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November 21, 2024 Rain | 47°F
The 193rd General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Senator Scott P. Brown Served 2003 - 2010 - Norfolk, Bristol and Middlesex

Bill Docket Bill Pinslip/Title
S.22  SD.1172 Proposal for a legislative amendment to the Constitution establishing an independent redistricting commission
S.24  SD.1491 Proposal for a legislative amendment to the Constitution providing for the abolition of the Governor's Council
S.51  SD.274 An Act relative to the reporting of child abuse to local law enforcement officials.
S.58  SD.515 An Act relating to anti-human trafficking and protection.
S.72  SD.793 An Act to promote self-sufficiency
S.74  SD.1009 An Act providing for supportive living services for brain-injured individuals.
S.75  SD.1010 An Act protecting disabled persons from financial exploitation.
S.76  SD.1011 An Act directing the Department of Transitional Assistance to enact regulations providing for direct payments to property owners on behalf of department recipients.
S.90  SD.991 An Act to sustain community preservation.
S.94  SD.1315 An Act Relative to the Community Preservation Act.
S.101  SD.801 An Act to provide a tax exemption for certain small businesses
S.102  SD.870 An Act establishing the Massachusetts capital partnership program
H.121  HD.3228 An Act Relative to Public Assistance Substance Screening.
H.155  HD.1109 An Act establishing an autism commission.
S.176  SD.983 An Act Authorizing the Direct Shipment of Wine.
S.178  SD.602 An Act to reduce the furnishing or procuring of alcohol to a minor by an adult
S.184  SD.1034 An Act to Stabilize Lottery Revenues to Provide Predictable Aid to Cities and Towns.
S.196  SD.1747 An Act to Establish a Sales Tax Holiday.
S.198  SD.512 An Act relative to revocation.
S.244  SD.101 An Act concerning funding replacement vocational and technical public high school instructional equipment.
S.246  SD.105 An Act to provide for capital equipment replacement in vocational education as part of state aid to public schools.
S.259  SD.1258 An Act Providing Chapter 70 Accountability for Adequate Access to School Nursing.
S.269  SD.1776 An Act to amend regional school transportation funding.
S.280  SD.733 An Act to increase special education reimbursement
S.282  SD.816 An Act to establish a program of instruction of the flag of the United States
S.283  SD.877 An Act to promote alternative dispute resolution for students
S.289  SD.962 An Act relative to establishing a Chapter 70 equalization fund.
S.290  SD.1042 An Act to Prevent Bullying.
S.312  SD.1631 An Act repealing the nursing home tax.
H.317  HD.3374 An Act regulating the direct shipment of wine.
S.325  SD.891 An Act to create a statewide assisted living facility master plan
S.326  SD.961 An Act relative to establishing a personal care attendant registry.
H.334  HD.3176 An Act relative to slot machines at racetracks.
H.344  HD.653 An Act prohibiting devocalization of dogs and cats.
S.347  SD.2008 An Act to Restore Public Confidence in Government by Eliminating "Pay-to-Play" Opportunities .
S.351  SD.108 An Act relative to voter registration in public high schools.
H.351  HD.3229 An Act directing the Department of Education to include a course in civics as a high school graduation requirement
S.356  SD.2001 An Act establishing risk-limiting audits of election results.
S.358  SD.488 An Act to remove unfair incumbent advantage from the ballot and to change “unenrolled” to “independent”
S.360  SD.957 An Act relative to voter identification.
S.361  SD.958 An Act relative to voting list access.
S.362  SD.959 An Act relative to campaign reporting.
S.363  SD.960 An Act relative to independent campaign expenditures and electioneering communications.
S.364  SD.1022 An Act Closing Campaign Finance Loopholes.
H.375  HD.1737 An Act Relative to Financial Literacy Curriculum.
S.406  SD.671 An Act updating the animal control laws of Massachusetts.
H.413  HD.3742 Resolve providing for an investigation and study by a special commission relative to child suicide.
S.437  SD.782 An Act to provide increased sewer rate relief
H.437  HD.882 An Act relative to parental notification and consent.
S.438  SD.849 An Act relative to the removal and disposal of waste oil
S.440  SD.874 An Act to strengthen waterways enforcement
S.441  SD.956 An Act to assure uniformity in the regulation of sanitary sewage treatment and disposal.
S.442  SD.1912 An Act for a competitive economy through safer alternatives to toxic chemicals.
S.461  SD.1782 An Act relative to an appeal process of insurance premium surcharges under managed competition.
S.462  SD.1274 An Act to establish standards for long term care insurance.
S.484  SD.277 An Act further regulating automobile insurance surcharges.
H.484  HD.1271 An Act Relative to Special Education Enrollment
S.514  SD.1033 An Act Relative to Health Care Mandates.
S.542  SD.483 An Act relative to creditable coverage.
H.565  HD.2129 An Act relative to voter identification at election polls.
S.585  SD.525 An Act to reduce health care costs and improve patient care.
S.591  SD.1031 An Act Relative to Mandatory Prescription Drug Coverage.
S.607  SD.111 An Act providing coverage of educational expenses to deceased veterans .
S.614  SD.57 An Act to promote higher education among employees of human services provider organizations.
S.617  SD.87 An Act authorizing municipalities to protect low and moderate income tenants and units of governmentally involved housing.
H.618  HD.1126 An Act establishing a tax credit for hiring individuals with autism spectrum disorders.
H.624  HD.238 An Act relative to the Home of the Brave.
S.640  SD.427 An Act relative to ilegal immigrants and publiclysubsidized housing.
H.650  HD.2284 Proposal for a legislative amendment to the Constitution relative to a vacancy in the office of Governor and Lieutenant Governor
S.660  SD.586 An Act streamlining permitting for housing
S.664  SD.954 An Act relative to rent witholding.
H.668  HD.1257 An Act relative to proof of identification for voters.
S.683  SD.1658 An Act Relative to Chapter 23 of the General Laws .
S.719  SD.1023 An Act Relative to Willfull Violations of the Wage Law.
S.720  SD.1024 An Act Relative to Unemployment Insurance Rates.
S.721  SD.1026 An Act Relative to Employer Liability Protection.
S.776  SD.113 An Act relative to town meeting dates.
S.778  SD.1352 An Act Establishing a Massachusetts Cat and Dog Spay and Neuter Fund.
S.790  SD.1532 An Act relative to municipal management
S.792  SD.1132 An Act to allow municipalities to conduct fingerprint based background checks of federal records for employment and licensing purposes.
S.794  SD.1965 An Act relative to the removal or transportation of trash.
H.806  HD.3819 An Act relative to certain municipal costs.
H.817  HD.2485 An Act relating to establishing a trail maintenance program within the Department of Conservation and Recreation.
S.840  SD.1345 An Act Relative to Primary Stroke Designation Hospitals
S.856  SD.1195 An Act Requiring Hospitals to Notify Patients of Physician Discipline
S.872  SD.1261 An Act to Prohibit Mandatory Overtime for the Health Care Workforce.
S.876  SD.1673 An Act to Promote the Nursing Profession and Promote Safe Patient Care.
H.888  HD.739 An Act relative to an appeal process of motor vehicle insurance surcharges under managed competition.
S.895  SD.998 An Act Creating A Metro West Public Health District .
S.896  SD.1681 An Act relative to women’s health and cancer recovery.
S.897  SD.680 An Act encouraging organ donation
S.918  SD.212 An Act relative to missing persons.
S.921  SD.223 An Act relative to the safety of law enforcement officers.
S.952  SD.272 An Act authorizing the police officers to take certain actions outside their jurisdiction.
S.981  SD.862 An Act requiring payment by certain prisoners of the Commonwealth
S.987  SD.1114 An Act relative to emergency medical services at certain prison facilities.
S.1000  SD.1008 An Act to reduce gun violence and promote public safety.
S.1063  SD.1523 An Act continuing retirement group membership for law enforcement officials.
S.1080  SD.2024 An Act Relative To Pension Reform.
S.1102  SD.114 An Act relative to the residency requirements of assistant treasurers and collectors.
S.1103  SD.284 An Act relative to teachers' retirement credits for parochial schools.
S.1104  SD.328 An Act establishing a special commission on the massachusetts public employees retirement system.
S.1202  SD.1007 An Act further providing that certain teachers shall be credited with service to nonpublic schools.
H.1248  HD.3939 An Act protecting those individuals with mental disabilities.
S.1270  SD.1595 An Act establishing the Commonwealth Lung Cancer Early Detection and Treatment Research Fund.
S.1271  SD.1634 An Act establishing a municipal gas tax exemption.
S.1273  SD.1650 An Act relative to the senior circuit breaker tax credit.
H.1277  HD.3341 An Act relative to underage alcohol consumption.
S.1279  SD.390 An Act Extending the Investment Tax Credit to All Corporations.
S.1283  SD.1534 An Act expanding senior tax reductions for volunteer services .
S.1290  SD.275 An Act providing a tax exemption for a taxpayer supporting an elderly relative.
S.1291  SD.276 An Act relative to tax credits for prescription drugs.
S.1292  SD.278 An Act relative to exempting children's books from state sales tax.
S.1293  SD.279 An Act relative to tax deductions for home heating costs.
S.1294  SD.282 An Act to establish a sales tax retention allowance.
S.1296  SD.1342 An Act Relative Tax Deductions for Contributions to College Savings Plans.
H.1313  HD.2091 An Act relative to resisting arrest.
H.1314  HD.2170 An Act relative to high speed chases.
S.1331  SD.1932 An Act establishing the local aid stabilization fund.
S.1332  SD.3 An Act to create property tax credits for individuals with disabilities.
S.1342  SD.627 An Act dedicating a portion of the Stabilization Fund to cities and towns
S.1343  SD.641 An Act providing for a tax exemption on the sale of recycled materials
S.1345  SD.751 An Act establishing a commuter tax deduction
S.1347  SD.879 An Act to provide a property tax credit to surviving spouses of certain public safety personnel
S.1348  SD.2032 An Act relative to the revenues of commonwealth.
H.1349  HD.933 An Act Relative to the Sexual Offender Registry.
S.1360  SD.965 An Act limiting a portion of the rainy day fund to mitigate local aid cuts.
S.1362  SD.1003 An Act establishing a permanent annual sales tax holiday.
S.1363  SD.1004 An Act to increase research and development in emerging industries.
S.1364  SD.1005 An Act relative to expanding the investment tax credit.
S.1365  SD.1019 An Act Relative to Tax Credits for Student User Fees.
S.1366  SD.1025 An Act Relative to Jobs Creation in the Commonwealth.
S.1367  SD.1029 An Act Relative to Corporate Taxes.
S.1368  SD.1057 An Act relative to extending single sales factor apportionment to all corporations.
S.1369  SD.1058 An Act relative to property tax exemption for persons over the age of seventy.
S.1370  SD.1059 An Act providing a tax credit for employers providing day care and/or day care subsidies to their employees.
S.1371  SD.1061 An Act creating a private mortgate insurance tax deduction.
S.1372  SD.1062 An Act exempting certain elderly persons from certain real estate increases .
S.1373  SD.1063 An Act encouraging deleading of residential units.
S.1374  SD.1064 An Act relative to exempting certain medical supplies from the state sales tax.
H.1408  HD.1643 An Act requiring the disclosure of obscene materials.
S.1410  SD.1924 An Act relative to transparency in state revenues and expenditures.
S.1420  SD.1753 An Act relative to privatization contracts.
H.1423  HD.2504 An Act relative to the punishment of habitual offenders.
S.1454  SD.743 An Act relative to zero-based budgeting and budget transparency
S.1455  SD.749 An Act to provide for accountability and transparency in the finances of the commonwealth
S.1456  SD.823 An Act establishing godparent's day
S.1459  SD.1036 An Act Relative to Competitive State Contracting.
S.1460  SD.1038 An Act Relative to Increased Efficiencies in State Government.
S.1461  SD.1040 An Act Relative to Ethics Reform.
S.1462  SD.1054 An Act relative to human contact with state agencies.
S.1463  SD.1055 An Act reducing the use of paper and increasing government efficiencies.
S.1464  SD.1056 An Act worker documentation certification program.
S.1481  SD.1518 An Act to promote energy efficient lighting, conserve energy, regulate outdoor night lighting, and reduce light pollution.
H.1499  HD.1553 An Act to Include Animals in Abuse Prevention Orders.
H.1511  HD.2180 An Act relative to the crime of identity fraud.
S.1537  SD.1122 An Act relative to the safety and protection of utility work and construction sites.
S.1539  SD.1052 An Act to protect consumer privacy rights.
S.1571  SD.190 An Act relative to increasing the civil fines and financial responsibilities and criminal penalties of motorists who violate the right of way of other motorists, motorcyclists, bicyclists and/or pedestrians, resulting in serious bodily injury and/or death.
S.1611  SD.1913 An Act to relative to sexual assault and stalking restraining orders.
H.1650  HD.3269 An Act providing against compelled disclosure of certain information by the news media.
H.1672  HD.1268 An Act relative to proof of identification for marriage.
S.1693  SD.1627 An Act further regulating sex offender registration.
S.1694  SD.1978 An Act relative to victims rights.
S.1697  SD.1499 An Act Relative to Police Pursuits in the Commonwealth.
H.1699  HD.1276 An Act Relative to Shared Custody.
H.1700  HD.1304 Proposal for a legislative amendment to the Constitution prohibiting eminent domain
H.1701  HD.1347 An Act Requiring that Eminent Domain be for the Public Use and Defining Public Use.
S.1708  SD.1291 An Act relative to enhancing Melanie's Law.
S.1725  SD.116 An Act relative to reporting child pornography.
S.1726  SD.123 An Act relative to penalties for failure to appear in court.
S.1727  SD.131 An Act relative to eliminating presumed personal recognizance for certain defendants.
S.1728  SD.136 An Act relative to failing to appear in court after release on bail.
S.1729  SD.140 An Act relative to child safety and information sharing.
S.1730  SD.141 An Act relative to teen violence.
S.1731  SD.271 An Act prohibiting sex offenders from operating school buses and ice cream trucks.
H.1731  HD.3172 An Act Relative to Fingerprinting.
S.1732  SD.321 An Act relative to electronic communication by sex offenders.
S.1733  SD.322 An Act relative to the registration fee of sex offenders.
S.1735  SD.327 An Act eliminating certain paid holidays.
S.1736  SD.2027 An Act Relative to Bunker Hill Day.
H.1785  HD.3352 An Act relative to the determination of alimony payments.
S.1807  SD.551 An Act relative to judicial recusal.
S.1808  SD.610 An Act providing for progressive penalties for the crime of motor vehicular homicide.
S.1811  SD.717 An Act to criminalize the attempted production of Class B drugs
S.1815  SD.774 An Act to reduce teen smoking
S.1816  SD.778 An Act providing for reciprocal service for restraining orders
S.1817  SD.826 An Act to promote fair employment and security in the Commonwealth
S.1818  SD.857 An Act relative to timely classification of sex offenders
S.1819  SD.894 An Act to combat recidivist drunk driving.
S.1824  SD.1108 An Act relative to murder committed by youthful offenders.
S.1825  SD.1110 An Act clarifying ambiguities relative to Question 2.
S.1829  SD.1012 An Act providing for increased penalties for persons who commit crimes against the elderly.
S.1831  SD.1016 An Act relative to abuse prevention.
S.1832  SD.1017 An Act relative to the expansion of the state DNA database.
S.1833  SD.1041 An Act Establishing Criminal Penalties for Illegal Lobbying.
S.1834  SD.1048 An Act increasing penalties for driving without a license or registration.
S.1861  SD.1757 An Act relative to the registry of deeds.
S.1870  SD.1292 An Act relating to the treatment of elephants.
H.1882  HD.4264 An Act authorizing the appointment of retired Millis police officers as special police officers in the town of Millis.
H.1884  HD.4460 An Act Authorizing the City of Attleboro to Continue the Employment of Ronald M. Churchill.
S.1894  SD.218 An Act relative to assuring that motorcyclists between the ages of 16 and 18 are provided with adequate education relative to the proper safety and operation of a motorcycle.
S.1920  SD.414 An Act to allow hybrid and alternate fuel vehicles in hov-designated highwayy lanes.
S.1921  SD.425 An Act relative to motor vehicle registrations.
S.1922  SD.484 An Act relative to free transponders.
S.1923  SD.485 An Act requiring the use of headlights in inclement weather.
S.1924  SD.519 An Act Relative to Ignition Interlock Devices.
S.1925  SD.555 An Act Relative to Ignition Interlock Devices.
S.1933  SD.323 An Act relative to the junior operator penalties.
S.1934  SD.1555 An Act to promote and and advance motorcycle safety.
S.1957  SD.1833 An Act relative to regional transit authorities.
S.1961  SD.1923 An Act Relative to Freezing the Tolls.
S.1964  SD.563 An Act increasing protection against drivers under the influence of drugs
S.1965  SD.621 An Act verifying the effectiveness of flagmen
S.1966  SD.786 An Act relative to special veterans plates
S.1975  SD.1030 An Act to Improve the Finances of the Massachusetts Turnpike.
S.1976  SD.1045 An Act increasing awareness of junior operators on the roadways of the Commonwealth.
S.1978  SD.1049 An Act relative to speed limits in cities and towns.
S.1979  SD.1050 An Act relative to disabled veterans' motor vehicle plates.
S.2001  SD.1888 An Act Relative to Veterans’ Burial Benefits.
S.2003  SD.1919 An Act Relative to the Home of the Brave.
S.2004  SD.412 An Act relative to the Massachusetts Medal of Sacrifice.
S.2014  SD.1039 An Act requiring a supermajority vote for the utilization of rainy day funds.
S.2017  SD.221 An Act relative to standards for protective headgear for operators or passengers on motorcycles.
S.2018  SD.1119 An Act relative to the use of road flaggers and police details on public works projects.
S.2137  SD.2189 An Act relative to regional transit authorities.
S.2179  SD.2285 An Act increasing the pension benefits payable to Aquinnah Sarah Burgess by the Attleboro retirement system.
H.2195  HD.3226 An Act relative to the licensing fees of firearms
H.2268  HD.1331 An Act Relative to the Bureau of Forest Fire Control.
H.2296  HD.1589 An Act to increase the homeland security of the commonwealth by merging the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority police department into the department of state police.
H.2513  HD.2302 An Act to grant A. John Crisafulli three years of creditable service.
S.2528  SD.2691 An Act designating a certain bridge in the town of Mansfield as the Sergeant Douglas Weddleton Memorial Bridge.
H.2614  HD.1313 An Act relative to the retirement of John J. Sbrega.
H.2685  HD.3225 An Act relative to expanding the septic system tax credit.
H.2712  HD.2094 An Act providing for a certain green tax credit.
H.2726  HD.2068 An Act to establish a green building income and excise tax credit.
H.2731  HD.946 An Act Relative to Certain Income Tax Deductions.
H.2753  HD.2354 An Act relative to sales and excise tax exemptions for disabled veterans.
H.2781  HD.779 An Act relative to respecting the will of the voters.
H.2812  HD.3842 An Act relative to historic residential tax credit.
H.2821  HD.2545 An Act to exempt small charities from tax upon raffle proceeds.
H.2849  HD.1530 An Act relative to the renewable energy income tax credit.
H.2892  HD.957 An Act Relative to Property Taxes and Senior Citizens.
H.2893  HD.1285 An Act Relative to the Assessments of Long Term Care Facilities.
H.2937  HD.3022 An Act relative to historic rehabilitation tax credits.
H.2972  HD.3716 An Act relative to the Massachusetts Revenues and Expenditures Transparency Act.
H.3006  HD.1205 An Act to convey certain Commonwealth property consisting of the waters of Farm Pond, its tributaries, and water distribution system to the town of Sherborn.
H.3067  HD.1695 An Act relative to the safety and protection of utility work and construction sites.
H.3367  HD.3609 An Act to Freeze Toll Increases.
H.3394  HD.954 An Act Relative to Veterans.
H.3527  HD.1252 An Act relative to sex offender registration.
H.3583  HD.2232 An Act regarding treble damages.
H.3587  HD.2165 An Act establishing a regionalization advisory commission.
H.3705  HD.1116 An Act authorizing the town of Natick to lease certain property.
H.3706  HD.1149 An Act authorizing the town of Natick to establish a separate fund for acquisition and the construction of new parking
H.3803  HD.1117 An Act establishing a three year phase in of transportation costs into the special education circuit breaker.
H.3809  HD.984 An Act relative to insurance coverage for autism.
H.3828  HD.3688 An Act relative to a medical emergency response plan for schools.
H.3834  HD.1080 An Act relative to senior tax relief.
H.3871  HD.4228 An Act to deter underage drinking.
H.3967  HD.4166 An Act extending time for veterans and seniors to pay property taxes.
H.4004  HD.4229 An Act to provide protection against sex offenders.
H.4068  HD.3954 An Act establishing and regulating resort-style entertainment in the Commonwealth.
H.4079  HD.1090 An Act reimbursing cities and towns for special education transportation costs.
H.4211  HD.4519 An Act establishing a sick leave for Susan Harper, an employee of the Department of Developmental Services.
H.4216  HD.4535 An Act amending the charter of the town of Millis for the purpose of establishing an appointed board of assessors.
H.4232  HD.4546 An Act to establish licensing requirements and protections for certain cottage communities.
H.4419  HD.4775 An Act Exempting the Position of Chief of Police of the Town of Natick from the Provisions of Civil Service Law.
* — Legislator is not a sponsor of this measure.