Soter and others relative to the amount and valuation for eligibility for a tax exemption on commercial property. Revenue.
H.3096  HD.1965 By Mr. Xiarhos of Barnstable, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 3096) of Steven G. Xiarhos and others relative to taxation of amounts granted to businesses through the federal CARES Act and Paycheck Protection Program. Revenue.
S.3135  SD.3365 By Mr. Timilty, a petition (accompanied by bill) (subject to Joint Rule 12) of Walter F. Timilty, Michael D. Brady, Gerard J. Cassidy and Alyson M. Sullivan for legislation to establish a sick leave bank for Lisa Balentine, an employee of the Department of Transitional Assistance. Public Service.
H.3345  HD.78 By Messrs. McKenna of Webster and Boldyga of Southwick, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 3345) of Joseph D. McKenna, Nicholas A. Boldyga and others for legislation to further define miniature beverage containers under the "bottle bill", so-called. Telecommunications, Utilities and Energy.
H.3379  HD.1211 By Representatives Kane of Shrewsbury and Dykema of Holliston, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 3379) of Hannah Kane, Carolyn C. Dykema and others relative to the creation of a women's rights history trail. Tourism, Arts and Cultural Development.
H.3509  HD.3057 By Messrs. Jones of North Reading and Haggerty of Woburn, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 3509) of Bradley H. Jones, Jr., Richard M. Haggerty and others for legislation to authorize the Registry of Motor Vehicles to issue distinctive registration plates for Medal of Liberty recipients. Transportation.
H.3510  HD.1201 By Mrs. Kane of Shrewsbury, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 3510) of Hannah Kane and others for legislation to include the impairment effects of marijuana in driver education training programs. Transportation.
H.3845  HD.2382 By Mrs. LaNatra of Kingston, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 3845) of Kathleen R. LaNatra and others relative to the well-being of law enforcement officers after involvement in critical incidents. Public Safety and Homeland Security.
H.4330  An Act relative to sexual assault counselor task force
H.4540  An Act relative to safety and violence education for students (the SAVE Students Act)
H.4555  An Act relative to the creation of a women's rights history trail
H.5345  An Act establishing a sick leave bank for Molly Shahvari
H.5363  An Act establishing a task force on sexual assault counselors
* — Legislator is not a sponsor of this measure.