State House
24 Beacon St.
Room 109E
Boston, MA, 02133
Room 109E
Boston, MA, 02133
Bill | Docket | Bill Pinslip/Title | |
S.48 | SD.812 | An Act relative to deceased poor and indigent persons. | |
S.49 | SD.889 | An Act relative to deceased poor and indigent persons. | |
S.142 | SD.787 | An Act further regulating radio frequency identification devices in the Commonwealth . | |
S.143 | SD.886 | An Act relative to the inspection of power operated doors. | |
S.144 | SD.936 | An Act regulating advertisements and solicitations for time shares. | |
S.145 | SD.937 | An Act relative to state and county fairs. | |
S.146 | SD.1393 | An Act requiring certain officials to be trained in cardiopulmonary resuscitation. | |
S.242 | SD.920 | An Act relative to bullying in schools. | |
S.243 | SD.929 | An Act relative to bullying in schools. | |
S.480 | SD.139 | An Act relative to patient care access. | |
S.481 | SD.1321 | An Act relative to the disclosure of ATM fees. | |
S.482 | SD.1795 | An Act to further define adverse determinations by insurers. | |
S.483 | SD.1816 | An Act requiring insurers to report malpractice claims or actions for optometrists. | |
S.545 | SD.143 | An Act to provide for the privacy of information submitted by hospital medical staff. | |
S.546 | SD.1851 | An Act establishing a hardship waiver for Medicaid beneficiaries. | |
S.822 | SD.853 | An Act relative to birth, marriage and death records. | |
S.823 | SD.1332 | An Act relative to podiatrists performing surgery. | |
S.824 | SD.1335 | An Act relative to the signing of death certificates. | |
S.825 | SD.1343 | An Act relative to funerals. | |
S.826 | SD.1629 | An Act relative to the definition of surgery. | |
S.827 | SD.1769 | An Act relative to truth in advertising. | |
S.828 | SD.1926 | An Act to promote urinary incontinence health management. | |
S.829 | SD.1954 | An Act to clarify the site assignment process. | |
S.951 | SD.1404 | Resolve providing for investigating construction practices and their impact on firefighter deaths. | |
S.1094 | SD.112 | An Act relative to creditable service for school business administrators. | |
S.1095 | SD.144 | An Act relative to credible service for school nurses. | |
S.1096 | SD.1358 | An Act authorizing certain public employees creditable retirement service for service in the armed forces. | |
S.1097 | SD.1431 | An Act relative to defining employees in Group 2. | |
S.1098 | SD.1460 | An Act authorizing the State Board of Retirement to grant creditable service to John A. Giannini. | |
S.1099 | SD.1557 | An Act pertaining to the rights of fire fighters and police officers. | |
S.1100 | SD.1865 | An Act relative to accrued sick time of certain state employees. | |
S.1101 | SD.1895 | An Act relative to Brockton School Police. | |
S.1289 | SD.1487 | An Act providing incentives for the purchase and use of alternative fuel vehicles. | |
S.1429 | SD.1526 | An Act expanding the authority of the bureau of special investigations. | |
S.1724 | SD.1328 | An Act relative to jury service. | |
S.1871 | SD.510 | An Act to improve Indian representation within the Commission of Indian Affairs. | |
S.1872 | SD.888 | An Act relative to vital records. | |
S.2029 | SD.2089 | An Act relative to the City of Brockton's calculations of its local contribution to net school spending. | |
S.2030 | SD.2090 | An Act relative to the City of Brockton's contribution to the health insurance premium of its retirees and employees’ and to the schedules of benefits for health insurance plans offered by the city. | |
S.2209 | SD.2300 | An Act establishing a sick leave bank for Diane Hubbard, an employeed of the Massachusetts Department of Industrial Accidents. | |
S.2226 | SD.2327 | An Act relative to extending the deadline for mailing quarterly tax bills. | |
S.2254 | SD.2374 | An Act establishing a sick leave bank for Gloria Oluboje, an employee of the Massachusetts Department of Transitional Assistance. | |
S.2519 | SD.2580 | An Act relative to record keeping for condominiums. | |
S.2539 | SD.2681 | An Act ammending the subsidized housing inventoy for the Town of Hanover. |
* — Legislator is not a sponsor of this measure.