State House
24 Beacon St.
Room 540
Boston, MA, 02133
Room 540
Boston, MA, 02133
Bill | Docket | Bill Pinslip/Title | |
S.38 | SD.1635 | An Act Removing Barriers to Financial Stability and Asset Development for Low to Moderate Income Families | |
S.62 | SD.491 | An Act relative to protecting against the displacement of current employees. | |
S.68 | SD.903 | An Act regarding families and children engaged in services. | |
S.90 | SD.991 | An Act to sustain community preservation. | |
H.154 | HD.1071 | An Act relative to the humane treatment of disabled persons. | |
H.176 | HD.3945 | An Act To eliminate the use of the word retardation from the general laws. | |
H.177 | HD.3949 | An Act creating a means for tracking the unmet need of individuals with developmental disabilities in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. | |
S.232 | SD.1735 | An Act Relative to Dismissal Rights for K-12 Educational Support Personnel. | |
H.267 | HD.728 | An Act relative to rebate reform and consumer protection. | |
H.276 | HD.2140 | An Act relative to the maximum storage charges on motor vehicles involuntarily towed. | |
H.282 | HD.1821 | An Act guaranteeing consumers ownership of, privacy of, and access to motor vehicle diagnostic, repair and service information. | |
S.312 | SD.1631 | An Act repealing the nursing home tax. | |
S.322 | SD.548 | An Act Relative to a Silver Alert Program to Protect Those with Alzheimers. | |
S.330 | SD.416 | An Act relative to medicaid prior authorization. | |
H.333 | HD.1819 | An Act related to economic development and fiscal accountability. | |
H.415 | HD.3746 | An Act relative to pricing for chapter 71B approved private school programs. | |
H.416 | HD.3747 | An Act Relative to Chapter 71B Approved Private School Pricing Rating Formula. | |
H.422 | HD.635 | An Act clarifying the rights of employees in education collaboratives. | |
S.422 | SD.979 | An Act relative to Farmers' Markets. | |
S.423 | SD.981 | An Act relative to mooring fee requirements. | |
S.424 | SD.986 | An Act providing fees to licensing authorities for deer tag processing. | |
S.425 | SD.988 | An Act to establish a paint thinner take back program. | |
S.426 | SD.1412 | An Act relative to the State Reclamation Board. | |
S.442 | SD.1912 | An Act for a competitive economy through safer alternatives to toxic chemicals. | |
H.445 | HD.309 | An Act further providing for reimbursement to cities and towns for extraordinary special education costs. | |
H.482 | HD.3079 | An Act requiring school districts to adopt a certain health program. | |
H.484 | HD.1271 | An Act Relative to Special Education Enrollment | |
H.493 | HD.3941 | An Act Ensure Students with Disabilities Succeed as Adults: Transition Coordinators. | |
H.494 | HD.2573 | An Act relating to improving quality in early education and care by family child care providers. | |
S.502 | SD.1934 | An Act Relative to Increasing Access to Homeowners Insurance . | |
H.516 | HD.2783 | An Act establishing a moratorium for commonwealth charter schools. | |
S.549 | SD.1463 | An Act Relative to Health Care Affordability . | |
S.563 | SD.1226 | An Act to Provide Coverage for Tobacco Use Cessation Under Commonwealth Care | |
H.564 | HD.3223 | An Act establishing a task force on election day registration. | |
S.577 | SD.1624 | An Act Requiring Ambulatory Surgicenters and Clinical Laboratories to Serve MassHealth Enrollees. | |
H.624 | HD.238 | An Act relative to the Home of the Brave. | |
S.635 | SD.927 | An Act Relative to Creating a Statutory Housing Restriction and Providing Remedies Related To Statutory Housing. . | |
H.647 | HD.306 | An Act relative to voting by the instant runoff voting method. | |
H.648 | HD.307 | An Act relative to voting by the instant runoff voting method in primaries. | |
H.650 | HD.2284 | Proposal for a legislative amendment to the Constitution relative to a vacancy in the office of Governor and Lieutenant Governor | |
H.653 | HD.2326 | An Act relative to the joint election of the governor and lieutenant governor. | |
H.660 | HD.2035 | An Act relative to the agreement among states to elect the President by national popular vote. | |
H.661 | HD.2162 | Proposal for a legislative amendment to the Constitution authorizing the General Court to provide for absentee voting | |
S.666 | SD.1309 | An Act Preserving Publicly Assisted Affordable Housing. | |
H.673 | HD.2684 | An Act relative to election to the General Court. | |
S.682 | SD.1611 | An Act Protecting Honest Employers. | |
S.683 | SD.1658 | An Act Relative to Chapter 23 of the General Laws . | |
H.684 | HD.3896 | An Act relative to voting by the Instant Runoff Voting method in primary elections. | |
H.685 | HD.3897 | An Act relative to voting by the Instant Runoff Voting method. | |
S.698 | SD.1894 | An Act relative to modernizing and protecting the unemployment insurance system. | |
H.725 | HD.3072 | An Act to Prohibit the Additional Incineration of Solid Waste. | |
H.736 | HD.947 | An Act safeguarding our natural resources. | |
H.755 | HD.364 | An Act to prevent the use of the most dangerous pesticides. | |
H.757 | HD.3093 | An Act for a competitive economy through safer alternatives to toxic chemicals. | |
H.767 | HD.2442 | An Act to require producer responsibility for collection and recycling of discarded electronic products. | |
S.783 | SD.970 | An Act Relative to Community Planning. | |
H.798 | HD.2223 | An Act relative to decreasing environmental hazards, toxins, and litter | |
S.800 | SD.1778 | An Act establishing a Commission to Reduce Unnecessary Wait Time for Children with Special Health Care Needs To Receive Needed Medical Equipment Such as Wheelchairs and Lifts. | |
H.808 | HD.3958 | An Act reducing human exposure to particulate matter pollution. | |
H.810 | HD.3268 | An Act to further prevent oil spills in Buzzards Bay. | |
S.810 | SD.1563 | An Act to eliminate racial and ethnic health disparities in the Commonwealth. | |
S.872 | SD.1261 | An Act to Prohibit Mandatory Overtime for the Health Care Workforce. | |
S.873 | SD.1267 | An Act Strengthening Health Reform. | |
S.881 | SD.984 | An Act relative to the pronouncement of death in a rest home. | |
H.888 | HD.739 | An Act relative to an appeal process of motor vehicle insurance surcharges under managed competition. | |
H.898 | HD.2951 | An Act relative to diagnostic screening for prostate cancer. . | |
H.930 | HD.3426 | An Act relative to the health insurance of children of divorced parents. | |
H.931 | HD.3429 | An Act relative to mastectomies. | |
H.932 | HD.3447 | An Act Relative to the treatment of cleft palate and cleft lip. | |
S.936 | SD.1748 | An Act relative to training for law enforcement in dealing with individuals suffering from mental illness. | |
H.942 | HD.2482 | An Act relative to homeowner insurance. | |
S.974 | SD.975 | An Act relative to kayaks. | |
S.988 | SD.1126 | An Act requiring health care employers to develop and implement programs to prevent workplace violence | |
S.1042 | SD.431 | An Act relative to dental insurance for certain retired teachers. | |
S.1048 | SD.1398 | An Act accommodating personal care attendants without a workplace site. | |
S.1060 | SD.1618 | An Act relative to maternity benefits for teachers. | |
S.1090 | SD.1542 | An Act relative to the retirement options of certain educational personnel. | |
S.1095 | SD.144 | An Act relative to credible service for school nurses. | |
H.1095 | HD.2209 | An Act creating a special commission on institutional long term care services. | |
H.1102 | HD.2095 | An Act relative to health care affordability. | |
H.1148 | HD.4351 | An Act relative to the treatment of chronic Lyme disease. | |
H.1151 | HD.4403 | An Act Providing For An Automated Toll Collection Review. | |
S.1173 | SD.496 | An Act Relative to the Optional Retirement Program. | |
H.1175 | HD.3189 | An Act to promote educational parity within institutions of higher learning . | |
H.1220 | HD.1687 | An Act relative to energy efficiency in affordable housing. | |
S.1222 | SD.424 | An Act relative to the cost of living adjustment for public retirees. | |
H.1222 | HD.3596 | An Act relative to community housing and services. | |
H.1237 | HD.1069 | An Act relative to public housing. | |
H.1242 | HD.1198 | An Act to prevent homelessness by removing barriers to subsidized housing. | |
H.1248 | HD.3939 | An Act protecting those individuals with mental disabilities. | |
H.1249 | HD.312 | An Act Relative to False Criminal Complaints. | |
H.1276 | HD.1458 | An Act relative to confinement conditions and treatment of prisoners with mental illness. | |
H.1280 | HD.3507 | An Act relative to furnishing false name, social security or adress to a police officer when stopped or detained. | |
H.1298 | HD.744 | An Act relative to private bar counsel. | |
H.1313 | HD.2091 | An Act relative to resisting arrest. | |
H.1314 | HD.2170 | An Act relative to high speed chases. | |
S.1316 | SD.628 | An Act establishing the Martha’s Vineyard housing bank. | |
H.1388 | HD.2861 | An Act relative to expert witnesses in actions for medical malpractice. | |
S.1420 | SD.1753 | An Act relative to privatization contracts. | |
H.1463 | HD.3453 | An Act Relative to the Health of Public Safety Officers. | |
H.1492 | HD.2541 | An Act providing for drug free library zones. | |
S.1524 | SD.556 | An Act relative to expanding energy efficiency in the Commonwealth. | |
H.1527 | HD.3313 | An Act Relative to the Registry of Deeds. | |
S.1527 | SD.1511 | An Act relative to the establishment of municipal lighting authorities. | |
S.1529 | SD.2038 | An Act relative to reliability on Cape Cod. | |
H.1648 | HD.474 | An Act to increase access to the courts. | |
H.1670 | HD.1037 | An Act relative to a woman's right to know. | |
S.1687 | SD.389 | An Act relative to gender based discrimination and hate crimes. | |
H.1699 | HD.1276 | An Act Relative to Shared Custody. | |
H.1709 | HD.1384 | An Act Relative to Appeals. | |
H.1715 | HD.3235 | An Act To raise the dollar limit of claims filed in small claims court. | |
H.1728 | HD.431 | An Act relative to gender based discrimination and hate crimes. | |
S.1741 | SD.88 | An Act relative to CORI information for chapter 766 approved private schools. | |
H.1745 | HD.3877 | An Act updating the public health laws. | |
H.1746 | HD.3885 | An Act relative to consent and counseling for certain minors. | |
S.1756 | SD.1240 | An Act relative to the modernization of optometric patient care | |
H.1780 | HD.2291 | An Act to require national background checks. | |
H.1785 | HD.3352 | An Act relative to the determination of alimony payments. | |
H.1797 | HD.878 | An Act Establishing A Temporary Worker's Right To Know. | |
H.1808 | HD.3835 | An Act to clarify seasonal employment. | |
H.1816 | HD.2867 | An Act providing unpaid family and medical leave. | |
H.1820 | HD.2370 | An Act relative to displaced workers. | |
S.1894 | SD.218 | An Act relative to assuring that motorcyclists between the ages of 16 and 18 are provided with adequate education relative to the proper safety and operation of a motorcycle. | |
H.1935 | HD.2404 | An Act relative to mental health services in Massachusetts correctional institutions, houses of correction and jails. | |
S.1947 | SD.978 | An Act Designating a Certain Bridge in the Town of Harwich as the Representative Shirley Gomes Bridge. | |
H.1947 | HD.1392 | An Act relative to the treatment of prisoners. | |
H.1948 | HD.1478 | An Act increasing public safety by increasing access to addiction treatment. | |
S.1957 | SD.1833 | An Act relative to regional transit authorities. | |
H.2026 | HD.913 | An Act relating to safe patient handling in certain health facilities. | |
H.2032 | HD.2167 | An Act relative to a registered nurse seat on the public health council. | |
H.2057 | HD.1441 | An Act relative to reciprocity. | |
H.2072 | HD.3440 | An Act providing for unused medication return by health care facilities. | |
H.2074 | HD.3463 | An Act Relative to Public Access of Private Restrooms. | |
H.2077 | HD.304 | An Act relative to access to epinephrine in schools. | |
H.2082 | HD.1731 | An Act relative to nurse anesthetists. | |
H.2120 | HD.1415 | An Act relative to the health care of minors. | |
S.2123 | SD.632 | An Act establishing the Nantucket Community Housing Bank. | |
H.2152 | HD.2114 | An Act relative to the safe dispensing of pain management medication. | |
H.2185 | HD.3608 | An Act Ensuring Access to Life-Saving Colorectal Cancer Screenings . | |
H.2195 | HD.3226 | An Act relative to the licensing fees of firearms | |
H.2196 | HD.3648 | An Act relative to issuing a license to carry firearms to law enforcement officers. | |
H.2209 | HD.292 | An Act relative to the University of Massachusetts police department. | |
H.2342 | HD.2230 | An Act relative to nonpublic school service. | |
H.2480 | HD.3467 | An Act Relative to Creditable Service for Public Safety Officers. | |
H.2487 | HD.244 | An Act relative to cost of living adjustments for retired public employees of the Commonwealth. . | |
H.2570 | HD.2048 | An Act to provide funding of certain collective bargaining agreements. | |
H.2610 | HD.2893 | An Act to Accommodate Personal Care Attendants without a Workplace Site. | |
H.2666 | HD.310 | An Act to improve the earned income credit for working families. | |
H.2669 | HD.1437 | An Act relative to the sales tax. | |
H.2729 | HD.1061 | An Act Relative to Small Business Tax Relief. | |
H.2738 | HD.1066 | An Act relative to the taxation of tobacco products. | |
H.2755 | HD.1835 | An Act relative to the modernization of the room occupancy excise. | |
H.2918 | HD.2802 | An Act providing for a certain income tax deduction. | |
H.3069 | HD.1115 | An Act to Reduce Coal Burning and Use. | |
H.3087 | HD.2179 | An Act relative to the establishment of municipal lighting authorities. | |
H.3099 | HD.865 | An Act to Establish the Oil Heat Energy Efficiency Program. | |
H.3100 | HD.1193 | An Act relative to the cost of new electrical transmission . | |
H.3101 | HD.1538 | An Act relative to energy planning. | |
H.3102 | HD.1545 | An Act relative to DPU hearings regarding new electric transmission projects. | |
H.3125 | HD.2974 | An Act to expand the bottle bill. | |
H.3152 | HD.1413 | An Act relative to cell phone use in motor vehicles. | |
H.3227 | HD.2769 | An Act to preserve the right of way for the North South Rail Link. | |
H.3257 | HD.3584 | An Act to require the use of headlights on motor vehicles during any period in which windshield wipers are also in use. | |
H.3267 | HD.1283 | An Act relative to the speed limit in cities and towns. | |
H.3338 | HD.2996 | An Act relative to expired driver's license. | |
H.3417 | HD.902 | An Act relative to increasing the personal needs allowance. | |
H.3421 | HD.1282 | An Act to improve the personal care attendant program. | |
H.3434 | HD.1266 | An Act relative to providing health education in schools. | |
H.3485 | HD.272 | An Act Improving the Earned Income Credit. | |
H.3492 | HD.275 | An Act Establishing a Youth Awareness Week. | |
H.3515 | HD.1314 | An Act to improve recycling rates in the Commonwealth. | |
H.3523 | HD.1260 | An Act to reform CORI, restore economic opportunity, and improve public safety. | |
H.3537 | HD.1248 | Proposal for a legislative amendment to the Constitution relative to the subject matter of initiative petitions | |
H.3572 | HD.1502 | An Act relative to land use. | |
H.3573 | HD.1557 | An Act preserving publicly assisted affordable housing. | |
H.3575 | HD.1614 | An Act to encourage smart growth zoning and housing production. | |
H.3576 | HD.1618 | An Act excluding payments for foster care in computing rent and determining eligibility for subsidized housing. . | |
H.3592 | HD.1608 | An Act relative to tick borne illnesses. | |
H.3637 | HD.233 | An Act relative to notification by the registry of motor vehicles | |
H.3792 | HD.2742 | An Act relative to veterans burial benefits . | |
H.3803 | HD.1117 | An Act establishing a three year phase in of transportation costs into the special education circuit breaker. | |
H.3805 | HD.1174 | An Act addressing LGBT elder inclusion. | |
H.3809 | HD.984 | An Act relative to insurance coverage for autism. | |
H.3868 | HD.4137 | An Act relative to telemarketing solicitation. | |
H.3910 | HD.4108 | An Act relative to hospital-acquired septic infections. | |
H.3912 | HD.900 | An Act relative to patient safety. | |
H.3962 | HD.4197 | An Act eliminating the gasoline tax to state agencies and municipalities. | |
H.3999 | HD.4124 | An Act relative to the donations of leftover food by restaurants and cafeterias. | |
H.4068 | HD.3954 | An Act establishing and regulating resort-style entertainment in the Commonwealth. | |
H.4079 | HD.1090 | An Act reimbursing cities and towns for special education transportation costs. | |
H.4138 | HD.1565 | An Act relative to the Cape Care Community Health Trust. | |
H.4471 | HD.4770 | An Act establishing a public health Lyme disease research institute at the University of Massachusetts Medical School at Worcester . | |
H.4528 | HD.4873 | An Act to Prohibit the Electronic Transmission of Harmful Material to Minors. | |
H.4529 | HD.4871 | An Act further defining the dissemination of obscene material. | |
H.4699 | HD.4948 | An Act Relative to Natural Gas Leaks. |
* — Legislator is not a sponsor of this measure.