State House
24 Beacon St.
Room 167
Boston, MA, 02133
Room 167
Boston, MA, 02133
(617) 722-2230
Bill | Docket | Bill Pinslip/Title | |
H.149 | HD.2448 | An Act providing for the protection and care of certain children. | |
H.446 | HD.1736 | An Act relative to student nutrition and wellness. | |
H.447 | HD.1771 | An Act establishing the Massachusetts education professional standards board. | |
H.448 | HD.1783 | An Act to promote healthy school meals. | |
H.536 | HD.1720 | An Act relative to assist families care for elders. | |
H.936 | HD.1699 | An Act providing for certain standards in health care insurance coverage. | |
H.937 | HD.1703 | An Act relative to insurance coverage for mental health. | |
H.938 | HD.1707 | An Act relative to health care consumer protection. | |
H.939 | HD.1711 | An Act relative to anesthesia coverage for children hospitalized for dental treatment. | |
H.940 | HD.1772 | An Act relative to access to health insurance for human service providers and their employees. | |
H.941 | HD.1797 | An Act to improve access to child and adolescent mental health services. | |
H.1079 | HD.1734 | An Act to further define adverse determinations by insurers. | |
H.1483 | HD.1715 | An Act relative to the establishment of a women's correctional facility in Middlesex County. | |
H.1484 | HD.1729 | An Act to provide certain information to victims of domestic violence. | |
H.1485 | HD.1787 | An Act regarding the classifications system for prisoners in the commonwealth. | |
H.1487 | HD.2345 | An Act relative to health services in Massachusetts correctional institutions, houses of correction and jails. | |
H.1488 | HD.2364 | An Act health education in women's correctional institutions. | |
H.1489 | HD.2368 | An Act regulating programs outside correctional institutions for female inmates. | |
H.1490 | HD.2407 | An Act relative to pregnant and postpartum inmates in state prisons. | |
H.1815 | HD.1726 | An Act establishing paid sick days. | |
H.1911 | HD.91911 | An Act relative to job opportunities for people with disabilities. | |
H.1912 | HD.91912 | An Act creating a means for tracking the unmet needs of individuals with developmental disabilities in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. | |
H.1933 | HD.1722 | An Act establishing assisted outpatient treatment. | |
H.1934 | HD.1724 | An Act relative to inpatient admissions to psychiatric hospitals and facilities licensed by the department of mental health. | |
H.1935 | HD.2404 | An Act relative to mental health services in Massachusetts correctional institutions, houses of correction and jails. | |
H.1936 | HD.2434 | An Act relative to Bridgewater State Hospital. | |
H.1937 | HD.2486 | An Act relative to juvenile mental health. | |
H.1938 | HD.2555 | An Act relative to the civil commitment of women for alcoholism and substance abuse to MCI Framingham. | |
H.2080 | HD.1708 | An Act relative to a board of registration in midwifery. | |
H.2081 | HD.1718 | An Act relative to the title of practitioners of dentistry. | |
H.2082 | HD.1731 | An Act relative to nurse anesthetists. | |
H.2083 | HD.1774 | An Act relative to the expiration date of professional licenses at the Board of Allied Health. | |
H.2084 | HD.1780 | An Act to reduce medication errors in the Commonwealth. | |
H.2085 | HD.1790 | An Act establishing the Massachusetts commission on advanced practice nursing . | |
H.2086 | HD.2266 | An Act creating a nursing advisory board. | |
H.2239 | HD.1757 | An Act relative to the creation of a sex offender management board. | |
H.2240 | HD.2313 | relative to an investigation and study of the Department of Correction | |
H.2241 | HD.3278 | An Act relative to impaired drivers. | |
H.3004 | HD.2276 | An Act facilitating the development of underutilized properties formerly operated by the department of mental health or the department of mental retardation for supported housing for people deemed eligible for services by the department of mental health or the department of mental retardation. | |
H.3254 | HD.1716 | An Act relative to the maintenance of the Mass. Turnpike Authority's toll discount program. | |
H.3255 | HD.2243 | An Act improving accessibility to commuter rail stations in the city of Newton. | |
H.3704 | HD.2679 | An Act relative to the regulation of animal shelters. | |
H.3954 | HD.4117 | An Act establishing the substance abuse health protection fund. | |
H.4117 | HD.4062 | An Act Authorizing the City Of Newton Retirement Board to Grant A Superannuation Retirement Allowance to Frank Albano. | |
H.4328 | HD.94328 | An Act relative to insurance benefits of organ transplant recipients. | |
H.4488 | HD.94488 | An Act providing for the public disclosure of quality indicators for the developmentally disabled. | |
H.4500 | HD.94500 | An Act removing barriers to emergency shelter. | |
H.4501 | HD.94501 | An Act relative to the tuition of children under the control of the department of transitional assistance living in family shelters. | |
H.4548 | HD.94548 | An Order relative to authorizing the committee on Children, Families and Persons with Disabilities to make an investigation and study of certain House documents concerning Office for Children, Department of Transitional Assistance, the Office of Child Care Services, day care centers and other related matters. | |
H.4549 | HD.94549 | An Order relative to authorizing the committee on Children, Families and Persons with Disabilities to make an investigation and study of certain House documents concerning the Department of Social services, adopted children, abused children, disabled persons, the Department of Mental Retardation and other related matters (House, No. 4549) | |
H.4632 | 9400632 | An Act regarding children and families requiring assistance. | |
H.4660 | HD.94660 | An Act creating a scholarship fund to further the study of developmental disabilities. | |
H.4828 | HD.94828 | An Order relative to authorizing the committee on Children, Families and Persons with Disabilities to make an investigation and study of certain House documents | |
H.4963 | HD.4992 | An Act Relating To Anti-Human Trafficking And Protection. | |
H.1486 | HD.1793 | An Act relative to child custody. This bill is by request. * |
* — Legislator is not a sponsor of this measure.