State House
24 Beacon St.
Room 540
Boston, MA, 02133
Room 540
Boston, MA, 02133
Bill | Docket | Bill Pinslip/Title | |
H.847 | HD.2945 | An Act exempting towns from certain fees. | |
H.1140 | HD.3991 | An Act relative to elections for the Dennis Water District. | |
H.1146 | HD.4411 | An Act relative to drug and alcohol testing. | |
H.1154 | HD.1389 | An Act to authorize the Dennis Water District to construct and maintain a system for sewage collection, treatment, and discharge. | |
H.1156 | HD.3508 | An Act providing local aid enhancement for the town of Brewster. | |
H.1245 | HD.2604 | An Act relative to private subdivision fees. | |
H.1763 | HD.867 | An Act regulating marijuana possession in schools, businesses and public locations. | |
H.1764 | HD.2270 | An Act Establishing Breathalyzer Admissibility. | |
H.1765 | HD.3161 | An Act to require verified complaints in summary process actions. | |
H.1866 | HD.2481 | An Act making display of an invalid workers compensation certificate a criminal offense. | |
H.2013 | HD.2308 | An Act relative to private road maintenance . | |
H.2177 | HD.2578 | An Act amending the children’s medical security plan. | |
H.2630 | HD.2526 | An Act relative to the retirement rights of animal control officers. | |
H.2631 | HD.3293 | An Act relative to the retirement rights of police officers in human service facilities. | |
H.2940 | HD.863 | An Act providing for local aid enhancement. | |
H.2941 | HD.1301 | An Act increasing the excise tax on alcoholic beverages. | |
H.2942 | HD.2288 | An Act Rotating the Sales Tax Holiday. | |
H.2943 | HD.2315 | An Act providing for a certain income tax deduction. | |
H.2944 | HD.2447 | An Act to Increase the Medical Exemption for Taxpayers. | |
H.3349 | HD.2332 | An Act relative to motorist safety. | |
H.3350 | HD.2335 | An Act relative to motorist safety from commercial vehicles. | |
H.3351 | HD.2418 | An Act establishing a golf license plate. | |
H.3412 | HD.2304 | An Act relative to the maintenance of private roads, beaches and amenities in municipalities. | |
H.3489 | HD.1330 | An Act taxing alcoholic beverages. | |
H.3546 | HD.2242 | An Act protecting residents of the commonwealth from door-to-door solicitors. | |
H.3577 | HD.2253 | An Act relative to affordable housing condominium fees and uses. | |
H.3580 | HD.2204 | An Act relative to municipal seasonal workers. | |
H.3581 | HD.2231 | An Act regarding unemployment payments by cities and towns | |
H.3590 | HD.2221 | An Act relative to municipal service fees . | |
H.3780 | HD.2649 | An Act requiring rent escrow. | |
H.3781 | HD.2676 | An Act regarding discovery in summary process actions. | |
H.3941 | HD.4147 | An Act relative to retirement benefits for Robert James Lytle. | |
H.4009 | HD.4148 | An Act relative to protect orders. | |
H.4010 | HD.4196 | An Act relative to civil citation. | |
H.4175 | HD.3506 | An Act amending the town of Yarmouth charter. | |
H.4232 | HD.4546 | An Act to establish licensing requirements and protections for certain cottage communities. | |
H.4243 | HD.4591 | An Act regulating elections in the Town of Yarmouth. | |
H.4244 | HD.4592 | An Act authorizing the treasurer of the town of Dennis to borrow in anticipation of reimbursement from betterments assessed. | |
H.4245 | HD.4593 | An Act establishing a Shellfish Mitigation receipts reserved for appropriation fund in the town of Dennis. | |
H.4279 | HD.4627 | An Act relative to the Brewster Board of Water Commissioners. | |
H.4321 | HD.2755 | An Act relative to the Yarmouth Marina. | |
H.4362 | HD.4647 | An Act establishing a sick leave bank for Laraine Nasif, an employee of the Department of Revenue. | |
H.4450 | HD.4802 | An Act authorizing the town of Brewster to use a portion of town-owned land for renewable energy projects. | |
H.4495 | HD.4803 | An Act relative to a road maintenance revolving account in the town of Brewster. | |
H.4616 | HD.4884 | An Act designating a certain bridge as the United States Marine Corporal Nicholas G. Xiarhos Bridge. | |
H.688 | HD.2844 | An Act further regulating elections to provide for a voter consent 'None of the Above' option. This bill is by request. * | |
H.2939 | HD.860 | An Act amending the community preservation act. This bill is by request. * | |
H.3761 | HD.2724 | An Act relative to public documents of the commonwealth. This bill is by request. * |
* — Legislator is not a sponsor of this measure.