State House
24 Beacon St.
Room 424
Boston, MA, 02133
Room 424
Boston, MA, 02133
(617) 722-1578
Bill | Docket | Bill Pinslip/Title | |
S.43 | SD.892 | An Act to prevent homelessness among recipients of transitional assistance. | |
S.136 | SD.697 | An Act to reduce unwanted communications from creditors to protect the peace and privacy of residents. | |
S.137 | SD.794 | An Act establishing regulations for the licensing of floor finishers. | |
S.138 | SD.1963 | An Act to consolidate the Massachusetts Identification Card and the Liquor Purchase Identification Card. | |
S.237 | SD.489 | An Act Relative to Data Collection for Charter Schools. | |
S.238 | SD.861 | An Act including transitory student enrollment in the calculation of aid under Chapter 70. | |
S.239 | SD.873 | An Act establishing a deaf children's bill of rights. | |
S.240 | SD.1378 | An Act relative to charter school enrollment. | |
S.406 | SD.671 | An Act updating the animal control laws of Massachusetts. | |
S.474 | SD.476 | An Act relative to establishing family and employment security through temporary disability insurance and family temporary disability insurance. | |
S.475 | SD.711 | An Act relative to promoting the efficient use of health care revenues. | |
S.476 | SD.1402 | An Act promoting efficient revenue use by certain health service providers. . | |
S.543 | SD.392 | An Act regarding MassHealth applications. | |
S.544 | SD.393 | An Act eliminating age discrimination in the MassHealth program. | |
S.605 | SD.851 | An Act relative to the rights of faculty members at the university of Massachusetts . | |
S.687 | SD.608 | An Act restoring fairness in the unemployment insurance law for workers in temporary jobs. | |
S.688 | SD.624 | An Act establishing paid sick days. | |
S.689 | SD.687 | An Act further defining comparable work. | |
S.690 | SD.859 | An Act regarding workplace equity. | |
S.691 | SD.1311 | An Act Relative to Defense Against Abusive Waivers . | |
S.743 | SD.682 | An Act concerning the right of persons receiving services from programs or facilities of the Department of Mental Health to daily access to fresh air and the outdoors. | |
S.819 | SD.834 | An Act Relative to Accessible Medical Equipment. | |
S.820 | SD.848 | An Act restricting access to birth records. | |
S.821 | SD.1449 | An Act Relative to HIV/AIDS Education and Prevention in the Commonwealth . | |
S.949 | SD.832 | An Act Relative to Floor Finishing Products. | |
S.950 | SD.880 | An Act establishing a primary seat belt law. | |
S.1081 | SD.432 | An Act relative to teacher retirement. | |
S.1082 | SD.445 | An Act relative to part-time higher education faculty eligibility in the state retirement system. | |
S.1083 | SD.866 | An Act relative to the bargainability of health insurance for part-time municipal employees. | |
S.1084 | SD.1375 | An Act to Expedite Insurance Coverage for New Employees of the Commonwealth . | |
S.1085 | SD.1433 | An Act relative to increasing the cost of living adjustment (cola) base. | |
S.1278 | SD.1169 | An Act to increase the property tax deferral for seniors. | |
S.1421 | SD.668 | An Act to provide for the public inspection of records made or received by special state police officers at educational institutions and hospitals. | |
S.1709 | SD.391 | An Act relative to criminal offender record information checks for assisted living employees. | |
S.1710 | SD.559 | An Act to Protect Animals. | |
S.1711 | SD.719 | An Act to expand intensive parole for sex offenders. | |
S.1712 | SD.731 | An Act further regulating debt collection. | |
S.1713 | SD.767 | An Act relative to pre-trial detention. | |
S.1714 | SD.842 | An Act relative to sending notice of criminal justice proceedings to victims . | |
S.1716 | SD.1168 | An Act relative to eyewitness identification procedures. | |
S.1927 | SD.654 | An Act requiring the posting of certain street signs. | |
S.2263 | SD.2398 | An Act exempting the position of deputy chief of police in the city of Somerville from the provisions of civil service law. | |
S.2506 | SD.2659 | Text of Senate amendment (Jehlen) to the House Bill relative to floor finishing products (House, No. 4565) | |
S.1715 | SD.923 | An Act to enhance public safety. This bill is by request. * |
* — Legislator is not a sponsor of this measure.