State House
24 Beacon St.
Room 479
Boston, MA, 02133
Room 479
Boston, MA, 02133
District Office
Bill | Docket | Bill Pinslip/Title | |
H.123 | HD.294 | An Act bettering the lives of youth who age out of the care of the Commonwealth. | |
H.228 | HD.189 | An Act creating a civil legal action to be enforced by the Attorney General of the Commonwealth to protect an individuals right to repair an automobile. | |
H.229 | HD.291 | An Act further regulating door to door sales. | |
H.354 | HD.270 | An Act Relative to Chapter 70. | |
H.355 | HD.293 | An Act raising the compulsory attendance age to 18. | |
H.356 | HD.368 | An Act relative to dismissal of teachers. | |
H.532 | HD.295 | An Act relative to Prescription Advantage, so-called. | |
H.558 | HD.216 | An Act Relative to Election Day Registration. | |
H.559 | HD.220 | An Act to protect the integrity of initiative and referendum petitions. | |
H.560 | HD.223 | An Act relative to campaign finance. | |
H.561 | HD.733 | Proposal for a legislative amendment to the Constitution to provide for absentee voting by any voter | |
H.624 | HD.238 | An Act relative to the Home of the Brave. | |
H.698 | HD.230 | An Act promoting the establishment and use of electric vehicle charging stations. | |
H.699 | HD.297 | An Act relative to water management. | |
H.700 | HD.3698 | An Act further regulating the Pesticide Control Act. | |
H.861 | HD.182 | An Act to repeal no fault motor vehicle insurance. | |
H.862 | HD.183 | An Act relative to requiring insurance for Taxicabs and commercial vehicles . | |
H.863 | HD.184 | An Act relative to certain Medical Examinations. | |
H.864 | HD.185 | An Act relative to liquor legal liability insurance. | |
H.865 | HD.366 | An Act relative to mental health insurance. | |
H.866 | HD.367 | An Act relative to the renewal of insurance policies. | |
H.867 | HD.1204 | An Act To Correct Uninsured Motorist Coverage Anomaly For Listed Operators. | |
H.868 | HD.3124 | An Act Calling for the Accountability of the Commissioner of Insurance by Converting the Position to an Elected Office. | |
H.869 | HD.3169 | An Act To Protect Consumers In the Issuance of Automobile Insurance Policies and Bonds. | |
H.870 | HD.3254 | An Act Relative to Uninsured Motorist Coverage. | |
H.871 | HD.3256 | An Act relative to Uninsured Motorist Coverage Benefits. | |
H.1108 | HD.3572 | An Act providing free tuition to firefighters at State Universities. | |
H.1132 | HD.4322 | An Act authorizing the town of Cohasset to use a certain parcel of water supply land for general municipal purposes. | |
H.1179 | HD.190 | An Act Promoting Sustainable Development in Affordable Housing | |
H.1180 | HD.192 | An Act Promoting Community Responsibility | |
H.1181 | HD.298 | An Act providing for nonsmoking units in elderly housing. | |
H.1182 | HD.483 | An Act Further Defining Low and Moderate income housing. | |
H.1183 | HD.492 | An Act relative to low and moderate income housing. | |
H.1184 | HD.498 | An Act relative to Chapter 40B housing, so called. | |
H.1185 | HD.503 | An Act requiring entrance deposits and monthly fees in senior housing be considered as rental housing units. | |
H.1186 | HD.525 | An Act making chapter 40B, so called, more responsive to the Commonwealth's cities and towns. | |
H.1187 | HD.549 | An Act increasing affordable housing in 40B developments, so called. | |
H.1188 | HD.559 | An Act standardizing zoning appeals processes. | |
H.1189 | HD.615 | An Act relative to accessory apartments. | |
H.1190 | HD.634 | An Act providing for a moratorium on 40B, so called. | |
H.1191 | HD.1089 | An Act amending the definition of 'uneconomic' in chapter 40B, so called. | |
H.1288 | HD.181 | An Act relative to the licensure of court reporters . | |
H.1289 | HD.320 | An Act relative to the admissibility of office of alcohol testing records. | |
H.1290 | HD.321 | An Act relative to breathalyzer test certificates. | |
H.1291 | HD.370 | An Act relative to Level 3 sex offenders residing near schools. | |
H.1292 | HD.517 | An Act providing for the issuance of certain restraining orders. | |
H.1293 | HD.545 | An Act prohibiting defendants from concealing faces in court. | |
H.1294 | HD.612 | An Act relative to small claims procedures. | |
H.1295 | HD.3021 | An Act relative to the reporting of abandoned property. | |
H.1793 | HD.290 | An Act relative to illegal imigration. | |
H.2021 | HD.667 | An Act relative to food allergens. | |
H.2022 | HD.1140 | An Act requiring the reporting of Autism by persons examining or treating such disease. | |
H.2023 | HD.1292 | An Act further regulating early childhood immunizations. . | |
H.2199 | HD.3156 | An Act relative to seat belts on school buses. | |
H.2200 | HD.3567 | An Act relative to emergency medical care . | |
H.2321 | HD.642 | An Act authorizing the teachers' retirement system to grant credible service to Maribeth Ahearn. | |
H.2322 | HD.2206 | An Act Relative to Joseph Boudreau's State Police pension. | |
H.2323 | HD.2376 | An Act relative to nursing home liability insurance. | |
H.2324 | HD.2399 | An Act relative to creditable service for veterans retired for accidental disability. | |
H.2325 | HD.3565 | An Act relative to the retirement of firefighters. | |
H.2695 | HD.453 | An Act relative to the promotion of ethanol based gas pumps. | |
H.2696 | HD.458 | An Act relative to real property tax exemptions. | |
H.2697 | HD.459 | An Act relative to the property tax deferral program. | |
H.2698 | HD.1345 | An Act relative to certain abatements. | |
H.2699 | HD.1540 | An Act relative to certain r eal estate tax abatements. | |
H.2963 | HD.373 | An Act establishing the Massachusetts Medal of Liberty. | |
H.2964 | HD.2891 | An Act relative to interest on retainage. | |
H.3062 | HD.3126 | An Act to enhance the clean environment and protect water resources. | |
H.3140 | HD.2921 | An Act relative to the appointment of members to the Asian Commission. | |
H.3172 | HD.471 | An Act relative to changes of rates and scheduling changes by commuter boats. | |
H.3173 | HD.2317 | An Act relative to the rules of the road. | |
H.3174 | HD.2319 | An Act relative to workers on certain commuter rail operations. | |
H.3175 | HD.2353 | An Act relative to drivers education. | |
H.3176 | HD.3088 | An Act relative to Special License Plates for Certain Military Personnel. | |
H.3374 | HD.1504 | An Act relative to hunting licenses. . | |
H.3375 | HD.3054 | An Act relative to the Vietnam War Bonus. | |
H.3448 | HD.375 | An Act relative to home owners insurance. | |
H.3454 | HD.566 | An Act providing tax credits for the construction of affordable housing. | |
H.3455 | HD.832 | ||
H.3650 | HD.2816 | An Act relative to appropriations for the Massachusetts State Lottery. | |
H.3666 | HD.2547 | An Act relative to the use of buildings and park land in the town of Hull for development purposes. | |
H.3667 | HD.2634 | An Act providing for the preservation and improvement of land, parks, safety, and clean energy in the Commonwealth. | |
H.3668 | HD.2727 | An Act allowing the Water Pollution Abatement Trust Authority to provide incentives relative to economic stimulus funding. | |
H.3677 | HD.3145 | An Act to Clarify the Terms of Motor Vehicle Liability Bonds and Policies. | |
H.3767 | HD.2665 | An Act relative to abandoned property. | |
H.3887 | HD.4044 | An Act relative to nursing home liability insurance. | |
H.3989 | HD.4042 | An Act relative to court proceedings. | |
H.4016 | HD.4043 | An Act relative to driver education. | |
H.4017 | HD.4045 | An Act relative to the rules of the road. | |
H.4235 | HD.4547 | An Act relative to the Welcome Home Bill. | |
H.4268 | HD.4616 | An Act authorizing the town of Hingham to grant an additional license for the sale of all alcoholic beverages to be drunk on premises. | |
H.4322 | HD.2273 | An Act authorizing the town of Cohasset to grant certain interests in land. | |
H.4610 | HD.4901 | An Act establishing a consolidated regional public safety communications/dispatch center in the towns of Cohasset, Hingham, Hull and Norwell. | |
H.4714 | HD.5029 | An Act authorizing the town of Hingham to designate a check off box on its tax bills. | |
H.4757 | HD.4877 | An act authorizing a ground lease of land owned by the Department of Conservation and Recreation for conservation and recreation purposes in the town of Hingham. | |
H.4758 | HD.4705 | An Act Relative to Enhancing Municipal Revenue. | |
H.4779 | HD.5030 | An Act Relative to the Certification of Hull Public Library. | |
H.4945 | HD.5129 | An Act relative to sewer and water service in the Town of Hingham. |
* — Legislator is not a sponsor of this measure.