State House
24 Beacon St.
Room 109C
Boston, MA, 02133
Room 109C
Boston, MA, 02133
Bill | Docket | Bill Pinslip/Title | |
S.52 | SD.436 | An Act to assess the impact of the public welfare system on the health and well-being of children. | |
S.53 | SD.1394 | An Act establishing the interstate compact for juveniles. | |
S.54 | SD.1413 | An Act ensuring access to basic health care for children and young adults. | |
S.148 | SD.14 | An Act relative to home improvement contractor registration. | |
S.149 | SD.1366 | An Act relative to second hand dealers. | |
S.150 | SD.1405 | An Act increasing the penalty for health-related risks associated with cosmetology. | |
S.247 | SD.16 | An Act relative to projects funded by the school building authority. | |
S.248 | SD.1385 | An Act to improve quality physical education. | |
S.249 | SD.1515 | An Act Relative to Evaluating and Enhancing Quality Physical Education. | |
S.250 | SD.1647 | An Act creating the after school and out of school time coordinating council. | |
S.407 | SD.2011 | An Act designating the walking path along Lynn Shore Drive at Red Rock Park in the city of Lynn as the Senator Walter J. Boverini Scenic Walkway. | |
S.485 | SD.1365 | An Act relative to increasing coverage for infertility treatments. | |
S.694 | SD.15 | An Act relative to worker's compensation. | |
S.695 | SD.23 | An Act relative to workers compensation for veterans. | |
S.696 | SD.1632 | An Act relative to personnel records | |
S.697 | SD.1702 | An Act relative to mediation. | |
S.698 | SD.1894 | An Act relative to modernizing and protecting the unemployment insurance system. | |
S.831 | SD.1885 | An Act relative to health care providers and first responders education. | |
S.832 | SD.1900 | An Act further regulating the rights of adopted children. | |
S.833 | SD.1906 | An Act Establishing an organ donation registration fund. | |
S.954 | SD.1330 | An Act providing for HIV testing for at risk police officers. | |
S.955 | SD.1434 | An Act provide for an air bag on-off switch to ensure safety to women. | |
S.956 | SD.1444 | An Act relative to improving playgrounds. | |
S.957 | SD.1466 | An Act promote safety in the transportation of students. | |
S.958 | SD.1883 | An Act relative to the appointment of certain state racing commission members as special officers. | |
S.959 | SD.2012 | An Act relative to rock wall climbing safeguards. | |
S.1106 | SD.17 | An Act relative to creditable service for teachers. | |
S.1107 | SD.1341 | An Act to evaluate the cost of modifying pension benefits for police officers. | |
S.1108 | SD.1407 | An Act including public works employees in group four. | |
S.1109 | SD.1416 | An Act relative to a minimum pension. | |
S.1110 | SD.1421 | An Act authorizing regional retirement systems to establish a postemployment benefits trust fund. | |
S.1111 | SD.1423 | An Act relative to creditable service for certain uncompensated deputy probation officers. | |
S.1112 | SD.1424 | An Act relative to funding the retirement system of abolished counties. | |
S.1113 | SD.1429 | An Act relative to retirement allowances of certain married persons. | |
S.1114 | SD.1432 | An Act to provide retirement benefits for veterans. | |
S.1115 | SD.1442 | An Act relative to surviving spouses of retirees. | |
S.1116 | SD.1450 | An Act relative to the retirement group classification of MWRA electricians. | |
S.1117 | SD.1476 | An Act relative to pension benefits for widows of disabled public employees. | |
S.1118 | SD.1479 | An Act relative to retirement group classification of employees of water departments. | |
S.1119 | SD.1500 | An Act authorizing certain retired employees creditable retirement service in the armed forces. | |
S.1120 | SD.1528 | An Act relative to interest arbitration for state employed health care professionals. | |
S.1121 | SD.1543 | An Act to restore collective bargaining rights for employees of the MBTA. | |
S.1122 | SD.1801 | An Act relative to pension liability scheduling. | |
S.1123 | SD.1807 | An Act to provide accountability, efficiency, and equity to retirement systems. | |
S.1124 | SD.1914 | An Act to establish a service based public retirement benefit. | |
S.1430 | SD.1401 | An Act providing the town of Saugus financial assistance for the replacement of water mains located under certain portions of the state highway rt 1. | |
S.1431 | SD.1494 | An Act relative to direct payments. | |
S.1737 | SD.1357 | An Act relative to insurance coverage for pervasive developmental disorders. | |
S.1738 | SD.1435 | An Act to clarify the charitable purposes of certain organizations. | |
S.1739 | SD.1736 | An Act relative to the arrest and prosecution for the possession of marihuana for medical purposes. | |
S.1740 | SD.1960 | An Act to Repeal Mandatory Minimum Sentencing Laws for Drug Offenses. | |
S.1934 | SD.1555 | An Act to promote and and advance motorcycle safety. | |
S.2007 | SD.24 | An Act relative to certain benefits for surviving spouses while a surviving child serves in the armed forces. | |
S.2008 | SD.2045 | An Act establishing the Massachusetts GI bill to provide tuition and fee waivers for National Guard members and veterans. | |
S.2103 | SD.2160 | An Act relative to the relocation of electrical power transmission lines in the city of Lynn. | |
S.2350 | SD.2482 | An Act establishing a sick leave bank for John Phelan, an employee of the Massachusetts Department of Transportation. | |
S.2458 | SD.2638 | Text of amendment (93) offered by Mr. McGee to the pending Senate Ways and Means amendment (Senate, No. 4) to the House Bill making appropriations for the fiscal year 2010 for the maintenance of the departments, boards, commissions, institutions and certain activities of the Commonwealth, for interest, sinking fund and serial bond requirements and for certain permanent improvements | |
S.2624 | SD.2766 | An Act establishing a sick leave bank for Barbara Sereda, an employee of the Department of Transitional Assistance. | |
S.2637 | SD.2786 | An Act relative to the Mount Hood Memorial Park and Golf Course Enterprise Fund In the City of Melrose. | |
S.830 | SD.1418 | An Act to the placement of automatic external defibrillators. This bill is by request. * |
* — Legislator is not a sponsor of this measure.